help i don't want to stop drinking coffee!

gelbell Posts: 24 Member
hello, i was wondering if anyone had any low cal. coffee drinks? I usually have a couple shots of espresso with loads of hershey's syrup so its not the best. So, if anyone has any suggestion that would be great!:smile:


  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I drink my coffee black NO sugar.

    The sugar and creamer just ruin it.

    You will get used to it black, you will actually hate it with sugar in short order.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I drink coffee with half & half...I find if I make the flavored coffees at home, it is very flavorful and yummy
  • LMG0511
    LMG0511 Posts: 24 Member
    I buy flavored coffee (french vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut), and add 1 tsp of fat free half and half (10 cals), and a little bit of stevia (natural sweetener). You could use Splenda or another kind, too! :)
  • millygrl
    millygrl Posts: 98 Member
    I drink my coffee black with sweetener and its delicious :) But if you want it a little more dessert-y, there are low fat flavoured stuff you can add, like hazelnut or irish cream. They are good, but I seem to remember they have trans-fats.... This is the stuff I meant. It seems they have taken out the trans fats
  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    Sounds like you like the chocolate syrup more than the espresso. How about a cup of warm chocolate milk (skim or 1%)? Or cut the amount of chocolate syrup in half.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    I too drink it black and could not have sugar any more.... But I used to have about 2 or 3 spoons of surgar in every mug, the trick is to do it slowely by 1/2 or 1/3 you will find that once you get used to it with less sugar each time you wont be able to put it back up as it will be too sweet. Now if I pick up my husbands 2 sugar coffee by mistake I find it hard to even drink that mouthfull.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    Try a sweeter sugar free or fat free flavored creamer maybe with some equal or splenda...I like my coffee lite and sweet (tons of sugar)so i used to do 2 equals and french vanilla creamer...the french vanilla is so i am used to drinking coffee with no sugar, so i do i splenda if available and fat free creamer or half and half. If u have a dunkin donuts fave is a Blueberry flavor coffee, cream and 1 splenda AHHHH yummy
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I order a small bold in a medium cup and top it off with skim, cocoa powder and 1/3 of a packet of truvia. (they never have that in the coffee shop, but I keep a stash at my desk)

    I'm trying to wean myself of needing any sweetener.

    Not perfect, but better.
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I drink my coffee black NO sugar.

    The sugar and creamer just ruin it.

    You will get used to it black, you will actually hate it with sugar in short order.

    this is how my wife likes her coffee.

    (FYI: I'm her coffee)
  • katacha999
    There are some great zero cal flavour shots - I like creme brule! - and I have never used sugar in my coffee, but I cannot wrap my head around black coffee. So I sacrifice the calories for the 5% light cream. As long as my coffee appears to have cream - I'm good.
  • desihall98
    Find a tea that you like and either use sugar sparingly or use 0 calorie sweeteners, or you can drink the coffee black using sugar sparingly or use 0 calorie sweetener:) PS:i just joined yesterday
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Black- straight up. Nothing to pollute it.
  • katacha999
    I drink my coffee black NO sugar.

    The sugar and creamer just ruin it.

    You will get used to it black, you will actually hate it with sugar in short order.

    this is how my wife likes her coffee.

    (FYI: I'm her coffee)

    Ahahahaha ...
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I drink my coffee black NO sugar.

    The sugar and creamer just ruin it.

    You will get used to it black, you will actually hate it with sugar in short order.

    this is how my wife likes her coffee.

    (FYI: I'm her coffee)

    Aw! I don't you think you should give your wife a little sugar?
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    I drink my coffee black NO sugar.

    The sugar and creamer just ruin it.

    You will get used to it black, you will actually hate it with sugar in short order.

    this is how my wife likes her coffee.

    (FYI: I'm her coffee)

    HAHA... NICE!
  • angelaplaxton
    Hey! Coffee is a toughy! I drank it so much!! I drank it black though :( then i stoped coffee, and started again, with a double double. The cream would just upset my stomach so much!! and i had to go #2 practically immediatly. and the sugar, it was sweet and yummy :)
    So i stopped all to gether! Now I drink green tea, most people roll their eyes and mutter "but its not coffee, i need coffee", so weather its the sweetness with the java buz you are desireing, or the habbit of "a cup of Joe", then eliminate the hershey's stuff, dont buy it anymore :) try even a chocolate milk in the gorcery isle and add 2 teaspoons of that. persevear for a week and you can do it!!!! Then its like a little Mocha :)
    You can do it!!!!! Never give up!
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    Just posted a blog about this!

    As a sidenote, I used to drink coffee with more cream/sugar than actual coffee. When I started counting calories, I knew I had to change things up if I wanted to still drink it. So I started reducing the sugar one packet at a time. As my taste buds adjusted, I would keep reducing. Then, I started reducing the creams, one creamer at a time! One day last month, I noticed that my two-cream coffee (which was almost gross to me when I first went down to 2!) was starting to taste weird...almost filmy on my tongue. I tried black coffee (by accident) one morning and realized that it was what my body was actually wanting now! I had successfully trained my taste buds to enjoy black coffee! I never thought I would EVER see the day!!
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    PS. Hershey's is made with High Fructose Corn Syrup!!! That stuff is your weight loss ENEMY. It contains so much fructose that it disrupts your entire system.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    They make both a light and sugar free hersheys syrup. Espresso has no calories in it!
  • gelbell
    gelbell Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! i think i'm finally ready ditch the Hersheys syrup wish me luck!!!!