This movie will change your life...SERIOUSLY

lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
Fat Head is a documentary about a guy who loses weight and improves his health markers on a fast food diet. He also explains why we get fat and what we are doing wrong. Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat. They turn to sugar in your blood stream, make you store fat, and make you hungry again.

I've been trying his suggested high fat, high protein, low carb diet for a few days, and I feel a TON of energy! I have also cut calories. I feel so much fuller, so I feel like moving more and snacking less! Ever had cereal and been hungry an hour later? That ever happen to you with bacon and eggs? Note that two eggs and two slices of bacon is about 210 calories, less than some cereals.

This movie is free on Hulu and is directly available on Netflix. Check it out and you might find yourself embarrassing yourself by humming a little tune.....and losing weight.

P.s. He also has a cool blog here which goes over some of the facts in the movie:


  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    I started watching that once but never found time to finish it! It was very interesting
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    trying to stay on a low carb diet, is not realistic. Not to mention not very healthy. Yes, it will take it off pretty fast, but low carbing is not a healthy lifestyle. My friend has been on it for several years. To my eye, the last 5 years, she looks the same. Your body adjusts. Our body is ment to have all the nutrients. Moderation is the key.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I watched that 2 weeks ago, very interesting in deed, I brought it up at my weight loss group last thursday and the psychologist that runs it seemed very interested. She brought up the movie Supersize Me and I responded by telling her it was kind of a sham, and told her about Fat Head. I would also recommend it to anyone. The Government stuff really opened my eyes, I know they were messed up, just not to this degree.
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    well the evils really depend on what kind of life style you have. for someone who does serious workouts everyday (i'm talking intervals, 600 calories in 60 minutes or less type.) then carbs are not really evil, though protein is of course the better choice.
  • snmonson
    snmonson Posts: 79
    I saw the documentary on Netflix. I might just have to watch this!
  • fairyjester
    i feel much better when i am low carb\hi protien, more energy and just feel better, if i eat carbs i just feel crappy and it makes me want to eat constantly, and screws around with my blood sugar level.
    i stay away from them everything is good. oh and i drop pounds too
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    This is NOT NEW...The Atkins Diet, The Zone and South Beach (to some extent) is based on this science. You are late, or They are late. Maybe this is a NEW way to get this message over to a "newer" generation. The Wheel HAS been invented.

    To kittylo23:
    Anything is possible if you believe it is a necessity, low carb diets are just that...Diets. If anyone is on a DIET, it is made to "Get Off." The goal is to eat a certain way, lose weight in a specific period of time and go back to eating the way they did before...
    It IS possible to stay on a LOW GLYCEMIC Plan...South Beach or even Phase 3 Atkins or even the late stages of The Zone. These LOW GLYCEMIC EATING PLANS are LIFESTYLE CHANGES and are designed to change your whole concept of how we have been TAUGHT to eat. REMEMBER, how we eat is Behavioral, we have been taught 3 Squares and 2 Snacks, 40-60% Carbs and 15-30% Protein. This stuff does not even "compute" in most other cultures and they are much, much, much more healthy and slim.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Maybe low in calories and a way to lose some weight but it's not a healthy lifestyle. What you give up in calories fast food will kill you with cholesterol and the fat. Just not sold on this type of diet.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    That is consistent with a paleo/primal approach to weight/health/nutrition. Google it and read. It's not about cal in vs. cal out, it's about how food impacts our body's biochemistry, particularily insulin. Increased insulin production yields higher fat storage, also gives you the rush after you eat, and then the crash/jitters where you have to have more food NOW.

    I started reducing my carb intake about a wk ago, and what you're saying about breakfast, I've noticed. I noticed it on day 1. If I eat good fats, protein, and veggies, I am full forever. I have energy, and feel good. If I eat cereal for breakfast (same amt. of calories), a couple hrs later I'm ravenous. I eat less cal/day (not that I want to) just b/c I'm not hungry. I've lost 1.5 lbs this wk (and I'm only a few lbs away from my goal weight, so it's gotten tougher to shed now) alone, and I can already see better muscle definition.

    I'm going to keep at it and see what happens. Nothing unhealthy about eating lean proteins and lots of veggies!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I couldn't make it past the first 15-20 minutes due to the filmmaker/narrator being such an annoying pompous *kitten*. But some MFPals recommended that I tough through it or at least watch the last 30 minutes or so when he stops talking bologna and starts talking science. Might give it another try in the next few days.

    I didn't realize it was a pro low-carb thing at first. I don't see what the fuss is about. I'm doing just fine with full-carb.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Did I misunderstand this completely? I think I did. I agree eating lean proteins and good fats are better than tons of carbs.

    I think Maybe I will watch the movie before jumping to the wrong conclusion .......
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat.

    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.

    Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing yourself a disservice. Same if you get most of your fats from candy, deep fried whatever (eg donoughts, french fries...), fast foods, crisps...
    Its not the carbs or the fats that are the problem. Its the habit of eating **** food.

    On the other hand, if you get your carbs from fruit, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, and vegetables and you get your fats from nuts, beans, fruits (like avocado), and seeds, then you're almost definitely going to be healthy. If you get your carbs and fats from these sources, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a good amount of very healthy protein in the mix as well.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.

    Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing yourself a disservice. Same if you get most of your fats from candy, deep fried whatever (eg donoughts, french fries...), fast foods, crisps...
    Its not the carbs or the fats that are the problem. Its the habit of eating **** food.

    On the other hand, if you get your carbs from fruit, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, and vegetables and you get your fats from nuts, beans, fruits (like avocado), and seeds, then you're almost definitely going to be healthy. If you get your carbs and fats from these sources, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a good amount of very healthy protein in the mix as well.

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Bottom line: Carbs are the evil not fat.

    This type of thinking is probably what the real problem is. Neither carbohydrates nor fats are evil, and both are essential for good health.

    Of course not all carbs are the same, just as not all fats are the same. If you get most of your carbs from soda, candy, fast food, sugary bread, pizza, ketchup... then you're doing yourself a disservice. Same if you get most of your fats from candy, deep fried whatever (eg donoughts, french fries...), fast foods, crisps...
    Its not the carbs or the fats that are the problem. Its the habit of eating **** food.

    On the other hand, if you get your carbs from fruit, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils, and vegetables and you get your fats from nuts, beans, fruits (like avocado), and seeds, then you're almost definitely going to be healthy. If you get your carbs and fats from these sources, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a good amount of very healthy protein in the mix as well.

    Now that is it down to brass tax. Great explanation. That is what it is all about. Thank you. I am a nutrition major, and thank goodness for someone with an educated answer.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Great explanation. That is what it is all about...

    Agreed! see above: Dom, Edorice and Jade...
  • Crys1209
    Crys1209 Posts: 128 Member
    Another good one to watch is Super Size Me, if you haven't seen it yet you should. :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    To the people who say low carb is dangerous or are "not sold on the idea"? Have you watched the movie or read the research? Oh, and he specifically says not to watch calorie counts though mine was reduced just by feeling fuller. What your body does with the calories is more important than how many there are.

    Also it is fat and protein that makes you feel full. "Plenty of whole grains" are part of the problem though they are certainly better than refined flours and sugars. Low fat, low carb will make you feel less energetic and less full too. Some of you are repeating the same things we've been told over and over without looking at the monumental amount of research on the other side.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    the way I have read it in my Low Glycemic Index books is that there are "good" carbs like those that come from fruits and vegetables and there are "bad" carbs, but those bad carbs can come into the good category when you start adding stuff to them. Like a baked potato. It is naturally high glycemic. add a little butter and sour cream to it and it falls into the low glycemic range because most dairy is naturally low glycemic. Therefore, carbs are not evil, you just have to watch how you eat them and how many of them you eat.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    Another good one to watch is Super Size Me, if you haven't seen it yet you should. :)

    Lol... have you seen Fat Head, or were you just adding that?

    Anyways, I love this movie. I've watched it twice, and I recommend it to everyone. I think it downplays the concept of calories in/calories out, which is still very important when it comes to weight loss, while highlights a "cave-man" diet as the way to do.

    I'm always wary when I see or hear something telling me to cut an entire food group out, but this is the most convincing argument I've seen so far. Since this video, I've cut way back on my carbs. However, I eat way too many fruit daily to keep my carb numbers in the range that he shows in the documentary.

    On another note, I was watching this with my boyfriend, and the writer of the documentary mirrored him almost exactly +20 years. It was really really amusing.