Dom_m Member


  • Well this has all been fun. My advice to the OP is read the first 2-3 posts and ignore the rest. You got great answers straight off the bat. As for the rest of the discussion, mynameisuntz is generally right, as far as I can tell, but mate, You can be as correct as you like, but if you just antagonise the other people in…
  • As often as you like as long as you don't put too much *weight* into the results. I used to weigh myself every day, first thing. I'd graph the results in excel next to my cumulative caloric deficit. The deficit was fairly constant since I followed MFP, and the weightloss was a bit all over the place day to day because…
  • I went to paintball a couple of weeks ago. That was awesome. And not too expensive (about the same as dinner and a few drinks). Massive work out and the most fun I've had in ages. Last weekend I went rogaining, but that may not be available near where you are. I'm sure some other kind of outdoor adventure sport is though.…
  • The slower you increase your long distance the less chance you have of hurting yourself. I do an event where people go from not running at all to running ~12miles in 6-7 weeks. People always injure themselves. Every time. A great webpage for tips on running is this: Cool running training guide:…
  • Food: $100 / month is insanely tight. I don't think that's compatible with good health long term, but you already know what your biggest health issue is and that's what you're asking about, so... I would recommend lentils, rice, and pumpkin as my 3 top ultra-budget food items. 2lb of pumpkin has about as many calories as a…
  • I lost 30kg when I became vegetarian about 10 years ago. There were some other lifestyle changes at the same time, but becoming veg was one of the main ones.
  • Basically to answer the question, "yes, but". If your heart rate is elevated when you start a work out, and everything else is equal, you will burn more calories during that work out. But, if you don't work out as intensively because you're tired, then you'll burn less. Only you can know if you're able to do zumba with the…
  • Yep. If I'm in a restaurant I tend to add about 30% to what I think I've eaten.
  • Getting sick in this fashion would be extremely rare. I know it happened in an episode of House, but the toxins that would be involved aren't the sort of daily "toxins" from living near traffic or having impurities in the water system. Firstly, they need to be lipophilic (, which…
  • HCG is a homeopathic drug. Its pure water and does nothing other than carry a placebo effect and remove all your money. Anyone that says otherwise is either deluding themselves or lying to you.
  • I don't understand. It seems you want to eat more carbs, but you don't want to eat rice, bread, pasta, or oats. And looking at your diary you also don't want too many sugars. Its going to be really hard to increase your carb intake without eating any foods that contain carbs. I guess you can look at lentils, but I would…
  • I'm in Canberra. I tend to go to Sydney about once / month since my family & friends are there. Feel free to add me.
  • Speak to a sports physio, don't bother with a doctor. Most likely you either got bad technique, some very tight muscles somewhere, or some very weak muscles somewhere. Identifying what it is and fixing it is the most important thing. You don't need to go through life avoiding exercise because your knees hurt. Of course,…
    in Knee pain. Comment by Dom_m April 2011
  • Wow. You must be stoked. No one would believe you're the same person!
  • Some pretty good ones reported here:
  • I've got a 100km race starting at midnight so it damn well better not be an april fools joke ;) If our navigator pretends not to know where we are I'm not going to take it in good humor!
  • c25k is definitely the way to go. Good luck! (c25k = couch to 5km)
  • Unfortunately, you've fallen perfectly for his trap. He claims "there's never been a single study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease" and you heard "there aren't any studies that link saturated fat to heart disease." "Proven causality" and "linked with" are very different. If you want to see a bunch of studies…
  • Haven't watched the movie, but I just read the section on the website called "No-Bologna Facts" Its jam-packed with misinformation. This is an irrelevant conclusion. Science doesn't "prove" things, it disproves them. Failure to disprove a theory may lead to the…
  • This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health. Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing…
  • The model looks like the only healthy person in the whole group.
  • How close you are to your target is less important than how much of a deficit you still you have. If your target leaves you with a 500 calorie deficit, then going over by 200 still leaves you with a decent deficit. It'll slow down your weight loss buy you'll still be loosing. If your target already gives a very large…
  • The report of a joint FAO / WHO / UNU Expert Consultation doesn't agree with the "under 1200 rule". (FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation; WHO: World Health Organisation; UNU: United Nations University) source: They define Basal metabolic rate (BMR) as: (p7) To…
  • I think hulu is only available in the US. Its a DRM thing. If you want to get around it, it seems the best way is to purchase a US based VPN (see here:
  • I've been using my HRM in conjunction with MFP for about a year. Typical cardio results for me are: 1 hour running = approx 900-950 calories 45min cycling = approx 650 calories My heart rate usually averages about 80% and usually peaks around 93-95% My calorie burn at rest is around 160 calories per hour with an average…
  • There it is. The big secret.
  • You didn't loose 8lb of fat in the first week, I guarantee. That weight could've been all sorts of things but only 1-2lb were likely to be fat. This is why that's a once off weight loss, something you can't keep doing every week (physically impossible). If you're serious about loosing fat, it takes time, and you've just…
  • Now you've made me curious how to use MFP for evil. I suppose you could go around spreading misinformation and deflating people's self esteem, but is there something perhaps a bit ... more.... evil?
  • NYT article on this question: The rule of thumb seems to be that if your symptoms are above the neck then its fine, but if you have chesty or other below the neck symptoms you might want to take a rest. Google: "exercising with a cold" or whatever illness…
  • Could be you're measuring the wrong places. To measure your waist, you need to get the tape around the narrowest part between your ribs and hips. Measuring this accurately can be quite difficult, so any BF% test based on a waist circumference is likely to contain errors. Hips are the widest part, generally a bit below your…