

  • Can I add all of you too I use striiv n can't get friends
  • I always save enough calories to have some sherbet about 1/2 hour before I go to bed it also helps to keep the metabolism going while you sleep if you eat a little something.
  • I also chop them and keep them in the freezer to use in casseroles but our favorite is in our morning egg beaters. But to have them handy for anything in the freezer is great. You can add them to potatoes if you are baking them to add flavor with the spray butter. We make a soft taco and use the wheat tortilla and use (2…
  • I know when I start here in January I went from a 16 to a 6. This is such a great place to have. SO everyone keep at it. You can do it just keep it up.
  • 38 pounds since January They recommend 2 pounds per week. I was a very slow losing weight.
  • There was a group challenge but you must of missed it. Don't worry just step on the scale and weight if you continue to wait then the numbers may continue to rise. This is the beginning of the month why not start now. MFP is such a great program and has lots of people here to cheer you on. Don't be afraid of the numbers…
  • Your goal is your goal and only you can get you there. Only you can achieve that goal only if you want that goal. Others can be road blocks and stumbling blocks in our way. Others can be great encouragers to help us along to help us achieve that goal but only WE OURSELF AND I can get us there if we truly want it. Our goal…
  • WTG girl. I was that 2 years ago and until reading my journal I didn't realize it. I lost 14# two years ago and 36# this year using MFP. But it takes wanting to do it and exercise, mine was walking and just in my home. You want to do you just have to have the desire but you have to do it for yourself. No One can do it for…
  • I always take my own salad dressing as some don't have a fat free dressing that way you can order a salad with there dressing with the dressing on the side and a chicken breast without the skin that grilled with veggies of some sort. You just have to use the wisest choice and if all else fails use the salad choice with…
  • Clothes at different stores aren't made the same. The only store that I ever found that makes clothes the same is CJ Banks & Christopher Banks. If you find a size there you will fit in any of there clothes and don't have to try there others on. You can order online and not have to worry about it fitting. CJ Banks is for 14…
  • Mine don't touch anymore but they are still flabby all down my leg but thankfully I don't wear shorts. And even years ago I got down to 107 I still had saddle bags never got rid of them and I was 5'7' I am more like 5'5" now. All the girls have saddle bags in the family. May lose fat in them but they never go away. :-( Do…
  • Could you substitute 98% cream of celery soup for the cheese soup? Cheddar cheese gives me migraines
  • Fantastic job. Keep it up. You can do it. You really have come a long way :-)
  • When I went to Jenny Craig they had you eat 1200 calories until your half way point then the dropped you to 1000 calories until your goal. At your goal they brought you up to 1500 calories. That was doing your exercise. They never had us eat back our calories. I started at 184 pounds when I was on there plan and wanted to…
  • I have only weighed and not done any measurements. I have lost 31 pounds since January and have went from a size 16 and just bought my first size 8 skirt. Feels so great to be back down into those small sizes again after so many years. I didn't want to see the numbers I wanted to feel the numbers going away. I have just…
  • I have just a couple a week of them but I also use the ocean spray on the go which is also refreshing. The propel zero also tastes great but I usually wait until they have a good sale and then get them and get quite a few. I am pretty much lose just a little right now but am close to my goal so I think that is part of the…
    in Diet Pop Comment by vickigee July 2011
  • Thank for sharing. Have a great day! :-D
  • This is a great site and as they said if you follow it, it really does help. They only this I did disagree with is the fat content eaten daily. I went to Jenny Craig years ago and they said for losing weight you should eat 20 grams daily and maintaining it is 30 grams, so I adjusted mine. I try to stay in that range and…
  • I've gotten some freezed dried fruits from Thrive online. I think they also sell them at Costco too. They are really great and pretty low cal and they taste fantastic. But they are the freeze dried ones. I absolutely love the mandarin oranges. The strawberries are okay but in the like catagory. The pineapples to are in the…
  • Depends on your size but CJ Banks and Christopher Banks have great cloths and once you find the size that fits that size fits in all the cloths. They have great online sales and that also have a rewards card too. There sales are more email sales. I get most of my clothes when they have the sales going on. Have bought some…
  • This is a great app glad you found it.
    in Hello Comment by vickigee May 2011
  • I did the same thing 1/2 # here and there then nothing and finally 1-1/2 pounds. Just don't give up remember that as your body turns to muscle that it weighs more and then you will lose again. Also we do stabilize at some point too. We need to change our exercises too as our bodies get use to what we are doing.
  • Yes totally honest with my hubby he knows how much I weigh and how much I have lost. I feel terrible when I get heavy but it's usually on the way down I share it. The meds I am on make me gain the weight otherwise I have been thin. Weight gain is so hard to take off but my helper is the Nintendo DS walking program with a…
  • Angel food cake and one small can of pumpkin bake in the angel food cake pan and bake as normal. It doesn't raise as high. But is really moist.
  • Great job on your weight loss. GorillaNJ . I have only eaten out at one and we were invited there so didn't have many options. I didn't have the steamed options that you other ones stated. I just took small portions and stayed away from the coconut and the fried things. Also stayed away from the things I totally loved as I…
  • I totally sounds yummy. My mothers reciped had way more calories than that. I usually splurge in the fat free pudding chocolate mousse stuff. Then the doctor tells me this week chocolate is a no no. Well I will probably still eat it once in a great while as I only have it about once every two months. Enjoy that tasty…
  • Way to go. Keep it up. You're doing a great job :p
  • Google I found this. Thought I would share it. Fiber is good for the body, however, eating too much fiber has its own set of consequences. It is believed that anything above 45 grams of fiber intake is considered as too much fiber in the diet
    in Fibre Comment by vickigee May 2011
  • How do you get the walking tracker on your site I have tried and can't get it?
  • We use the brown rice all the time I uses some flavored olive oils in the rice cooker with the premium brown rice and then when it's all done add some of the Sam's Member Mark Chicken into it makes a very healthy meal and if your steamer has the added shelf like our you put your other veggies on top and your meal is…