Lost over 100lbs w/o dieting or surgery? I need to hear from



  • sinks
    sinks Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost 102lbs so far just exercising and counting the calories. I didn't/haven't drastically cut the calories. I try to net between 1200-1500 a day, but with extra exercise I get to eat way more than that. I go to bed every night satisfied, and I eat whenever I am hungry. I've been working at this for just over a year now. I still have about 30 lbs to go to my goal weight. So, it can be done! I've done nothing crazy, drastic, or unhealthy. I just started making healthy choices.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    There are many people on the site who have lost significant weight using MFP and/or using a moderate deficit and implementing healthy, sustainable habits.

    A couple that I know of....



  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Glad you are doing this the right way that is the only way to keep it off. This story is going to start out funny, but just go with me. I have been skinny all my life and I am 35 just had my 3rd child and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So here goes my weight loss story. I have been athletic all my life, very competitive. So when I turned 26 and started to gain weight I realized-fun was over and joined the gym. A few years down the road I met my husband and had put on some weight. Moved back home to save some money and lost 20 lbs exercising and watching what I ate with my mom as my fitness buddy. So then I got pregnant pretty quickly. I had my first daughter-to make a long story short she was hospitalized and we had to stay for 9 weeks. I was in there stressed and depressed. My mom, husband, a friend all told me I should try to do some working out. In my mind I was fine and didn't even look that bad. Of course at hospital there are scales all over. So even though I was weighing in at 250 and buying size 18 clothes my stress and depression didn't let me see how out of control I got. We got out and a friend came to visit and we went to lunch with her and my husband took a picture-it is on my page. Anyhow, I gasped in horror when I saw it and looked at my husband and said-why didn't you stop me. Well, like I said-people tried.

    After that wake up call I have never been back there, because I made myself a promise. Two years ago, before this last pregnancy I was less than I was when I got married. I am almost back there. No crazy diets or pills. Just hard work with exercise and watching my diet more carefully. It can be done and it has been done by many.

    With every pregnancy I have promised myself to be better and have gained tons of weight each time. It makes me mad at myself because I know how hard it is to take it off. It does help that I love to exercise. Even though it is hard, I made myself a promise to never get back there-so I keep it up and keep it off. I love my body too much to let it go. Through all of this I now am about to finish school as a personal trainer and I actually work at a bootcamp yelling positive reinforcement to get people through their workouts. You can do this!!!
  • paloma1182
    paloma1182 Posts: 68 Member
    Heres someone that always motivates me!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Diane, I came across the picture in my phone. it's not the clearest picture because it was a picture taken with a camera phone and then sent to my phone. but this was me at my heaviest about 10 years ago. I have lost 60 pounds since then.

    Notice I'm trying to hide as much as I can!

    This is the most recent! (look, I have a neck and no more hiding!)

    sorry the pic is so small!

    here's a few more:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Well I know it is possible to lose weight without surgery or extreme measures. I did it once from age 24 to 26 or 27. It took me about 3 plus years to lose about 120. I went from 535 to about 415. I never made it to the 300's. I maintained 420 to 440 until I was about 32 or 33 years old. Had some things in life happen and I gradually put the weight back on and some. I remember the one thing that started it was a knee injury or when I found out I had knee arthritis. I could never get my groove back on with consistent exercise and just kind of fell off the wagon.

    I am older now and I learned from that mistake. I had a similar incident with my knee almost 2 years ago and this cause me to regain weight from when I had the WLS. See when you are excercising and stop and have not really got the eating in check you will gain weight quickly for sure.

    That is what I am doing now, getting the eating in check so if and when my knees fail me or I have another LIFE issue, I will have learned how to eat properly so I will not gain or gain much with good eating habits.

    I know you can do this because you are learning good eating habits and I finally get it that eating is 70 to 80 percent of it. I always tell people now if you eat right and don't exercise you will lose weight. If you exercise and do not eat right you will not lose weight. The exericising is good for you and it definitely helps you maintain weight loss and look better while losing weight but it will never replace healthy eating habits.

    In order to be sucessful at any weight loss program or WLS you will need both to maintain a healthy weight.

    You can do it!:flowerforyou: Just continue to be patient, persevere, and be positive as you are already doing! You are at that middle point now and you may have to fight your way thru it but I know you will do. I wish at age 32 I would have continued my journey but I gave up. Success is not giving up.

    The only reason I replied to this post is because I have many friends including yourself who are trying to lose 100 to 200 pounds without the assistance of WLS and I want them to be encouraged if people who have lost over 100 pounds on their own replies.

    I know there will be a lot of negative posts about how horrible WLS is so I will not be looking back on this thread for sure......:-) because that horse has ridden and I can not and will not go down that path for ones who do not have a clue on this matter.
    I really wish MFP had a way for us to delete stuff off our 'My Topics" feed.....:-) Maybe one day.

    Anyways, I hope you find some of those century club members who have done it without assistance! I know they are out there.
  • kanglj65
    kanglj65 Posts: 25
    I had WLS seven years ago. At the time I thought it would be a good thing. I know people who do really well with it. It was a horrible idea for me, for many reasons, but I won't get into those here. After losing over 80 lbs, the weight started coming back. The surgeon I had was new and didn't have a program in place- I never learned the healthy diet. It took me until two months ago to realize- I mean, REALLY realize this can't be about the scale. It can't be about losing weight. It has to be about making healthy choices- in both eating and in exercise. I have to give my body as much time as it needs to shed the weight- until then I keep trying to focus on the energy I have that I didn't have before. It's hard, but I think my way of thinking is really changing.
  • jennys33
    jennys33 Posts: 16
    I am close to that total...I have lost 72 without any surgery, without HCG. I am just eating healthy and excercising when I can.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Look up Pinkmoon she's an incredible inspiration! She was gorgeous before and beautiful after. She looks younger now and looks awesome in her bikini! I believe she's lost 100 lbs or very close to that.

    Love you Diane:smooched:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    bumping :smooched:
  • stark23x
    stark23x Posts: 30 Member
    I did that! :) I wrote it up here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/215063-near-400-to-220ish . In case that is tl:dr, which I totally think it is and *I* wrote it, the summary is: I lost a whole person and I'm still going. Moral is: You can do this. It's not easy, and it doesn't happen quickly. But you can change your life. You. No one else. You _can_ do this.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I haven't done surgery, pills, injections and I eat according to the MFP plan.....usually 1400-2000 calories a day. It has taken me 14.5 months to get to where I am and now I am only 35lbs from goal.

    I have treat days, nothing is off limits, I work out 1+ hours a day 6 days a week and this is a lifestyle for me now.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • MaybeImNot
    MaybeImNot Posts: 122 Member
    I'm at 91lbs lost in 1.5 years while being a full time grad student and half time employee, never turning down a lunch meeting, comfortably indulging in things I want, and working out like a fiend :-) Feel free to take a look or message me -- it's doable. it's slow, but it's doable. I'm hoping the last 30lbs are as doable.... haha.