

  • I found hiking poles on sale at ****'s Sporting Goods last week and figured for $20 for the pair, it was worth a try. I took them to my local park that has a walking path and absolutely loved walking with the poles. I walk every evening after dinner now. Right now I'm only walking one mile. As my body gets used to it I…
  • If your sugar is mostly from fruit I would totally ignore the sugar. You can go in and change your settings so it doesn't track your fat and sugar and tracks something else instead so you won't go crazy trying to meet their low goals.
  • The first couple of weeks might just be water that you are losing. It should slow down a bit after that. If you have a lot of weight to lose (like myself) you might see a loss of closer to 3 pounds a week but the closer you get to your ideal weight the less weight you will lose. (that's why everyone struggles with those…
  • I just started strength training, I always thought you did cardio first to get your heart rate up and then the lifting. I need more information.
  • Copy and paste that number into your little "notes box" every day and then you can go back and check to see if you are at that goal.
  • Read the labels, forget what it says on the front of the package, read the nutrition label. If sugar is one of the first three ingredients put it back and look at another brand or product. I stopped eating processed sugars back in March and I feel so much better but I am not super strict with it. If sugar isn't one of the…
  • I had a bad week this past week because of hormones. I have been off sugar long enough that I don't give in to sweets but I've been pigging out on protein this week. for the jelly bean craving maybe try something like frozen grapes and frozen cherries (pit them first).
  • I gave up processed sugar a few months ago and my cravings dissipated and that was something I struggled with daily all my life. Now when I get hungry for sugar I eat fruit and I feel so much better.
  • Does your school have a gym? Or offer some sort of fitness classes to students? My son's college has a gym on campus that is free for students and they offer a variety of classes that are also free for students - yoga, dance, boxing, etc. If you don't want to join a gym for whatever reason, you don't have to. But you…
  • Will you have a fridge in your hotel room? If possible when you order your meal box up half of it immediately to take home. That way you don't over eat. Another thing I do when I eat out is to order the kid's sized portion.
  • I did have to stop and rest, I didn't push myself to continue when I knew that I needed a few minutes of rest before continuing up.
  • I can see a difference. Your body looks toner in the second pic. Your face looks thinner, your legs not so "lumpy" (for lack of a better word), your torso looks firmer. I have the same problem with seeing the difference in myself quite a bit but you need to realize that the 38 pounds didn't come off of one spot, it came…
  • Zumba seems to be quite popular, there's lots of youtube videos on how to get started doing that. I've also seen belly dancing workouts - if I ever get down to a decent size, I might incorporate that one. I love how it looks.
  • I am 5'3" and the biggest challenge I found in looking for a bike was getting one that was short enough for me. I don't know how long your legs are but my short legs can't handle the full size adult bikes. I ended up looking for bikes that were aimed at teenage girls rather than adults. If you don't know the size bike you…
  • tell her to snack on nuts - walnuts are really good. or when she cooks something to toss some nuts on top like almond slivers on green beans.
  • I agree if you're allowed spices, you need to start playing around with them. I've found the Asian aisle at the grocery store to be full of wonderful surprises and am quickly becoming addicted to fresh green beans sautéed in some of the Asian spices.
  • You can save the pulp and make a soup with it or put it in other things you cook like meatloaf, etc. But personally I've found the leftover pulp to be pretty flavorless. All of the flavor was in the juice that you just extracted. If you have a garden the pulp makes good compost.
  • I've seen playing guitar and mowing grass on a riding lawn mower. Not anywhere near as strange as some of the ones you guys are posting.
  • Hugh Jackman and Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson are also considered obese by the BMI scale so I'd say you're in good company.
  • I have been big the majority of my life and my size hasn't stopped me from enjoying a nice dating life, so those of you saying you can't date because of the weight are wrong, there are people out there who are looking past the physical and want to fall in love with the complete person - brains, personality, beautiful…
  • I just record how many apples, carrots, kale leaves, etc I put in the juicer on MFP, I don't worry too much about how many calories are in the pulp that I'm not consuming.
  • Look up AquaFitnessPro on youtube and you will see a wide variety of pool excerises using noodles, barbells (pool ones) - I was able to make up an entire routine using the instructions on those videos.
  • Brown rice instead of white rice, whole wheat or multigrain bread and sweet potatoes are all healthy alternatives.
  • Most of us ignore the sugar setting on here since it doesn't distinguish between processed sugars and fruit sugar.
  • squats will probably kill my knees right now but I'll look at the other things.
  • If you haven't already start taking a picture of yourself every two weeks and then go back and compare pictures. Sometimes when you think you aren't changing, you really are - more muscle definition, fat distribution or fat loss in places you weren't thinking about, etc. It takes me about 20 to 30 pounds before I start…
  • Weight loss is more about the diet than it is about the exercise so you need to work with him to change his diet and then do the exercises the doctor says is good for him to start with - probably low impact aerobics at the beginning. You are a really good daughter being there encouraging and being supportive of him.
  • I was told by the dietician that I needed to eat more healthy fats to burn fat. She suggested I eat avocados, nuts, fish and olives.