

  • While I haven't yet lost it all, my overall goal is to lose 100 and I have lost 60 on my own with healthier eating (not crazy diet) and working out. So yes, it can be done...but not overnight!!! I have had those times where I didn't feel it was quick enough, and got off track...but in the end, just eating better and doing…
  • Turn on your favorite dance tunes and just dance!!! I did this one day and after just 30 minutes was amazed at the workout I had without really even considering it a workout. Plus, hearing all your favorite music and just letting loose...well, its just fun and helps keep away those rainy day blahs!!!
  • Once a week...I used to jump on daily, but I would beat myself up over the slightest negative change. One thing daily weighing did do was let me know how certain eating patterns affect my weight...But now I prefer once a week.
  • Used to live in Reno...does that count? Welcome back to MFP!!!
  • When I first started I lost 8 pounds in the 1st week; no excercise as I wanted to get calories under control first. So I stuck to 1200 calories a day and diet drinks, coffee, tea...just water. Now in my 2nd journey at losing the rest of the weight (after a little R&R from all of this)'s not coming off as…
  • I was the 1st one in my family born out of MN...does that count? Used to spend all my summers there. Welcome!! This site is a good way! ~Capri
  • It does burn calories, but not like a cardio workout will. I usually do pilates after my cardio - it gets in some great stretches (which feels good after the elliptical) and really works on the core area (therfore avoiding the dreaded crunch).
  • Spaghetti, lasagna, stroganoff, goulash...hmmm, notice a pasta theme here! I think it was more "what could last a while on a budget" food. haha! I also grew up around a baseball field, so during season, it was hot dogs during the game and pizza after the game. Probably why I can't stant those 2 things now! And my guily…
  • You will find the motivation here...through friends and the great message boards. I am on week three with MFP and LOVE it!!!
    in hi Comment by austxdreamin April 2011
  • Welcome and good for you on being public about your weight loss. The more open you are about it, the more you tend to stick with it and other people follow too!!! Awesome on your 1st week loss too!! ~Capri
  • I love the Gaiam videos...try Pilates too, that is what I do for stretching and core exercises! Gaiam has Ana Caban's videos, and they are great!
  • Do you do the same workout during the week? Maybe trying a higher cardio workout Thurs/Sat would help??? I also give myself some slack one day a week, but still try to get some workout in on that day - even a walk around the block. I will keep an eye out on this post to see what others say and if we can have that day off…
  • Amen to everything you have said...especially when you have those invites to special occasions, or just even hanging out with friends. Damn that munchie food! I try hard to only snack on the veggie trays...but come on, I am a cheese addict...I love it!
  • Welcome!!! I joined last week and am addicted now! I love it and all the support and info you can find on here!!! Good for you for taking this step to feel great again!!!
  • Welcome!! I love to cook!! I have found it to be a great stress are the boss in your kitchen and it becomes a fun science expiriment in the kitchen as you play around with recipes and make them your own!! So welcome to it and have fun with it! Invite some friends over and WOW them with your culinary skills…
  • My favorite stretching is Pilates! It's also a great workout too. I know ExerciseTV had some free routines online: But I also like Ana Caban and her routines:
  • Welcome welcome welcome!! I just started on MFP last week and LOVE it!!! OMG, good thing I don't like sweet tea...400 calories...HOLY "BLEEP" idea it was that high!!! Best of luck to you!! ~Capri
  • Sometimes you need those weekends to keep you on track!! Hope it was a great time in Vegas...wait, it was Vegas...of course it was a great time! ~Capri
    in :( Comment by austxdreamin April 2011
  • Great idea! I think I will put mine on my desk at it always seems I want to munch on the bad foods at work! This will be an "in your face" reminder to drop the mini heath bar and go for the apple!!
  • Pack the healthy snacks!!! Some PB and celery sticks will help keep the protein level apple...some the produce aisle and make some easy snack packs at home to take with you!!
  • You are NOT alone!!! I was nodding my head in agreement as I read your post!!!
  • You won't sabotage yourself in terms of calories...just in terms of nutritional value...but like Robin and then it is just fine!! It's like a reward for doing well on your calorie counting! ;-)
  • I will never call anyone a slob!! At least you have recognized the need for a change and that is all that matters! Welcome to MFP!!!
  • Contact MFP Public Relations and check into it...who knows, with all this support, they may look into it! Public Relations:
  • I like my curves too...but yes, less would be better. :wink: You might find as you work out, eat healthier...that you don't want that cigarette as much! Set some goals for both smoking and weight's hard enough tackling one lifestyle change and you are taking on two of them!! Best of luck to you!! I know you can…
  • I am with you on that one!! Was just in DC for work; love that area!!! Look for my friend request! ~Capri
  • I can so relate to your intro paragraph!!! Look for my friend request and let's stay back on this wagon!!! ~Capri
  • I just started MFP last week and love all the feel free to add me!! Would love to keep track of your progress for the 5k!!! Best of luck!! ~Capri
  • Hi Ashley! I totally understand about being in the right frame of mind - if you aren't there, then it just sabotages what you want to achieve! So welcome back and best of luck to you!!! Hooah!!! ~Capri (and feel free to add me as a friend for support!!)