Burn Fat!

I'm just tracking my calories here, but I'm not counting them! I'm eating the right foods to Burn Fat first and foremost, the rest is easy! My choices keep me on track, which is the daily calories recommended here, for me. Journalizing is such an important part of weight loss and maintenance, and MyFitnessPal is a great tool for accomplishing that. In short I'm using this tool along with a low to moderate GI diet, and it's working for me!


  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Can you share what foods you are eating first that "burn fat" ... curious!
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm just tracking my calories here, but I'm not counting them! I'm eating the right foods to Burn Fat first and foremost, the rest is easy! My choices keep me on track, which is the daily calories recommended here, for me. Journalizing is such an important part of weight loss and maintenance, and MyFitnessPal is a great tool for accomplishing that. In short I'm using this tool along with a low to moderate GI diet, and it's working for me!

    MyFitnessPal has been a wonderful tool for me in tracking carbs in order to control diabeties without drugs (yeah!!!) Weight loss has been a wonderful byproduct of that process. (19 lbs to date)

    I agree--journaling is the only way to go. Anyone who thinks they can keep up with it in their heads are just fooling themselves.
  • DeniseDiSpena
    I am not a nutritional guru, but I have finally had success with weight loss and maintenance. I have tried every weight program there is, simply because I have always had a weight problem and I have been around a few years to accomplish this.

    I needed to share that with you because I didn't want to misrepresent myself.

    As I said, I do not use MyFitnessPal to count my calories, I use it as my daily food journal, a must for successful weight loss. It's not in the calories, it's in the food you eat. Sure you don't want to overeat, but in order to maintain good health and weight, you must eat right!

    Food cannot burn fat per say, but there are RAW foods that need more calories, than what they contain, to digest them; therefore taking fat already stored to help digest these particular foods...Viola, ":fat burning foods" and a speedier metabolism. Along with your nutritional caloric counting diet; eat plenty of RAW vegetables. I snack on RAW carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, celery, zucchini, anise, and many more. You can't lose, or rather you will lose choosing RAW veggies; and then have a couple of green leafy salads a day with you protein. Your carbohydrates should be limited to low GI Carbohydrates, such as sweet potato and beans in my case (Google low glycemic-index carbohydrates for your preferences). It's easy! Be sure to continue to keep track of your caloric intake, as I'm not able to share my complete diet regiment with you in this limited time and space.

    Good luck, lovely family photo!
  • DeniseDiSpena
    In response to the above Diabetic note:

    My husband is not diebetic but showed an elevated glucose count at a doctor's appointment, over a year ago, and so he was put on medication. To date, he has lost over 30 pounds and his glucose counts are normal now, best of all he was taken off his meds. He's maintaining his weight with a moderate GI diet, it's working perfect for him. Doing it together is an added benefit, too!

    To manage diebetes, I think weight loss and exercise should be the first option. Val was fortuante that the weight loss worked for him, it doesn't for everyone but it's certainly worth trying. Cut out your breads and pastas, replace them with raw veggies, salads and cooked veggies with you protein and fruit and even if you eat an unlimited amount of veggies, you will surely lose weight. Be sure to include some moderate exercise also, walking works for me.

    Good luck to all
  • dgcm
    dgcm Posts: 4
    congratulations on your weight loss .. i too have diabetis type 2 but im finding it very hard going .am only counting calories how does it work with counting carbs ...please help ......... carol
  • jezfernandez
    Hey Paulette

    Totally agree re journalling. I've "guesstimated" consumption in the past, but MFP is really accurate. Everything goes in! What I love is the fact that I can win my way back by exercising more. I have an exercise bike in the lounge - did 52 mins last night while watching CSI and won back over 400 calories!

    It's also great seeing how many calories you have left in the "bank" each day. Can you really "afford" that dessert (in my case, I forsook the carte d'or ice cream last night)!!!
  • jezfernandez
    Walking is awesome! I've found hands down it's the most effective way to burn fat. I do 25 minutes every lunchtime, then 30-40 mins on the exercise bike at home most nights.
  • DeniseDiSpena
    Hi, in response to your question about carbohydrates. I don't count carbs but I limit them daily. No carbs at breakfast except what is contained in fruits and veggies, 1 carb at lunch and 1 at dinner (this does not include the carbs contained in fruits and veggies), example: either, 1/2 a sweet potato,1 cup lentil soup or split pea soup, chick peas or beans...just one of these, not all of them. The carbs I eat are never breads, cereals or pastas, while I'm trying to lose weight...when on goal again, only low to moderate GI breads, cereals and pastas are added to my plan. If my weight goes up because I'm overdoing the flour products, I return to low GI plan. (Google low and moderate GI (Glycenmic Index) foods.

    If it's diabetes you're battling, as in your case dgcm, stay away from white four products, insteat eat at least 4-6 cups of raw veggies a day and all day, with meals and for snacks.

    Always add a leafy green salad to your lunch and breakfast protein.

    Limit your fat, but do not give it up...you need fat in your diet, good fat is healthy, olive oil is my choice of a good fat.

    I only use MyFitnessPal for journalizing, I do not count my calories, instead I'm on a low GI program, for life...no fooling around.
    It's a perfectly healthy and doable way of life!

    If counting your calories is your diet of choice and you want to know how many carbs I take in, then I can tell you that my total carbs are totaling between 125g to 150g, most of these is from the veggies I eat. You need to find out from your health professional how many grams of carbs is best for you, and the best source of them.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck and stay healthy, safely and get up and move, frequently!
  • DeniseDiSpena
    This is exactly the problem with just counting calories, most people think they can eat anything, as long as they stay within their daily calories. You are setting yourself up for yo-yoing! Weight Watchers has discovered, finally, that the point system doesn' t work if you are eating snacks for your points, you're learning to snack, not good at all. Although you may lose some pounds, it's not successful for the long term. You need to LEARN how to eat healthy and normal for life.

    When you have 400 exercise calories banked, keep them banked and chalk it up to additional weight loss. If you're hungry, don't even think about adding sugar, eat Raw veggies, instead. Sure you don't have to deprive yourself of sweets for life, but while your trying to lose, think healthy foods at least until you reach your goal.

    If you have a long way to go, then treat youself when your weight drops a set amount, every 5 or 10 pounds; when a set time passes with no relapses, once a month or when you accumulate 2000 banked calories, but don't eat 2000 calories for that treat. Think of the 2000 as payment for 1 small treat.

    You're working hard to lose weight, don't waste your efforts. Maybe even take those banked calories and buy yourself some clothing, even if it's just undergarments, instead!

    All I want to say, is be careful, counting calories is okay, as long as you incorporate a healthy diet with it!