snobbish on MFP?



  • Brightstar4031
    Brightstar4031 Posts: 50 Member
    i actually don't see that at all.

    but maybe I would if my first post was so judgmental. maybe I too would have felt attacked and bullied had I come out of the gates the way you did.

    that said....the forums here have nothing to do with the success or lack there of. good luck in your weight loss journey whether you choose to "hang out" on the forums or not.
    I made an observation. You took it very personal for some reason and choose to defend it and say its not so. I've since seen more hateful post in other threads. Why are you so bent on not admitting that some people on here are mean? Why are you so uncomfortable with my opinion/observation? If you don't agree then that's cool, but that doesn't mean I dont have a right to speak up. I understand that this site is a reflection of the "world" but this isn't a dictatorship. I HAVE seen others being bullied on here by other members.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    What many see as bullying I see as the smart people calling out the dumb people. To avoid being bullied, don't be an idiot.

    Thats just ignorant to be honest......the statement made is ignorant for clarity's sake--not you because I would never give cause to call anyone that so if you take offense, I am REALLY sorry :flowerforyou: , but I just feel that the statement made is ignorant.

    Too many people call others "dumb" or "idiot" or even "moron".......people who ask questions for the sake of their own curiosity should not be bullied. There is no such thing as a dumb question.........if you don't know, you ask. That is all she was curious about. She didn't understand--and on the flip side, granted, she hadn't really had the time to see how these message boards flowed--therefore, she asked. Plain and simple.

    We all need to be a bit more accepting of this line of questioning because no one who posts threads like this is actually calling anyone on here "snobs" or the like. They just have not seen how this message board works is all and some people just don't wait until they get a feel for it.......thats just who they are as a person and thats not a crime.
    And some people take the internet far too seriously. Keep your patronizing flower to yourself, thanks.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    There is no such thing as a dumb question.........

    Yes there is. I had a pet rabbit when I was young and a girl I knew (about 14-15 years old) was stroking it and asked, "Is this real rabbit fur?"

    You never know what that girl was thinking at the time she said it......and I don't think it could be labeled as a dumb question........honestly, there are lots of people who say things like that all the time and you don't really know what is going on in their heads at the time........they could be preoccupied with something, are upset about something......the list goes on and on.....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No, trust me. That girl is that dumb. She's still that dumb and she's about 40 now. It's amazing she hasn't drown in the rain.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    No, trust me. That girl is that dumb. She's still that dumb and she's about 40 now. It's amazing she hasn't drown in the rain.

    Okay, well I give.......but point is, no one should be calling anyone dumb, even if that's what we think of the person. Its just not nice.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    But back on topic, since my attempt to lighten the mood went over like a fart in church...

    Any time you go into a new social situation, it's going to seem overwhelming. People who have known each other for months and months are going to be seen as a clique, and those who are new are going to feel like outsiders. Everyone starts off here on equal footing... as a noob. It takes time for everyone to find their niche within the group.

    This is by FAR the most friendly, open group of people I've ever encountered online. Some are uptight, some are snarky, some are overly emotional... sure. Some I have no interest in befriending. Some have no interest in befriending me. And that's perfectly fine.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Seems a strange "intro" for your third post to be insulting people.

    Wow!! ^^^^ thruth!!!!!!
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Met a lot of good people on here--Friends who keep me on track and I have grown to care for--I don't do other social media so I have nothing to compare to -- but overall very positive experience here.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Met a lot of good people on here--Friends who keep me on track and I have grown to care for--I don't do other social media so I have nothing to compare to -- but overall very positive experience here.

    ^^^ :smile:
  • fieldsy4life
    I gotta agree with the OP. Lot's of internet doctors on here who think they know everything because they lost 10 pounds and bought a Jillian Michaels DVD.

    Bring on the hate mail!

    But seriously, 90% of the people I've met on here have been awesome, supportive, and overall fun to talk to. This is a great site. Just ignore the haters :)
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    What many see as bullying I see as the smart people calling out the dumb people. To avoid being bullied, don't be an idiot.

    Thats just ignorant to be honest......the statement made is ignorant for clarity's sake--not you because I would never give cause to call anyone that so if you take offense, I am REALLY sorry :flowerforyou: , but I just feel that the statement made is ignorant.

    Too many people call others "dumb" or "idiot" or even "moron".......people who ask questions for the sake of their own curiosity should not be bullied. There is no such thing as a dumb question.........if you don't know, you ask. That is all she was curious about. She didn't understand--and on the flip side, granted, she hadn't really had the time to see how these message boards flowed--therefore, she asked. Plain and simple.

    We all need to be a bit more accepting of this line of questioning because no one who posts threads like this is actually calling anyone on here "snobs" or the like. They just have not seen how this message board works is all and some people just don't wait until they get a feel for it.......thats just who they are as a person and thats not a crime.
    And some people take the internet far too seriously. Keep your patronizing flower to yourself, thanks.

    Woooow, and what flew up your *kitten*? I was not being patronizing at all........I truly meant it when I said I was sorry and I thought that smilie would have helped to show that I really did mean it. Sorry that I totally missed my mark.........go calm yourself and have a lovely day........
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.

    I said MFP is a lot "like" the real world.
    You think you're "bursting bubbles" by going on to tell me a global statement about the internet, which I did not once mention, and that MFP is, indeed like the real world and is not living up to what it's "supposed" to be like in your opinion. A lot of wasted text just to agree with my sarcastic comment about MFP.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    But back on topic, since my attempt to lighten the mood went over like a fart in church...

    Any time you go into a new social situation, it's going to seem overwhelming. People who have known each other for months and months are going to be seen as a clique, and those who are new are going to feel like outsiders. Everyone starts off here on equal footing... as a noob. It takes time for everyone to find their niche within the group.

    This is by FAR the most friendly, open group of people I've ever encountered online. Some are uptight, some are snarky, some are overly emotional... sure. Some I have no interest in befriending. Some have no interest in befriending me. And that's perfectly fine.

    Ha ha!! Fart in it........youre alright! And I totally have to agree with this statement.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Looks like the OP is just trying to start something.. I'm going to be snobbish and not agree with her.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.

    I said MFP is a lot "like" the real world.
    You think you're "bursting bubbles" by going on to tell me a global statement about the internet, which I did not once mention, and that MFP is, indeed like the real world and is not living up to what it's "supposed" to be like in your opinion. A lot of wasted text just to agree with my sarcastic comment about MFP.

    And you replied to me again, because? :huh:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Woooow, and what flew up your *kitten*? I was not being patronizing at all........I truly meant it when I said I was sorry and I thought that smilie would have helped to show that I really did mean it. Sorry that I totally missed my mark.........go calm yourself and have a lovely day........
    Oh, come on. I was just joking and you posted a three paragraph response. Nothing flew up me *kitten*. I don't need to calm down. This is just an example of what can happen on the internet. You don't know me therefore you don't get my sarcasm and then you turn around and accuse me of ignorance and having an object lodged in my bum. I think it's funny. You think I need to go take my medication. :drinker:
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Seems a strange "intro" for your third post to be insulting people.

    Seems a bit snobbish to me. :drinker:

    This poster has been here for a year already and undoubtedly has seen enough to make this observation. I really think that, just because she hasn't posted much, her opinions and observations are very valid. I would not take this as insulting, unless of course I was one of those people. Life is FAAAAR too short to be one of those. I like to B+ Be positive.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.

    I said MFP is a lot "like" the real world.
    You think you're "bursting bubbles" by going on to tell me a global statement about the internet, which I did not once mention, and that MFP is, indeed like the real world and is not living up to what it's "supposed" to be like in your opinion. A lot of wasted text just to agree with my sarcastic comment about MFP.

    And you replied to me again, because? :huh:

    You're right. Sorry to highlight your obvious blunder. Right now you're being painfully ironic.
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    That's very unfortunate that you have had an experience that has left you feeling the way you do. I have been on MFP for over a year and have only had support & friendship.
    Obviously, people are different, but we always have to take into account that some people dont know how to write properly or are unable to express themselves in words. I think that is why the world is the way it is. Email/computer has taken over the need for proper composition and/or proper conversations.
    I am hoping that is the issue here.
    I hope your experience on MFP gets better....the site is wonderful.
    Good luck on your life adventure!!
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Gee, MFP is a lot like ....what's the name of that place again?

    Oh yeah! The real world!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't see how the "real world" is the internet. There are your bad ones, your snobbish ones, the ones that kill with kindness, ect ect ect.......but in a place like this, if you want something "real" in this world, its not going to happen. This is, or is supposed to be, a filtered sort of "real" where there is no judgement, extra amounts of support and happiness. Some people, I fear, get lost in that sense because of their own struggles toward weight loss. And a lot of the time when they are frustrated or mad that they aren't losing enough THAT quickly, they take it on innocents who just want to know why this message board is like it is sometimes. And sometimes, when they've only been on here a few times and haven't really gotten to know how it flows, they make posts like this one and only see the "snobbish" side or just all around negativity.

    What we all have to realize is that we are all going to have opinions.......some clash.......some dont.......but all in all, we really do need to support each other even if we don't see eye to eye. For instance, some people may think its funny to joke around and call each other names.........I for one, don't like it.......but that doesn't mean I should pass judgement on someone.

    I said MFP is a lot "like" the real world.
    You think you're "bursting bubbles" by going on to tell me a global statement about the internet, which I did not once mention, and that MFP is, indeed like the real world and is not living up to what it's "supposed" to be like in your opinion. A lot of wasted text just to agree with my sarcastic comment about MFP.

    And you replied to me again, because? :huh:

    You're right. Sorry to highlight your obvious blunder. Right now you're being painfully ironic.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: