Paulette56 Member


  • Why? indeed! :laugh: Too cute!
    in WHY? Comment by Paulette56 June 2011
  • If it was done by laprascope, they fill your belly with air so they can see in there. It takes some time for all of it to go away.
  • Sounds like the gall bladder symptoms I had before surgery. You might want to have it checked out if it continues. Better safe than sorry.
  • This site has a zig zag calculator that will give you specific daily recomendations for a week. Good luck.:happy:
  • Go to "My Home" click "Goals" tab. Click "Chnge Goals" then choose the "Custom" option then Continue. You can change any of your nutrition goals from there. When you lower your carbs it automatically raises the protein to make 100% for carb, protein & fat. You will have to change settings to make sure everything you want…
  • The first three days are the hardest. If you can make it over the withdrawal (sugar is like a drug) you can get control over those awful cravings. If you stick to it, you will eventually find that everything tastes sweeter because you become so much more sensative to it. One day while making a salad, I dropped some on the…
  • Carbs have a nasty habit of settling in the tummy area. The only way I've ever had any success taking off belly fat was a low carb diet--NO sugar or all things white. Take it from a former junk food junkie. The sugar craving will go away. For about 3 days though, its like coming off drugs, but well worth it. Sometimes…
  • I read somewhere to measure the marinade before adding meat, then measure it again after you take the meat out. the difference is what you consume. Sounds reasonable.
  • I tried it years ago and saw no benefit except to the store I bought it from. It MAY help curb appetite a little, but the weird feeling it gives you is not worth it. It all boils down to the fact that you have to watch portions and eat healthy to lose weight. Sorry--no magic bullet.
  • I use MFP to plan my meals and snacks for the day in the morning. That way, I can adjust before I eat and stick to what I've planned (or at least try to).
  • Your Atkins book should answer that question for you. I haven't read the diet book, but from what I gather, you aren't supposed to go over 20 grams no matter what you "earn" according to MFP. You will most likely end up using MFP to keep track and not using their recommendations since they do not agree with the Atkins…
  • I agree. I have noticed this difference when reading nutrition labels as well.
  • Its amazing how much we eat without knowing it. When you start measuring what you eat. it certainly is eye opening. I'm suprised I didn't weigh 400 pounds when I think about how much I must have been eating.:blushing:
  • There is a post under "Food and Nutrition" topics titled "700 calories a day and not losing" that might be helpful to you. It is an article written by a trainer (I take it) that recounts a woman's journey of recovering to a healthy metabolism after eating less than healthy calories long term. It is pretty long, but well…
  • Can't see your diary, but you may need to replace high carb processed food with fresh foods with more bulk ie: Whole grains, fibrous vegies, etc. Don't try to cut out all fats--just the bad ones. If you cut out processed foods, most of the bad ones will be gone. Good fats: avacadoes, olive oil and the like help you feel…
  • Fruits are great in that they are loaded with vitamins and nutrients--so much better than sugar sweetened goodies. That being said, you CAN get too much of a good thing. Try snacking on nuts to add some protein into your diet and it will help you curb any cravings for the sugar in the fruit. Have fruit, but in moderation.
  • I totally agree with you. All of the newest information and my own personal experience point to the fact that low fat and processed food has gotten America to place where we are now. I know eating all that stuff got me to the point where I was (weight and health wise) before I ditched the processed foods. Unfortunately,…
  • Seems to me that anything high protein and low carb would be great for breakfast. I think the protein shakes just help in building muscle if you are doing weight training. It won't do it automatically or else those guys wouldn't be working so hard :o)
  • I also took a peak at your diary. You need to get your carbs from fresh fruits and vegies--not processed foods. Ditch the soda altogether and opt for unsweetened tea w/lemon or lime, or water. And NO processed sugar! (if at all possible) Even though you are staying under your allowance of carbs most days, that is way too…
  • Very inspirational. Thank you!
  • I couldn't agree more with the message in these videos. When the low-fat products came out is when people started gaining so much weight. To replace the fat with something that would make the food taste better, they replace it with more sugar. Compare the nutrition labels on regular and reduced fat versions of the same…
  • I have recently been diagnosed as diabetic. Through diet alone I have brought my fasting blood glucose from 260 to under 100 (normal range). Ive been able to accomplish this by much internet research and staying away from processed sugar. What I've learned is that the sugars in fruits and vegetables are processed much…
  • Who ever put the info in may not have provided that information. I always check anything I use from the database against actual packaging to make sure I've got the right numbers in my food journal. Beyond that, there is a lot of deceptive packaging out there. Sometimes they will have sugar free (like the candy for ex.) but…
  • The recipe tool is the best thing ever! Takes away the guess work.
  • I think maybe the 24 grams of sugar you are allowed may be simple sugars. Fruits and vegis have complex sugars which enter your blood stream much more slowly and therefore do not spike glucose/insulin levels. Unfortunately, MFP doesn't take that into account. My thinking and that of other web sites I have researched seem…
    in sugar! Comment by Paulette56 March 2011
  • I wash them and bake them in foil in the oven until mushy. Slice open like a baked potatoe and sprinkle with a pkt of Splenda and some cinnamon. Add a little butter if your calories allow. Sooo good! Caution though-make sure to check portion size. Some of them can be large enough for 3 or 4 servings.
  • MyFitnessPal has been a wonderful tool for me in tracking carbs in order to control diabeties without drugs (yeah!!!) Weight loss has been a wonderful byproduct of that process. (19 lbs to date) I agree--journaling is the only way to go. Anyone who thinks they can keep up with it in their heads are just fooling themselves.
  • Just to add to your great info--The liver, whose main duty is to regulate glucose in your blood, puts all of its other work aside in ofder to process the alcohol. That leaves all your carbs to be set aside for later aka FAT.
  • EVOO is Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Don't know what I thought it was--but that wasn't it! Thanks