How can I keep from eating on night shift?

Anyone who works nights should know how hard it is to stay awake the entire night. To do so usually requires snacking througout the night and lots of coffee, how can I still manage not to snack all night and still stay awake.


  • austxdreamin
    Pack the healthy snacks!!! Some PB and celery sticks will help keep the protein level apple...some the produce aisle and make some easy snack packs at home to take with you!!
  • mking13
    mking13 Posts: 3
    I feel for you. I worked nights for 2 years and gained so much weight from eating to stay awake. I quit working nights. Working nights messes your body up so much. Aside from gaining weight I was dark under my eyes, not getting enough sleep, sluggish, and got Mono. I was so out of whack. The only thing I have to suggest aside from switching to days is to take healthy snacks.
  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    I work 12 hour night shift. 7p-7a. I snack all night. I eat at least every 3 hours. This is my routine. I get up around 2pm, have a shake, then I will do my exercises, around 3:30p Im in the shower and at 4:30p I have my "lunch" then I will be ok until I reach work. around 8pm I have a light snack like an apple or nuts at 11pm I eat my "dinner". Then around 2am I will have another light snack like cheese and crackers or fruit and around 5:30 or 6am I will have my "breakfast", like yogurt, 1/2 whole grain bagel. Thats my typical routine when I have to work. Then i come hoem take a shower and sleep and start it all over at 2pm for my exercise routine. This works quite well for me. You have to eat every 3-4 hrs while u are awake to keep ur metabolism going strong. I hope this helps!