HCG real opinion's please



  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    I don't believe in anything that promises quick weight loss with that low of calories. How are you to get all the nutrients your body needs to survive and thrive? Supplements? They're ok but why take a pill when you can get it all naturally through food. Good luck if you try it, but I wouldn't
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    I believe REAL OPINIONS come from actual & past users NOT random posters giving uneducated responses.

  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    HCG is a homeopathic drug. Its pure water and does nothing other than carry a placebo effect and remove all your money. Anyone that says otherwise is either deluding themselves or lying to you.
  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    My husband tried these pills. He couldnt even stand them long enough to lose anything other than water weight. He became dizzy, tired, no energy.... and very grumpy :noway: My sister-in-law experienced the same ting and they came off the pills immediately. Hubby is now eating healthy with me and has lost 10 REAL pounds! Just our experience!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    might as well just eat the 500 cals per day and not bother wasting your money. it's the deficit that causes the fast drop.
  • lisa4131
    lisa4131 Posts: 22 Member
    the majority wins my vote on this ...i wont waste my money ...i will keep eating right and keep up my daily workouts .....i will feel much better about myself if i know i lost the last 10 lbs on my own rather than from the urine of someone else .....thanks MFP community. !!!!!!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    magic drops and pills wont help you keep weight off and will for sure not make you healthy. getting fit isnt just about losing weight..its about being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle! why would you want to put hormones and crap in your body just to lose weight, when you can do it simply through healthy eating and exercise?
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    The FDA has determined that HCG does not work for weight reduction and I personally am not interested in any drps obtained from the urine of pregnant women
    eeww! thats where they get it from...dang why didnt i know this when i was pregnant...i coulda made TONS of money selling my pee :laugh:
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    My husband tried these pills. He couldnt even stand them long enough to lose anything other than water weight. He became dizzy, tired, no energy.... and very grumpy :noway: My sister-in-law experienced the same ting and they came off the pills immediately. Hubby is now eating healthy with me and has lost 10 REAL pounds! Just our experience!

    So that means that the 47 pounds I've lost is all water? Holy moley! I guess my organs were just literally SWIMMING around in there! Didn't know I was half fish. Guess I should call the Enquirer!

    All kidding aside, I'm sorry it didn't work for your hubby or your sister-in-law - that is a perfect example that all things don't work for all people. The original poster made her decision - I hope it works for her. I just wish that people who haven't even TRIED it would stop acting like they are experts on the subject - and even worse, implying that anyone who is following the HCG protocol is a blithering idiot who walks around throwing their money away. Even if I never lose another pound on this protocol, I'm the healthiest I have been in 10 years - and I have the lab reports to prove it.

    Best of luck to you all on your journey.