snobbish on MFP?



  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    If we are all here to gain support for the insurmountable and overwhelming task of changing our lifestyles and getting healthy...why can't everyone just keep the criticisms to a minimum. There is a way to point out a better way of doing things, however, the process of putting on your shoes doesn't have to be an argument...

    It's either a sock and a sock and a shoe and a shoe OR a sock and a shoe and a sock in a shoe. As Meathead put it--best to put on a sock and a shoe and a sock and a shoe in the northern states just in case of an evacuation during the winter. You can hop around and keep both feet dry.

    Of course if you don't wear socks, you have a different process.... :)

    All I gotta say to this is......WOW.......what a perspective! :)
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    IMO, the snob thing is simple: there are people here (and everywhere else) who think they know everything, and those people are very annoying to those of us who really do know everything.

    In the same vein, those people who think they are somehow superior are a constant annoyance to us select few who really are superior.

    And those who have apparently joined MFP merely to show off what they think is is hottest sexy bod ever to grace humankind - me, well, I personally regard them as (mildly) amusing to those of who *know* that we've got the hottest sexy bods ever to grace humankind, right here beneath all the excess poundage we're workiing so hard to lose. :wink:
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    they should call it my fitness bully
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    IMO, the snob thing is simple: there are people here (and everywhere else) who think they know everything, and those people are very annoying to those of us who really do know everything.

    In the same vein, those people who think they are somehow superior are a constant annoyance to us select few who really are superior.

    And those who have apparently joined MFP merely to show off what they think is is hottest sexy bod ever to grace humankind - me, well, I personally regard them as (mildly) amusing to those of who *know* that we've got the hottest sexy bods ever to grace humankind, right here beneath all the excess poundage we're workiing so hard to lose. :wink:
    Just to add that, since we're all subject to the human frailties I'm poking fun at above, I figure I might as well let the know-it-alls & better-than-alls persist in their delusions; since to take on every know-it-all* and better-than-all on the internet is a task I could never finish and don't care to begin.

    (*Unless some know-it-all claims that I, specifically, am wrong about some specific fact that I have put forth and about which I know that I am right. Then my intellectual honor demands that I make clear just exactly how wrong that person is. But despite my compulsion to do this, I can still acknowledge that is pretty much a dead waste of time. :ohwell: )

    Those too sexy for this forum seem to be here mostly to meet others too sexy for this forum, so I might as well just ignore them so that they can run off and do whatever it is that people who are too sexy for the internet do on the internet.

    The gist of it is that, unless people's jerky behavior directly affects me, an internet forum is a great place to just ignore them and let them jerk away at each other.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Well, if you take this:
    Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes.

    And edit out the fitness website specifics, it's this:
    Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad, they take it on innocents.

    Which does sound just like the real life.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    There are a lot of fakes and pretenders, but really there is no one more awesome than me.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    they should call it my fitness bully

    Who do you feel has bullied you?
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    People always ask me, "Hey, don't you ever get tired of being right all the time?"

    I say, "No."

    Or at least that's what I think they're saying. . .
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    What many see as bullying I see as the smart people calling out the dumb people. To avoid being bullied, don't be an idiot.
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    Also many people said that new people shouldn't speak out with their opinion. Is that not forcing your will on another? I'm amazed how worked up some people have gotten over a little statement. If their were no truth in it would people have took such offense?
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    What many see as bullying I see as the smart people calling out the dumb people. To avoid being bullied, don't be an idiot.

    you have to belittle people and you call them dumb??
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    What many see as bullying I see as the smart people calling out the dumb people. To avoid being bullied, don't be an idiot.

    Thats just ignorant to be honest......the statement made is ignorant for clarity's sake--not you because I would never give cause to call anyone that so if you take offense, I am REALLY sorry :flowerforyou: , but I just feel that the statement made is ignorant.

    Too many people call others "dumb" or "idiot" or even "moron".......people who ask questions for the sake of their own curiosity should not be bullied. There is no such thing as a dumb question.........if you don't know, you ask. That is all she was curious about. She didn't understand--and on the flip side, granted, she hadn't really had the time to see how these message boards flowed--therefore, she asked. Plain and simple.

    We all need to be a bit more accepting of this line of questioning because no one who posts threads like this is actually calling anyone on here "snobs" or the like. They just have not seen how this message board works is all and some people just don't wait until they get a feel for it.......thats just who they are as a person and thats not a crime.
  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    There are a lot of fakes and pretenders, but really there is no one more awesome than me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There is no such thing as a dumb question.........

    Yes there is. I had a pet rabbit when I was young and a girl I knew (about 14-15 years old) was stroking it and asked, "Is this real rabbit fur?"
  • TexasGirl_Amie
    I am regularly baffled by the online behavior I see on MFP. Not the mean stuff, or the snob stuff or the name calling or the arguing - I see that on every. single. Internet. forum. I've. ever. belonged. to. I am baffled by the ratio of "why are people so mean/rude/snobbish" threads to the amount of meanness/rudeness/snobbery I actually see on the forum.

    MFP is tame by Internet forum standards. At least the forums I've participated in. Does MFP attract a lot of people that haven't participated in online forums before? Or is there a correlation between weight loss and hypersensitivity? I really don't understand. Do we get our feelings hurt more when we're hungry?

    OP, what is the expected result of starting a thread like this? I'm not trying to be mean or snobbish or trying to ridicule. I am genuinely curious.

    This, exactly. I don't understand how people don't understand that within any group of people, there's going to be like-minded individuals who tend to flock to each other. I wouldn't have stuck around on here if I hadn't met and bonded with people who have similar beliefs and habits.
    I was inquiring others opinions... Honestly it struck me as snobbish when reading several profiles that had stipulations on friend requests and such and I found it overwhelming... I think it's not black and white. It's ok that I have an opinion just like everyone else right?

    When I first joined, there was a 250 friend limit. I thought it was crazy at the time that some folks had stipulation on who'd they accept friend requests from, because I couldn't imagine having anywhere NEAR that amount. After about a year of steady posting and accepting FR's, I hit the new limit of 1000, and had to delete inactive ones to make room for new ones. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If you don't accept or have limits on who you accept, you're a snob. If you accept everyone, you're a friend-collecting attention *kitten*.

    As it is, I can't keep up with everyone on here, but I'm more active on the forums than the walls. If someone wants to friend me to follow what I have to say, that's great. But I'm not able to read folks' food diaries or keep up with every status update.

    I have a lot of friends that have the same issue that I follow because they are so inspirational to me and I can see what they have been doing to have such great success. :bigsmile:
    Agree that they aren't snobs!
  • TexasGirl_Amie
    There are a lot of fakes and pretenders, but really there is no one more awesome than me.

    True story! Love the clown!!!