This movie will change your life...SERIOUSLY



  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Any food that grows from the ground, is fed by sunshine, and nourished by rain is good food. Fear is not in my diet. And I don’t subscribe to any system of eating that suggests there are foods we need to be afraid of, or that breaks them into categories of “good”, “bad”,or “avoid”, “consume”. If fear-based eating works for others, they are welcome to it. I pass no judgement.
  • ampjorgensen
    ampjorgensen Posts: 86 Member
    Another movie would be "Fat like me" its a lifetime movie but a quote in it always gets me. The overweight girl said food was like a drug to her but unlike an alcoholic or drugatic food is not an option you have to face food EVERYDAY! You can't 'just say "well I am not going to eat today" finding self control is really hard and if you eat because of reasons like people drink for their reasons then its a whole new ball game.

    I don't really believe in cutting out carbs, I believe in eating the right carbs and whole grains and what not. We need so much of each food for our body to function. heck research the health of the man who created the atkins diet. He had a history of heart disease and high cholesterol. I think finding a balance is the key.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Haven't watched the movie, but I just read the section on the website called "No-Bologna Facts"

    Its jam-packed with misinformation.
    There’s never been a single study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease.
    This is an irrelevant conclusion. Science doesn't "prove" things, it disproves them. Failure to disprove a theory may lead to the theory being accepted, but it wont be proven. But 'Fat-Head' implies that because there is study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease, saturated fat does not cause heart disease.
    Asian Indians – half of whom are vegetarians – have one of the highest rates of heart disease in the entire world. Yup, that fatty meat will kill you, all right.
    Firstly, WTF! "Asian Indians"?
    Secondly, this is a non sequitur. It observes a high rate of heart disease in Indians and the rate of vegetarianism and implies vegetarianism causes heart disease.
    A more generous interpretation is that 'Fat-Head' is using a straw-man. The argument is "vegetarians have low saturated fat. Many Indians are vegetarian and many Indians have heart disease. Therefore saturated fat cannot cause heart disease". The straw-man is misrepresenting vegetarians as having diets low in saturated fat. In fact, Indians have diets that are very high in saturated fat, even vegetarian Indians.
    Read this interview with a renowned Indian cardiac surgeon, which touches on saturated fat in Indian diets:
    When Morgan Spurlock tells you that a McDonald’s salad supplies almost a day’s allowance of fat, he’s basing that statement on the FDA’s low-fat/high-carbohydrate dietary guidelines, which in turn are based on … absolutely nothing. There’s no science behind those guidelines; they were simply made up by a congressional committee.
    It is simply not true that these guidelines are based on absolutely nothing. If you want to know where these came from, read this paper, Harper, A. (1985) "Origin of recommended dietary allowances", The American Journal of Clinaical Nutrition, v41, pp140-148. Link:
    Kids who were diagnosed as suffering from ADD have been successfully treated by re-introducing natural saturated fats into their diets. Your brain is made largely of fat.
    These statements are both true.
    The next points are about epileptics being treated with low sugar, high fat diets; the statistical link between saturated fat and cancer being weak; the link between sugar and cancer being strong; and the possibility of being both fat and healthy, or think and having type II diabetes and heart disease.
    I don't have much to say on these except that I haven't heard much about saturated fat being linked to cancer, and 'Fat-Head's' assertion that I have, and that this is false, is an attempt to lead me to the conclusion that other things I've heard about saturated fats are also false. This would be a fallacy of hasty generalisation: I would be saying, "this belief about saturated fats is false, therefore all beliefs about saturated fats are false".

    Saturated fat and cholesterol help produce testosterone. When men limit their saturated fat, their testosterone level drops. So, regardless of what a famous vegan chef believes, saturated fat does not impair sexual performance.
    I don't know about the first two statements, but the third statement contains an appeal to prejudice as well as a red herring.
    The appeal to prejudice is this: "So, regardless of what a famous vegan chef believes". Its the opposite of an appeal to authority. The reader is meant to conclude if a famous vegan chef believes x, then x must be false.
    The red herring occurs when 'Fat-Head' builds an argument about saturated fat causing testosterone, and concluding that saturated fat does not impair sexual performance. Of course its possible for something to both raise testosterone levels and impair sexual performance. To illustrate, consider being injected with a kilogram of testosterone. Your testosterone levels would be very high, but you'd probably be dead.
    'Fat-Head' also invites the listener to make another hasty generalisation. The supposed link between a source of testosterone and sexual performance is based on our knowledge of the male sexual hormone. But there would be no link, fallacious or otherwise, for females. We're invited to make that generalisation on our own.

    'Fat-Head' may be shocking and entertaining and thought-provoking, but if the official website is any indication of the type of arguments offered, it's seriously flawed and shouldn't be considered a source of knowledge so much as a source of inspiration for your own research.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    To the people who say low carb is dangerous or are "not sold on the idea"? Have you watched the movie or read the research? Oh, and he specifically says not to watch calorie counts though mine was reduced just by feeling fuller. What your body does with the calories is more important than how many there are.

    I'm one of those people who are "not sold on the idea". No, I have not read the research nor watched the movie, yet. I love bread, oats, sweet potatoes, bananas, brown rice. I eat them daily. I am losing weight, I am in the best shape of my life, and I feel awesome and energetic. So why should I be sold on the idea?
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Another movie would be "Fat like me" its a lifetime movie but a quote in it always gets me. The overweight girl said food was like a drug to her but unlike an alcoholic or drugatic food is not an option you have to face food EVERYDAY! You can't 'just say "well I am not going to eat today" finding self control is really hard and if you eat because of reasons like people drink for their reasons then its a whole new ball game.

    I don't really believe in cutting out carbs, I believe in eating the right carbs and whole grains and what not. We need so much of each food for our body to function. heck research the health of the man who created the atkins diet. He had a history of heart disease and high cholesterol. I think finding a balance is the key.

    Yes, but why do we feel hungry after we have had all of the calories that we need?? Why does sticking to what our body requires and asks for a feat of self control? I said that watching the movie would change your life, not repeating the same things you already believe.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat.

    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.

    Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing yourself a disservice. Same if you get most of your fats from candy, deep fried whatever (eg donoughts, french fries...), fast foods, crisps...
    Its not the carbs or the fats that are the problem. Its the habit of eating **** food.

    On the other hand, if you get your carbs from fruit, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, and vegetables and you get your fats from nuts, beans, fruits (like avocado), and seeds, then you're almost definitely going to be healthy. If you get your carbs and fats from these sources, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a good amount of very healthy protein in the mix as well.

  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    There’s never been a single study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease.
    This is an irrelevant conclusion. Science doesn't "prove" things, it disproves them. Failure to disprove a theory may lead to the theory being accepted, but it wont be proven. But 'Fat-Head' implies that because there is study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease, saturated fat does not cause heart disease.
    Saturated fat and cholesterol help produce testosterone. When men limit their saturated fat, their testosterone level drops. So, regardless of what a famous vegan chef believes, saturated fat does not impair sexual performance.

    I don't know about the first two statements, but the third statement contains an appeal to prejudice as well as a red herring.
    The appeal to prejudice is this: "So, regardless of what a famous vegan chef believes". Its the opposite of an appeal to authority. The reader is meant to conclude if a famous vegan chef believes x, then x must be false.
    The red herring occurs when 'Fat-Head' builds an argument about saturated fat causing testosterone, and concluding that saturated fat does not impair sexual performance. Of course its possible for something to both raise testosterone levels and impair sexual performance. To illustrate, consider being injected with a kilogram of testosterone. Your testosterone levels would be very high, but you'd probably be dead.

    I think it is important that there aren't any studies that link saturated fat to heart disease when the FDA and our doctors are telling us to limit them. I think I am only supposed to have 25g and my mother was told to limit hers to 8g. We are told animal fat, bacon, eggs etc are bad for us with no backing reason at all. Why doesn't this bother you?

    As for the vegan chef it was just a poke at the girlfriend of the guy in Supersize me who says that his sexual performance went down which the Fat Head guy is saying was just a publicity stunt. This has nothing to do with her authority or lack of it.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    To the people who say low carb is dangerous or are "not sold on the idea"? Have you watched the movie or read the research? Oh, and he specifically says not to watch calorie counts though mine was reduced just by feeling fuller. What your body does with the calories is more important than how many there are.

    I'm one of those people who are "not sold on the idea". No, I have not read the research nor watched the movie, yet. I love bread, oats, sweet potatoes, bananas, brown rice. I eat them daily. I am losing weight, I am in the best shape of my life, and I feel awesome and energetic. So why should I be sold on the idea?

    Then you are one of the lucky people that does not have insulin resistance. This may or may not change as you get older. I think if your diet works for you and you look and feel good, there is no reason to change it, but many people are not so lucky. If you have tried the low fat, low calorie, high exercise thing and it just isn't working for you, then it may be about hormones and you should try this. If it does work for you, more power to you.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat.

    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.

    Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing yourself a disservice. Same if you get most of your fats from candy, deep fried whatever (eg donoughts, french fries...), fast foods, crisps...
    Its not the carbs or the fats that are the problem. Its the habit of eating **** food.

    On the other hand, if you get your carbs from fruit, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, and vegetables and you get your fats from nuts, beans, fruits (like avocado), and seeds, then you're almost definitely going to be healthy. If you get your carbs and fats from these sources, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a good amount of very healthy protein in the mix as well.


    Then again I see you have 20lbs to lose. Is the move more, eat less mantra working for you? Do you feel full, satisfied, and happy on your low fat diet? If you do, then more power to you. If not, watch the movie and decide for yourself.
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    Umm is this called the Atkins Diet?
    Basically eat whatever you want but bread, starch, or sugar carbs higher than 5gms.
    Just be careful
    Make sure you are taking in complex carbs! Your body needs carbs or your nervous system will go crazy and you will be restless.. cranky, brain foggy, panic..
    Whole wheat and fiber rich
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Why go on a diet? I'm not on a diet. The food I'm eating and losing weight on is the food I will eat for the rest of my life. I'm not going on another diet again.

    The bacon and eggs diet worked for me for about a week, then I started into ketosis and began sweating ammonia. My body broke down, I needed carbs, I needed glucose in my blood for working out. My brain needed glucose because that's the only thing the brain uses (or ketones, but that's a survival mechanism).

    There are no tricks. Calorie counting is the only true way to lose weight. Eat healthy, eat yummy, and exercise.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I watched it, LOVED it! it seemed to make alot more sense than super size me did, super size me seemed soooo played up. I did qiute a bit of research on blood sugar and carbs and insulin and I have sided with his conclusion...

    So, I'm lower my carb intake, but im not doing atkins, Atkins makes some fruits and other foods off limits, if i make anything off limits it all im going to think about lol

    so im keepin my carbs to around 100gs a day (which I have found out is very reasonable) over all calories at around 1500 , eating lots of veggies,meat, eggs,fruit,low glysemic index whole grains,sardines, nuts,dairy and other good for you stuff.. im going to try and cut out margrine,vegetable oil (except olive oil and such) and cut down on the processed not going to eliminate anything though... as for artificial working on it..slowly...
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Umm is this called the Atkins Diet?
    Basically eat whatever you want but bread, starch, or sugar carbs higher than 5gms.
    Just be careful
    Make sure you are taking in complex carbs! Your body needs carbs or your nervous system will go crazy and you will be restless.. cranky, brain foggy, panic..
    Whole wheat and fiber rich

    Why do you think that? While some people can have a day or two of carb/sugar withdrawal, they feel great afterwords. I didn't have that at all. I have way more energy than I did on my low calorie diet. I feel more full and less tired. I have cut out my afternoon cup of coffee and feel like being up and going all of the time. Before, I just wanted a nap in the middle of the day, content to sit on the sofa all day and I am not overweight at all.

    I cut to 40-80g of carbs rather than the 263 fitness pal/FDA says I should have. It is not as strict as Atkins at least in the induction stage, but it is working for me with fantastic results.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I watched it, LOVED it! it seemed to make alot more sense than super size me did, super size me seemed soooo played up. I did qiute a bit of research on blood sugar and carbs and insulin and I have sided with his conclusion...

    So, I'm lower my carb intake, but im not doing atkins, Atkins makes some fruits and other foods off limits, if i make anything off limits it all im going to think about lol

    so im keepin my carbs to around 100gs a day (which I have found out is very reasonable) over all calories at around 1500 , eating lots of veggies,meat, eggs,fruit,low glysemic index whole grains,sardines, nuts,dairy and other good for you stuff.. im going to try and cut out margrine,vegetable oil (except olive oil and such) and cut down on the processed not going to eliminate anything though... as for artificial working on it..slowly...

    Sounds good. Do you feel better? Who said anything about eliminating? Veggies and fruit both have carbs, we just need a lower limit than the 300g recommended by the FDA with a 2000 calorie diet.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I couldn't make it past the first 15-20 minutes due to the filmmaker/narrator being such an annoying pompous *kitten*.

    I agree...he's super annoying. I started watching this the other day and will continue watching though.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I think it is important that there aren't any studies that link saturated fat to heart disease when the FDA and our doctors are telling us to limit them. I think I am only supposed to have 25g and my mother was told to limit hers to 8g. We are told animal fat, bacon, eggs etc are bad for us with no backing reason at all. Why doesn't this bother you?
    Unfortunately, you've fallen perfectly for his trap. He claims "there's never been a single study that proves saturated fat causes heart disease" and you heard "there aren't any studies that link saturated fat to heart disease."
    "Proven causality" and "linked with" are very different. If you want to see a bunch of studies linking saturated fat to heart disease look at this:

    As for the vegan chef it was just a poke at the girlfriend of the guy in Supersize me who says that his sexual performance went down which the Fat Head guy is saying was just a publicity stunt. This has nothing to do with her authority or lack of it.
    I know he's primarily a comedian and he was going for a laugh - throughout the website he ridicules vegetarianism. This is perfectly legitimate and many of my friends consider this their favourite pass-time (I'm vegan, so the jokes never end). The problem isn't the laughter, its the way he uses it to lead the audience to conclude that saturated fat and cholesterol boost sexual performance.

    The phrase "appeal to authority" is the name of a logical fallacy. An example of using an appeal to authority would be, "Jo Smith said this is a dog, and Jo Smith is very famous and popular, so it must be true." 'Fat-Head' uses the opposite, an appeal to prejudice. The example is "Famous vegan chef says saturated fat ruins her boyfriends libido, but I like meat and I hate hollywood-liberals so I really don't want to agree with her."
    Is the move more, eat less mantra working for you? Do you feel full, satisfied, and happy on your low fat diet?
    I know this wasn't directed at me, but it was directed at someone whose comment was that they agree with my earlier statement, so I'll reply to this too.
    Yes, counting my calories in and out and maintaining a relatively constant deficit has worked. When I stopped doing it over summer I put on some weight again (ie: not doing it has the predicted problem). Now that I've been doing it again, it works as predicted again. My diet the last few days is a bit different to normal because I have a 100km race to run tomorrow so I've been carb loading. Carb loading is a bit difficult to do well and its leaving me a bit more hungry than the same amount of calories normally would, but I can get by for 3 days.
    I've never been on a low fat diet. I think low fat is as foolish as low carb and low protein.
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    I have hypoglycemia so I have to eat no carbs no sugar (or as little as possible) Until I knew what was wrong with me for 26 years. I cudn't think straight. I would go into extreme highs and lows of mental and physical energy. I think everyone shud eat this way if you they want to stay thin and healthy. I have never worried about my fat intake. Just my sugar carbs.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat.

    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.[...]

    What this poster said.

    Learning more about how we metabolise macronutrients, and playing around with what works for OUR particular body, is perfectly fine. Demonising entire food groups isn't.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    Then again I see you have 20lbs to lose. Is the move more, eat less mantra working for you? Do you feel full, satisfied, and happy on your low fat diet? If you do, then more power to you. If not, watch the movie and decide for yourself.

    Is this directed at me, or the person I quoted? Regardless, I think you may have missed the point of the quote. I'm not on a low fat diet (I even eat at McDonald's once in a while). I'm paying attention to what KINDS of fats and carbs I'm putting in my body, exercising, and counting calories. And yes, it's working great. Full, satisfied and happy? Absolutely.