hellsbells3272 Member


  • I'm in the UK but my bestie is from Milford in Oakland county, I have visited her a few times, I <3 Michigan. I <3 the Dream Cruise in Detroit (Woodward Ave) but I don't like the size of the breakfasts at Tony's i75 restaurant nr Birch Run/Frankenmuth!!! :open_mouth: OMG!!!!
  • Bodypump is listed under cardio exercises - it does burn quite a few calories over the class.
  • I picked mine based on attitude and age. I had met all the ones at my gym as I see them around. I am female and was 42. I had the choice of a 43 year old male, a 26 year old female or a few younger guys. I picked the older male because I thought it would be more realistic, and if he hadn't been available I would have gone…
  • Have you ever done pump with an instructor in a class? If not, I would be very very careful to look at and listen to technique tips given as instructors tend to be able to give teaching points/corrections to prevent you getting injuries. If you have, then you will have an idea how to do the exercises safely so my tip is to…
  • For single exercise it would have to be walking as I wouldn't be happy without it!! For single gym exercise it is squats because I love them. For actual exercise routine it would be Bodybalance (yoga) :)
  • Strength in core Strength in limbs Flexibility in joints Improved balance Improved body tone and shape Confidence with own body and its limitations Improved well-being and self-esteem Improved breathing control Calmness and feeling centred Ability to focus throughout the rest of the day A great night's sleep afterwards…
  • I have one. He helped me get my nutrition right as well as teaching me good form in the gym and how to really burn calories fast (not the way I would have thought). He also motivates me to work harder and has taught me to run without injury. Well worth every penny spent.
  • thanks for the links Heidi
  • Thanks all. Still a few conflicting opinions. I will read the article though, much appreciated. Coffee and Coca-Cola contain water and definitely do not count towards water intake (been told that by doctor previously), so asking if I make it with water is a bit pointless - I don't take doses of sarcasm! I just wanted to…
  • Thank you PinkyPan for sharing
  • yuck fresh garden mint
  • I am lucky, my instructor uses both sanskrit and English. But if I want to know any names I just google them x
  • Nuts are natural (good) and high in good fats (also good), but don't eat too many! I eat them but only in small amounts.
    in Nuts Comment by hellsbells3272 July 2014
  • Hi Mona, I replied on another post to you x Nice to see you here :)
  • Meeee! I love yoga. I prefer classes as I don't have the room or the time to work out at home, and I would not do it properly I think. Ideally I do 2 x yoga classes a week and one express bodybalance. But at the moment due to instructor maternity leave I am doing 1 yoga class, 1 express bodybalance and 1-2 normal…
  • I love yoga more than anything else. I do not like pilates! I do bodybalance which is mainly yoga, but there are 2 pilates tracks - both for the core and I hate them. The movements are slow and repetitive and boring. It does not flow. Yoga has larger movements, more internal and it FLOWS - that's the big thing for me. I…
  • I can't hula hoop (well I don't actually try very hard), but watching kids do it - there is one thing between the 'cans' and the 'can'ts' - the 'cans' put their arms up in the air really high, the 'can'ts' bend them in front.
  • Different sizes are bad on me too. I still have hips and thighs, but a teensy waist, so trousers drop down and I look like a sack of potatoes!!!
  • I love yoga - it is my favourite thing, but I also love bodybalance. I wonder why people hate it so much. I don't like the pilates element as much as the yoga, but I find the sun salutations, the balance (standing sequences), the hip openers, twists etc are all fantastic. I wonder if people who hate it are purists and only…
    in Piyo Comment by hellsbells3272 June 2014
  • http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/loseweight/pages/surprising-100-calorie-snacks.aspx
  • the TMA song by Surf Teddy
  • OMG I just wouldn't be able to count past about five, I would be so wrapped up in them. I would need somebody to count them for me. Luckily I only do them in class, and for our warm-up before the other asanas!
  • I eat lots of fruit too. I used to eat lots of cookies and cakes, and now I eat fruit instead - yeah there is a heap of sugar, but its natural sugar (not added and processed sugar), and the fruit has lots of nutritional value. I limit the high sugar fruits like grapes and bananas, but have plenty of satsumas, blueberries,…
  • I like berries (sometimes fresh ones, but the frozen ones are good too), with some greek style yogurt and a little honey :) I also like mullerlight yogurts, and what I really can't resist is a treat rather than a dessert - dark (85%) chocolate :) but only a little bit.
  • normal greek yogurt does contain fat unless you buy the fat free version.
  • I used a nutritionist to help guide me with food choices etc. He explained everything with diagrams (all the sciencey stuff). I followed his advice and dropped 21lbs and I am very happy with that. I used his food diaries for a while (paper ones) before I discovered MFP and switched to that instead and even though I hit my…
  • I have a rose on my upper left arm which I got at 18 years old. When I was 20 I got a flower and a unicorn. The flower faded so much that I got it covered up this year with an OM and a Lotus flower :) and I had the unicorn re-done at the same time. I couldn't decide between an ankle tattoo or a foot tattoo last year so I…