Lost over 100lbs w/o dieting or surgery? I need to hear from

Dear MFP friends,

I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lately and really need some uplifting successful examples of people who have already achieved what I want to achieve. I would love to hear from some women who have achieved a loss of over 100lbs that did NOT do strict dieting, hormone injections or surgery. I'll catch a glimpse of a ticker of someone who lost a bunch of weight, go into their profile to see how they are doing it only to find disappointment because they had surgery last year or are taking HCG, or have been maintaining a very low caloric intake for someone of their size. Those are all successful ways to lose weight, just not the way that will work for me. I barely ever come across someone who has lost their weight in the same fashion as I seek. I want to hear from people who have been able to incorporate a healthy lifestyle and that is the reason they have been successful at losing and keeping their weight off. Is that you? Please write to me. Please tell me your story. Please reassure me that it can be done.

Thank you,


  • LuckySe7en
    Ditto, I'm on the same boat as you at the moment. I refuse to do some fad diet or any other unhealthy method of getting rid of all of my weight.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    I've only lost 43lbs so far, but have a lot more to go, i've upped my exercise ALOT, and watch what i eat, but i refuse to cut things out of my diet completely, i'd always want them, make sensible choices, and slowly it will come off naturally.

    Good luck
  • SheilaS95
    SheilaS95 Posts: 17
    check out Ben Davis's story... he's lost over 100lbs by starting to exercise and trying to watch what he eats... no surgery, hcg, or crazy diet stuff


    he's a real inspiration!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I don't have that much weight to lose but I just want to say.....LOOK IN THE MIRROR! You have already lost 56 lbs! YOU are the proof it can be done! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep doing what you are doing. It is working!!!!!! Congratulations!!:drinker:
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I have not lost 100 pounds, but I am at 52 pounds lost since Jan 1. I am not doing a strict diet but have based my choices from the glycemic index. Whole grains, no sugar, fresh fruits/veggies, portion control, 3 meals, 3 snacks a day, and exercise. I will be at over 100 pounds lost sometime this year I hope and I won't do hormone injections or surgery and a strict diet would never work for me... hope this helps you know it's possible because I have proven to myself that it is :)
  • austxdreamin
    While I haven't yet lost it all, my overall goal is to lose 100 and I have lost 60 on my own with healthier eating (not crazy diet) and working out. So yes, it can be done...but not overnight!!! I have had those times where I didn't feel it was quick enough, and got off track...but in the end, just eating better and doing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day...it did come off. Sometimes it would be a couple weeks before a difference on the scale...but just hang in there!! We didn't put the weight on overnight, so it won't come off overnight!!!

    I just started MFP a couple weeks ago to help with that last 40...as the message boards and motivation you get from the friends is awesome. So hang in there!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I guess it depends on what you think a fad diet is, me I decided after a lot of research to eat primal for my life style and lost all my weight doing that of course with some cheat days or months in their. But hey we are human.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You go!!! Doing great. I just got off "those last 10 pounds" without anything but good healthy food and exercise. But I was in the upper range of healthy when I started.

    Love your Hovercat!!
  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    I've not achieved my 200lb lost goal, but I'm 70lbs away! Its been a long rough struggle, I've not have any type of plastic surgery or used Jenny craig or any of that junk, I've done it solely with Walking, Jogging, cleaning and playing in the yard. I'm very proud to say that my starting weight was 240, but when I started a yr ago, I was probably closer to 370, and now I'm down to a whopping 210...Holy cramole I can barely believe it, but now I'm starting to struggle, but not a day goes by that I tell myself to give up. I can honestly tell you from expierence that you can do ANYTHING that you want as long as you set your mind and body to it. Keep up the good work, don't fret you'll get there, it will just take time, like I've heard, no one put this weight on over night, so we can't take it off naturally over night.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I haven't hit the 100 pound mark yet, but the weight I have lost has been through eating tons of real, fresh food and moving my *kitten* - nothing more, nothing less.
  • GrayJohn
    GrayJohn Posts: 74
    I lost 140lbs last year through exercising and watching what I ate. It can be done, it just takes time. I reached 100lbs around 7 months into it.

    It's hard to maintain though!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I don't have that much weight to lose but I just want to say.....LOOK IN THE MIRROR! You have already lost 56 lbs! YOU are the proof it can be done! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep doing what you are doing. It is working!!!!!! Congratulations!!:drinker:

    Thank you for saying so. :flowerforyou:
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I have lost 122 by eating right and working out, and it hasn't been easy. I just posted a forum called "Can you believe this girl?" Try searching for it. There are several before and current pictures on there.
    It's hard work, you'll plateau, and you'll want to give up. The thing is, the only way it will work is by being 110% dedicated and honest with what you are eating and how much you are putting into your workouts.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    When I was 21 I lost 70 lbs (280 - 210) in 7 months (2 lbs / week) only doing 2 spin classes a week with the only diet change being cutting out pop. It's quite possible I was consuming 5000 calories some days (this is eating at home) most days probably 3000+.

    At 210 I still had a stomach, but I think I was just taking in so many calories I couldn't lose any more.
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I'm at 50lb since doing this but 78 since 2009. No pills, surgery or any magic. Just 1500 cals a day and walking, swimming and the gym. It's entirely doable if you have the patience a determination. I have no doubts that I will do this as it's become a way of life now
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    I haven't lost 100 pounds yet but I've lost about 31 pounds total and am not going to stop ever. This is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. I've been consistently loosing about 2 pounds each week (some weeks I do stay the same, but it seems to all even out for me in the end) and sometimes I feel like I'm not making any progress but when I look back over the past few months I can see the progress I'm making. You can do it! Just stick with healthy choices one day at a time :happy:
    And yes, I'm doing it the good old fashioned way as well by making healthier choices and getting more active.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Not at 100 lbs lost... yet.... but I'm getting there. Officially, I've lost 66 lbs -- unofficially 68 lbs lost ... Saturday is my weigh-in day. No surgery, hormone injections, pills, etc., in my life. I just work my butt off at the gym 5 days a week (90-120 min sessions), and try to stay within my daily caloric goals. I try to eat healthy foods, but I'm human, so I allow myself planned indulgences. I figure this isn't a diet, it's retraining myself to eat smarter and in moderation for life.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I have lost my weight by eating properly and exercising. Also learning about portion sizes helped me alot!!
  • smithke79
    I actually lost 100 pounds in roughly a year (~320 to ~220) doing a half hour of weight lifting 3 or 4 times a week and a 40 minute workout DVD 2 or 3 times a week. I was averaging 1600 to 2000 calories a day. Just watching what I ate, not over eating and making healthy choices. Low fat, low carb, low calorie etc. I still ate pizza, chinese and the things I Iove but just in moderation. It was a hard year and felt like I was going no where a lot. ( I am actually up about 15 pounds but working it back down) Keep on keeping on and you will make it. Have you tried doing a totally different work out or eating something totally different? I have been running the past few weeks and its great. Good luck.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I have lost 122 by eating right and working out, and it hasn't been easy. I just posted a forum called "Can you believe this girl?" Try searching for it. There are several before and current pictures on there.
    It's hard work, you'll plateau, and you'll want to give up. The thing is, the only way it will work is by being 110% dedicated and honest with what you are eating and how much you are putting into your workouts.

    I did read your forum. A big congratulations is in order! I am by no means trying to take anything away from your success, but you did what I consider strict dieting for someone my size. I would not be able to maintain a calorie count of 1200-1400 every day. That will send me to a binge. That is not something I'd be able to do for life. Your pics looks great, I'm glad you have been successful. :flowerforyou: