FitbitConnor Member


  • I quit about four years ago when my wife and i decided to try for a baby (shes nearly three now :0) ) and the only way i could do it was to at the best of my ability cut any ties i had with the smokes. I mean i didnt go to pubs or bars, i didnt even go near beer as that was when i tended to really smoke the most *socially*…
  • Today I did a total of 50 pushups thanks to the Hundred Pushups iPhone app. (Week 3, Day 2, Level 1) #100Pushups 23 March at 20:22 via Hundred Pushups Today I did a total of 200 situps thanks to the 200 Situps iPhone app. (Week 3, Day 3, Level 3) #200Situps
  • In my opinion and little experience No method of weighing yourself is going to be 100% accurate or consistent as we have too many variables in daily life that can affect the results so some fluctuations should be expected. When you weigh yourself you should note the numbers and record them to be viewed as a broader trend…
  • I forgot to report back on friday! Did WK5 D1 and aced it, im taking the weekend off running though as ive got a bit of a sore toe and want to rest it but i shall be hitting the freeweights instead! I shall do WK3 D3 sit-ups and pull-ups today :0)
  • I had something similar once when i overtrained in the gym, the next day i couldnt straighten my arm either and the pain was right on the inside crease of my elbow. went to the docs and he said it was tendonitis. The tendons that attach your muscles to the bone fit inside little tubes and if over exerted can run and become…
  • nothing can beat rest unfortunately. I'm in the process of trying to fix my foot and continued to train with my injury for over a week and surprise, surprise it didnt get any betterive given my foot total rest for two days and will ease back into training this week and see how it goes i guess :0)
  • I just wanted to add that in spite of losing half a stone, i dont look much different, my clothes which were getting way too snug are just about now starting to fit better but the real difference is i can now run a couple of miles per day without feeling dead the next day, i can now do 55 push-ups (when i started i could…
  • Heaps of Cardio as well will burn off the fat so running/jogging/ cycling/swimming/rowing etc actually swimming would probably be the best as it works those muscle groups as well. Basic press ups would help your chest too :0) Some sites i would recommend if you need help with an exercise routine are:…
  • I like motorcycles and my main bike is a Suzuki GSXR 750 which people refer to as a gixer and my name is Connor.... thats it really lol
  • I did the wet test and it looks like i could be a normal to slight over-pronator and that would go some way to explain the turf toe as well, i think i'll invest in some new footware and see what the guys in the store say as well :0) thanks for the advice!
  • Way to go! keep up the good stuff :0)
  • Did WK5 D1 C25K yesterday but my big toe is giving me grief so will just walk this weekend and TRY to eat sensibly...
  • Couch to 5k is fantastic! Even more so if you have an iPhone and can use the app to prompt you to change from walking to running etc over the music of your choice. I am a guy that's had an aversion for running since I can remember was always rubbish at it and chose to cycle instead, I'm now on wk 5 of c25k and seeing real…
  • I'm not running now until Monday if it's still as bad then it looks like I'll have to go see the doc, I hope it isn't turf toe although it sounds a definite possibility because I don't think I'll lose enough weight to hit my target in time without running :0(
  • Thanks for the replies :0) I had actually wondered if it might be something to do with the way i run, at the moment i run in my nike air max but im looking to invest in some proper running shoes soon. I'll check out that website and see if i can find out if im running wonky lol
  • Just got invited to this group on facebook, i somehow missed all the sports relief business but was amazed at what Eddie Izzard achieved! "Eddie Izzard ran 43 marathons in 51 days!He ran 1,160 miles around the UK to raise money for Sports Relief even though he had no previous running experience and only had just over 5…
  • I've never been too fat to do something before, except maybe be a model or wear daniel craig style swimwear but recently i was given an 'experience' day at silverstone GP track in an aston martin and they have a weight limit that i am well over. I now have a deadline and the possibility of not driving my dream car to…
  • You cannot and should not try to force him in any way, that being said you should ask him to be more thoughtful and supportive. Once he sees you trimming up and looking hot he'll probably realise he needs to make more effort anyway :0)
  • It can be disheartening but just remember that if the weight comes on that fast its more than likely because you are full of food or water/fluid rather than fat, daily fluctuations are perfectly normal and over time you'll see they arent that significant :0)
  • Happy birfday Lee Got my 31st next tuesday so im right with ya LOL Did WK4 D2 of C25K today and it went pretty well, i might do day 3 tomorrow as i want to get onto WK5! Really going to try for a good weekend this weekend but i have a Party to go to and lots of spare time so i might try to fill it with time on the…
  • I finally got over this this time around, I weigh myself daily and used to get disheartened by any gains but now i dont. The reason being is that when i was eating too much I was overloading my body with a bunch of foodstuff that was hard to digest so without getting too gross, i could easily be carrying two days+ worth of…
  • If you were doing somethng bad for you, I would have thought after three weeks your body will be telling you about it. Your weight is coming off at a reasonable pace so if you feel fine I'd stick with it :0) some of us just aren't able to be ridgid with our diet and donut the conventional way but that doesn't mean it is…
  • Busy day today! Completed Week 4 - Day 1 of C25K Today's workout consisted of: Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 2-1/2 minutes - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk 9 hours ago via C25K app Today I did a total of 50 pushups…
  • Was thinking the very same thing lol call it natures encouragement :0)
  • Finally tracked you down lol I went awol for a bit but last week got back on the wagon started up the C25K again along with the 100 pushups and 200 situps (as well as calorie counting of course) also starting swimming on mondays after i get some shorts this weekend. Im back with a vengance too cos the lovely missus bought…
  • Did WK3 D3 last night just to burn off some of those extra pesky weekend calories will do WK4 D1 tomorrow... i found week four tough last time around so im hoping that will be easier as well :0)
  • Its the fructose which is a naturally occurring sugar which ups the calorie count on smoothies, even just plain fruit no ice cream, no yoghurt ones, as other people have said it doesnt mean they are unhealthy, a good portion of fresh fruit so long as there is no other crud thrown in is healthy i wouldnt beat yourself up…
  • Congrats!!! :0)
  • I'm with you on the caffeine addiction at least i was until last week, i was drinking at LEAST on the the odd day 1litres but most between 2-3 litres and sometimes 4. its horrible to admit but i lived off of the stuff, what makes it worse is that i used to drink 2litres of water everyday at work but that was replaced by…