Team UK - March 2010



  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Hi all

    Welcome to Melissa, Caryl, and Ali

    This is a great site to come to, everyone is so supportive (& some are quite nuts.... not talking about anyone in particular Mimi):laugh:

    Well guys on the plus side my anniversary meal went well, we stayed in !! LOL on the downside the 'perfect weekend' maybe more of a challenge as we are going out Sat night with friends!!!!
    Had a couple of glasses of Champagne, and made a low fat fry up with oven chips. I wouldn't let the other half go & buy Chip Shop ones as there is no way I wouldn't have eaten any! He didn't understand why !! MEN well specifically men who would burn the calories in chips off, the next day at work!!

    well have a good day everyone

    So I don;t get a hi then :sad:

  • Carakkm
    Carakkm Posts: 28 Member
    Just checking in to say hi. Have tried to keep up with this thread and I fail miserably! lol.

    I must try harder to keep up and reply properly. I am looking forward to the weekend here, and plan to be motivated, I have a whole day to myself so can do DVD's without kids laughing at my wobbly bits!

    Not had the greatest start to the week, but hey, that's ok I am back on track now, will weigh in tomorrow (expect I have put on this week) but I will have a loss next week!

    Hope you all have a lovely evening :drinker: here's to Friday!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    A BIG hello to everyone *waves*

    It's been a reallly long day for me, had to stay an extra hour at work :tongue: not fun.I'm just glad it's Thursday and tomorrow...TOMORROW is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!!!!! :drinker:

    So I don;t get a hi then :sad:


    Hiya!!! *lol*

    I can smell dinner, so I'm off to get some, TC folks n b'bye for now x
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Just got invited to this group on facebook, i somehow missed all the sports relief business but was amazed at what Eddie Izzard achieved!

    "Eddie Izzard ran 43 marathons in 51 days!He ran 1,160 miles around the UK to raise money for Sports Relief even though he had no previous running experience and only had just over 5 weeks training!"

    Kind of makes the 12 miles ive done this week (some walked) seem pretty pathetic! if a guy his age in his shape can do it then so can i! well maybe not quite... but its a good motivator i thought *maybe i'll start C25K WK5 D1 tomorrow after all....*
  • crispy1990
    Hi all

    Welcome to Melissa, Caryl, and Ali

    This is a great site to come to, everyone is so supportive (& some are quite nuts.... not talking about anyone in particular Mimi):laugh:

    Well guys on the plus side my anniversary meal went well, we stayed in !! LOL on the downside the 'perfect weekend' maybe more of a challenge as we are going out Sat night with friends!!!!
    Had a couple of glasses of Champagne, and made a low fat fry up with oven chips. I wouldn't let the other half go & buy Chip Shop ones as there is no way I wouldn't have eaten any! He didn't understand why !! MEN well specifically men who would burn the calories in chips off, the next day at work!!

    well have a good day everyone

    So I don;t get a hi then :sad:


    I'm so sorry.........
    Hi to Paulo79 as well :bigsmile:
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Hi Well I am about to have the Perfect Week end,but notin the same way!! Mine started on Thurs so already ahead. I went to see Dreamboats and Petticoats with my Mum, Dad and sister.... It was fab!! we danced in the aisles and sang away. I managed to avoid all the chocolate but did have a glass of wine. Now I am off to meet my best friend at a hotel spa. We have 3 treatments booked but the package comes with 3 course dinner every night!! I think all my spare time is going to be spent in the gym or pool!! Will still check in and try to stay on track. Have a Perfect Weekend all !!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    :happy: Morning all,

    Carrie 181 your weekend sounds fab!! Am jelous!!!

    Well guys I have lost 1.5 lbs this week, so really happy with that!! :happy: Means I am moving ever further from the 11 stone mark!!

    I am sending out Save the Date cards for my wedding this weekend, which is now 5 months away, so would love love love to get to 9 something for the big day...... even if its 9.13 1/2 I woudl be delighted!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I am going to try and have the perfect weekend, have actually managed all week with the cals, but not really done any exercise (other than cleaning the house). Am aiming to get to the gym tonight for a pre Friday treat tea workout!!! :wink: :wink:

    Hope you all did well this week and good luck with the perfect weekend challenge!!!

    Jo :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Morning all.

    Firstly well done Jo on losing more weight. I am sure you will reach your goal for the big day.

    I am off work today so I have a nice long weekend to look forward to. Still itching to get to the gym, only 2 more days to go and I will be back there.

    Good luck to all of you who are still aiming to have the perfect weekend.

  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25

    Thanks for the hi's lol

    Hope you all have a good weekend i am off to Norwich to see my kids and then we're off to the football to fortress carrow road to see top of the table Norwich hammer dirty Leeds lol
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Im feeling very sleepy - and i think i might be at the begining of a cold... :explode: Sooo annoying..

    Anyways i musn't let that hinder my perfect weekend.. im going to London tomorrow night to Cavendish square sp. with a couple of my girlie friends and some guys that play for Surrey Cricket.. EXCITEDDDD!!! Lol.. can you tell someone is already getting over the bf!? :laugh: Oooops! Im not sure the alcohol will be very perfect.. but i will be going to the gym tomorrow morning.. that will make it 5 workouts out of 7 days! :drinker: I will make sure i go this afternoon.. debating whether to go home after work and have lunch and then go in the afternoon, or go home, get changed and go...
    Im still pretty full from dinner last night (i have had my porridge though)!! :tongue:

    Oh and there is a 200g Lindt Gold Bunny sitting on my desk.. GAAH Easter! :laugh:

    Only 2 days to go steve and then you can work out till your hearts content heh :wink: I hope you have a goood weekend!
    Jo - Congrats on the weight loss this week! Woooop :drinker: How exciting about sending out the "save the date cards" for the wedding, i bet your so excited for it!!

    Katherine xx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello All :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to your wekends, sounds like some good stuff going on this weekend :happy:

    I'm working - as usual but we have a big weekend. We have Danny Dyer Djing this weekend so I'm looking forward to meeting him and working with him!! (I work in a nightclub doing lighting) I expect we'll be very busy tonight so should be good.
    I just wish I was feeling a little slimmer - I have been avoiding my scales as I know I've put on some water weight and don't want to be disheartened by how much. Typical it fall on a week when I want to feel good!! :sad:

    Hey ho!! Have a great weekend to you all and I'll look forward to catching up with what you've all been up to when I'm home again
    Mel xx :drinker: :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello All :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to your wekends, sounds like some good stuff going on this weekend :happy:

    I'm working - as usual but we have a big weekend. We have Danny Dyer Djing this weekend so I'm looking forward to meeting him and working with him!! (I work in a nightclub doing lighting) I expect we'll be very busy tonight so should be good.
    I just wish I was feeling a little slimmer - I have been avoiding my scales as I know I've put on some water weight and don't want to be disheartened by how much. Typical it fall on a week when I want to feel good!! :sad:

    Hey ho!! Have a great weekend to you all and I'll look forward to catching up with what you've all been up to when I'm home again
    Mel xx :drinker: :drinker:

    Danny Dyer.. as in the film guy?? :tongue:

    Where do you work? x
  • CarylMc1991
    Hello all :)

    Just reading your comments and wondering... this might be a stupid question - what's a perfect weekend?
    I guess that's just healthy eating right? Ooooh I'm silly :laugh:

    Feeling quite good today, got two of my essays in before 4pm and I'm now off uni for 3 weeks, hooray for easter holidays!! Only bad thing is I'm working tonight, 7pm till 4am :( and then it's 10pm till 4am tomorrow.... owwwww.

    Mel - Where do you work!? :O your job sounds awesome anyway :)

    kpnuts23 (cute name.. awww!) - Hope you have a good weekend, London is sweet :) and hope you feel ok, the last thing you need before beginning the weekend is a cold!! (although I think I might catch one after walking in the rain... Cardiff is miserable today!!)

    Jo - Hi! havn't spoken to you yet (havn't really spoken to anyone here yet but I'm new so that's ok :laugh: ) must be so exciting that you're getting married soon!! And well done with your weight-loss, awesome!

    Everyone else whom I missed.... hope you have a great weekend :) yaaaaay!

    Caryl x
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Dam weight. Up two pounds since last weigh in. Took the plunge to try n quit alcohol. Seriously been messing up everything with that and also cigarettes but feeling confident after not having one for a week again. Beer is my enemy. I expected weigh gain tho i suppose. Uni work is killing me along with annoying job. Vent over.
    Back running again tomorrow and next week should be good. Best friend has got heart op next week too so I think i'm fretting more than him lol. Can;t wait for easter to be over so I can get back to normality. I still fit into my 32" jeans tho so can't really complain.

    Looks like everyone else is doing fantastic how Ironic now the shoe is on the other foot. I am the failing on for once!

    Oh well I'm keeping positive I will be fine soon
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Ok so I am no requalified to save all yours lives wahey! First Aid Course was boring but necessary...:drinker:

    K OMG :noway: cricket team I am JEALOUS! Have a great time!

    Here's the start of a perfect weekend! :bigsmile:

    :heart: Mimi xxx
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi all ,
    Hope you're all ok and doing well. Thank crunchie it's Friday!!
    I've been very quiet on here recently, not been logging my food and not been doing too great with my eating either so I really need kick up the behind to get back into it!
    Have a good weekend
    Gem x
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey all, so this week ive lost no extra weight :(
    but that's been due to snacking on chocolate
    next week I'm going to make a batch of soup so I don't take money out with me therefore no chocolate!
    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend
    I'm out tomorrow for my friends 18th exciting stuff
    congrats on everyones weight loses
    hannah xx
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Morning everyone.

    Hope you are all well and for those of you who went out last night I hope there are not too many hangovers or breakfast cures being had. Not much planned for the day. Probably going to have a quiet weekend. Off to Milton Keynes again tomorrow for another check up on my eyes, and if everything is ok i will be back at the gym on Monday :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I'm not looking forward to getting back on the scales. I feel like I have put a bit back on :mad: but I'll just have to work harder at the gym. 8 weeks to go before the holiday so my goal is still 1-2lb a week.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello everyone - hope you're all doing ok? It's sunny here today :smile:

    What are you all up to this weekend? I've got a concert today, so lots of running around sorting things out and then playing this afternoon/evening. No time for the gym today, which is a bit tricky as we usually end up eating at a pub closest to the venue. Will just have to be good. At least when I play I avoid the wine! :noway:

    Tomorrow I'll head off to the gym, and then hopefully get out in to the garden to replant all the veggie seeds that the squirrel dug up and ate! Home made pizza for tea! Gotta try and be good this weekend, because I'm pretty sure that next weekend will be a disaster as I'm going home to see mum, and she just won't take no for an answer on the food or the wine! Then there is the Easter chocolate....:love:

    Hope you all have great weekends.

    Erika x
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    Did WK5 D1 C25K yesterday but my big toe is giving me grief so will just walk this weekend and TRY to eat sensibly...