Matiara Member


  • Agreed. This thread is interesting, as I've always found one serving of any pasta to be quite satisfying (of course including sauce/toppings/mix ins). I feel stuffed after eating one serving of spaghetti mixed with one serving of meat sauce.
  • Mainly vanity, with a side helping of health. I never even had a weight problem until around 3-4 years ago. I was a size 6 for most of my adult life, didn't really monitor what I ate, and exercised sporadically. When I did gain, it was around 10 or so "vanity" pounds that came off in short order just by my increasing…
  • 1800 on non exercise days and 2000-2200 on exercise days. I'm 5'11", around 180, and my goal is 155.
  • LOL! I edited my initial comment because it sounded snippy when I read it back. I don't live in a utopia of uber fitness, but my town is very outdoorsy, has an active population, and the obesity level is around 10% lower than the average for my state and the US in general. So for me, fit legs are not an unusual sight when…
  • They just look like.....legs. Her legs don't look any different to me than most of the legs I see on hot days around these parts. *shrugs* And that's not a negative comment. I'm just saying that I don't see why the commenters are all "ZOMG! The MUSCLEZ!"
  • I eat the same thing every workday. I get to work at 6:30 and have six Ritz crackers with 3/4 serving of Trader Joe's PB. On my 9 AM break, I eat a caramel apple breakfast cookie with a cup of 2% milk. Surprisingly, I don't find it boring. On weekends, I mix it up. It totally depends on how late I sleep in, what I'm doing…
  • I was a Bicentennial baby as well and didn't get a flag on my stinkin' birth certificate. What a rip off. :grumble:
  • I'm certain it did not. The issue appears to have been one of weighing dense items vs. not so dense items. The ultimate point is that the scale was inaccurate and I should have replaced it long ago.
  • Thanks for the tip. There's going to be a learning curve for achieving efficiency in weighing various things, but it's fun. It's like I have a new toy. There was a thread I found in a search that listed various tips for using a digital scale. I should have bumped it to keep it on my list, but I'm sure I'll find it easily.
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • You look fabulous. I've learned to just cut out the noise and do what fits my goals. I know how I want my body to look, I'm doing what needs to be done to facilitate that, and I'm the only one with a vote. I'm not going to alter my goals because another person thinks that it will be too much or not enough of whatever.…
  • I'm 5'11" and I have long arms and legs (33 inch inseam), a tiny ribcage, and narrow hips, so I'm comfortable with saying my frame is small. Or at least narrow. My body does not carry extra weight attractively. When I gained 40 pounds, it was in the form of 7 inches on my hips, 8 on my waist, 3 on my bust, an inch on each…
  • And I thought I was alone in working out primarily for aesthetics. ;) Even before I added any type of weight training to my life, I never had a problem carrying groceries on my own, lifting heavy boxes, hauling cat litter, moving furniture, etc., so strength was not an issue for me and getting stronger for strength's sake…
  • I too have a visceral reaction to the phrase "real women" having been thin most of my life and being subjected to people's idiotic comments about anorexia, how I couldn't possibly ever eat, needing meat on my bones, etc. Not to mention seeing that obnoxious slogan every time I accompanied my mother to Lane Bryant. Who knew…
  • That ice cream cone totally looks like the cone that I get at the state fair every year, except the one I get is strawberry swirl and tastes like heaven. Alas, I must wait until September.
  • I actually just finished a round of Turbo Fire last week. I started in January and did the entire five month schedule. I'm only on a 1/2 pound a week deficit and I didn't really weigh myself, so I don't know how many pounds I lost. However, I'm fitting into my old clothes again. I have skirts that I can now get on and zip…
    in TurboFire Comment by Matiara June 2014
  • Well if you want to be even more confused, you should listen to his podcasts. He talks about how he eats burgers and hot dogs and how fans gift him with donuts that he likes at personal appearances. He also received a six month supply of his favorite candy bar for Christmas and said that he often blends them into his…
  • Only my mom, because she's willing to listen and learn. I don't bother with other people unless they say something so egregious that I can't hold it in. For example, I keep my mouth shut when my coworkers talk about their latest fad diets, but when we were bantering at the end of a meeting and a bunch of them thought that…
  • My mom was a single mom and for the first 12 years of my life, we were poor. My mom knew how to stretch a dollar at the grocery store and she cooked every day. Even when she started going to school during the day and working nights, she always cooked dinner. Fast food was a once a month treat. You know when I became a fast…
  • I also live in the Seattle area. :drinker: McDonald's sells cheeseburgers, small fries, and small drinks on their dollar ($1.29) menu. The choices *are* there if one reads the entire menu instead of just looking at the picture menu for the value meals. Same with Wendy's and Burger King.
  • The comment didn't bother me. It's just that she walked in as I was pinching my back fat and I wondered if she was just being extra complimentary in order to encourage me. Not that what she said wasn't the truth, but the way she said it in a rah rah fashion. You're right about the mirror. I do tend to twist and turn about…
  • Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh, I do. Especially when I see the threads you are referencing. I do have family members who are negative about eating well and exercising, but I don't talk to them about my goals. My mom is 100% supportive.
  • I know what you mean about that word being used in a negative context because I dealt with it when I was younger and it does kind of make me flinch. But in my mom's case, "skinny" is just the word she uses for anyone who's not overweight, regardless of their body composition. She'll watch a fitness competition and say,…
  • Hmmmm. Physically, I don't have a best age because I was actually in shape up until 2009, gained a little wait in 2010, and got back in shape briefly in 2011 before I went off the rails altogether and gained the 40 pounds I'm attempting to lose now. With that being said, if I had a gun to my head, I guess I'd pick my mid…
  • 1. My goals for my body and fitness level are the only things that matter. This is not a competition and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I'm the only person who needs to be happy with the end result. 2. I'm the opposite of most in that my eating habits are much better when I relax and don't worry about every…
  • When I was a teenager, I ate like a pig (quality and quantity), I moved a lot less, and my weight stayed constant at 125 pounds. I did not pick at my food or eat slowly and if I was sitting, I was eating. I do not think that I am a special snowflake or that I defied the laws of thermodynamics, but obviously, my TDEE was…
  • 5'11", hourglass, average torso, long arms, 34" inseam, small frame. I don't want to change a thing about my body outside of the excess fat I'm carrying. I don't exercise for my body type because despite what Tracy Anderson says, it's not necessary. I do what I will be consistent with and what gives me the results I'm…
  • I agree with those above in that it's what you will stick to, which applies to all types of workouts. I do workouts that I enjoy and will help me reach my goals. Personally, machine cardio seems endless to me. Even half an hour on the treadmill or elliptical with good music in my ears and a TV screen in front of me feels…
  • I missed my workout the day before Thanksgiving because I got home too late and did a double workout on Thanksgiving day to make up for it. I only take holidays off it they fall on a scheduled rest day.