Big Fat Fiasco

If you are interested in the science of food and nutrition beyond just losing weight I would strongly recommend that you watch this speech titled "Big Fat Fiasco" by Tom Naughton (creator of the documentary 'Fat Head'). It really makes you question everything you think you know about obesity, good nutrition and healthy eating (unless you are incredibly well read!). The tagline is 'How the misguided fear of saturated fat and cholesterol created a nation of obese diabetics. A one-hour speech by Tom Naughton.'

You can find it here:

I'm currently quite obsessed with researching nutrition so if you know of any other interesing nutrirtion documentaries or websites, please let me know :smile: It's so hard to know what to believe!


  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    If you go to youtube and search Michael Pollan's name, you'll find lots of his videos.

    Thanks for the link to this video.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just purchased Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" after reading his "Food Rules." I know I am going to be blown away by the reality of where our food comes from...just bought some seeds today to plant some veggies for this year!
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    If you are interested in the science of food and nutrition beyond just losing weight I would strongly recommend that you watch this speech titled "Big Fat Fiasco" by Tom Naughton (creator of the documentary 'Fat Head'). It really makes you question everything you think you know about obesity, good nutrition and healthy eating (unless you are incredibly well read!). The tagline is 'How the misguided fear of saturated fat and cholesterol created a nation of obese diabetics. A one-hour speech by Tom Naughton.'

    You can find it here:

    I'm currently quite obsessed with researching nutrition so if you know of any other interesing nutrirtion documentaries or websites, please let me know :smile: It's so hard to know what to believe!
    I couldn't agree more with the message in these videos. When the low-fat products came out is when people started gaining so much weight. To replace the fat with something that would make the food taste better, they replace it with more sugar. Compare the nutrition labels on regular and reduced fat versions of the same product and you'll see what I mean.

    This should be a message to everyone that just because a processed food is touted as "diet" food doesn't mean it is good for you. Weight watchers, Lean Cuisine and all the others have way too many carbs for weight loss and certainly if you are diabetic. I'm having a hard time these days eating things with a long list of things that I can't even pronounce in them. Processed foods (heavily laden with carbs) are a lot cheaper than the "real" stuff so my grocery bill is taking a hit, but I've lost 21 lbs since mid Jan 2011 and feel soooo much better--so its worth it.
  • adhillman01
    adhillman01 Posts: 206
    Thank you so much for posting that! It was eye opening. I've always believed that a calorie is a calorie, but after seeing that video I think I understand that it isn't true. So what do I do about it? What percentage of my calories should come from carbs? How do I monitor my glycemic index? Are multi grain breads and such really that high of a glycemic index? He said that wheat bread was like a 60! I would appreciate more information on how I should apply this information to my eating. Thanks!
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Thank you so much for that link! I was just researching that and told my cousin, but was in the process of looking for more proof, and this really did it for me. I am also the researching type. I spend hours looking things up, because I want to do this the healthiest way, not just for me, but for my husband and kids as well. I will now spend the next few days finding out how much of carbs, sugar, and sat. fat, I should log into my mfp diary. Thanks again so much!
  • RachelHancock
    The pushing of cheap crops as healthy food is a disaster, I want to read more about what people think...
  • adhillman01
    adhillman01 Posts: 206
    Our brains are basically just a lump of fat which is why you can get tired, depressed, irritable etc on low fat diets... You are starving your brain.
    Actually you are more likely to get depressed on a low carb diet. There are warnings that people with problems with depression or psychosis should not go on the Atkins diet. Your brain's primary and preferred energy source is glucose. When you go into a ketogenic state your brain can use fat, but it doesn't function at the optimal level.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member