

I wanted to know if anyone here has done turbo fire? How is it compared to some of the other "tough" programs? What about pushups ect does it do any of that? Results? Please tell me all you can about turbo fire. I am desperately looking for a beach body program for me. I have tried insanity, and currently t 25. both really good but I was wondering since I am female, if a female intructor like chalene would be better for me. I have searched hours and hours at you tube reviews and found that it looks pretty intense and fun. I can't really do pushups all that well and I have gained a lot of muscle since INSANITY and T25 and lost a lot of inches but not a lot of weight.

Anyways... IS TurboFIre worth the 80+ bucks you spend on it? I am running out of options here.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I have not tried TurboFire.

    You can find some TurboFire groups at the MFP Message Boards,Groups option. Dark blue banner above

    here is one link


    If you are exercising and not losing body weight, it means you are not eating at a deficit ( calories burned> calories ingested)

    MFP will help you keep track of your calories and you need to log everything you eat (measure, measure, measure)

    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    TurboFire was one of the first programmes I tried after I started exercising - it worked REALLY well for me. I lost a lot of weight whilst doing it (from 170-155Ibs) but I also combined that with a caloric deficit and C25K (which worked up to running 5k 3xweek) - so it's hard to tell what you'd get from the programme on its own. The HIIT component of the programme is hard, especially when you're overweight and unfit but it quickly gets better. Additionally the HIIT component really helped me with other aspects of cardio performance.

    As with any programme at home though it requires you to push yourself without being watched by someone - easy to slack off.

    I followed TF with Insanity and both were great - I'd recommend both programmes but I'd not do Insanity again ;) whereas I still pickup some of the HIIT stuff from TF to help me with my cardio training, so personally I feel TF is a level below insanity in terms of "hardness" - that's just my opinion on it though :)

    Pushups aren't really a part of TF until you start doing the resistance bits, but again, do as many as you can, you'll always improve with time and practise.

    You might enjoy the music component to the workout too - it's all choreographed.

    Have you looked on YouTube for clips of TurboFire to see if it's your kind of thing?

    ETA: I also tracked (and still track) all of my macros, which is (I think) still the most important thing to be doing. It's hard to out exercise a poor diet :)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I use some turbo fire workouts in my routine. I honestly don't know what you think you are going to get from Turbofire that you wouldn't get from any other program. It's cardio. The fact that the instructor is female doesn't really have anything to do with the workout, as all the moves are things you would do in any other routine. It's a lot of dance moves. There are some ab and sculpting routines in the program that you can do with bands. I'm not seeing much in the way of results in the hybrid program I'm doing (turbo fire/clx) in terms of measurements. I have improved some of my lifts, but that's about it.

    Why does it have to be a beach body program? There are lots of other exercise programs out there. There are free cardio workouts on fitness blender. There's nothing magic about bb. Getting your diet in order is the key to losing weight, the workouts are just for fitness. If you like dance-type aerobics it would probably be a good fit for you because you'd enjoy it, but it's not going to be the thing to melt away the pounds.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I have just started Turbo fire and enjoying it. I feel its a fun workout that I can stick too. The only others Ive done are Jillian Michaels DVD's and I was ready for a change.
  • swalberg0625
    swalberg0625 Posts: 98 Member
    I am currently doing Turbo Fire and really enjoy it. Chalene is a great instructor. Very fun and upbeat. The music is great. The moves take a bit to get used to, but once you know the choreography it's easier to bump up the intensity. I can't say I have had much results since I have only been consistently doing the program a couple weeks, but I'm burning calories and having fun while I am doing it. You just have to find something that looks fun to you so that you look forward to it instead of dreading it. Haven't worked out with Shawn T but in comparison it seems he is more about moves/reps. Chalene's videos are more dancey, but you still get a great burn. Hope this helps you decide.
  • melanield1982

    I'm on day 16 of Turbofire and love it! I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose but really want to tone up. I've tried other cardio workouts before but really struggled with them fitness wise.

    I can really feel a difference already and it has completely changed my attitude to working out, I actually enjoy this! :-)

    Defo give it a go, maybe it's not for everybody but I would definitely recommend :-)
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    I have not tried TurboFire.

    You can find some TurboFire groups at the MFP Message Boards,Groups option. Dark blue banner above

    here is one link


    If you are exercising and not losing body weight, it means you are not eating at a deficit ( calories burned> calories ingested)

    MFP will help you keep track of your calories and you need to log everything you eat (measure, measure, measure)

    Good luck in your healthy journey

    Thanks for the reply with the topic. Really. :)

    But I just want to state, that if you look at my post history you will find I have posted several topics regarding "not losing actual weight" however.... on this one I only stated "I am not losing "alot" of weight."

    I have deduced that I have medical issues that have "Slowed" down my weightloss to a "major" degree. I have finally come to terms with, and accepted this.

    I am loseing "some" weight just not " alot" of weight. I do have a calorie deficit diet that I STICK to. So that is not the problem.

    Anyways thanks for the link. I will be sure to check it out.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    I use some turbo fire workouts in my routine. I honestly don't know what you think you are going to get from Turbofire that you wouldn't get from any other program. It's cardio. The fact that the instructor is female doesn't really have anything to do with the workout, as all the moves are things you would do in any other routine. It's a lot of dance moves. There are some ab and sculpting routines in the program that you can do with bands. I'm not seeing much in the way of results in the hybrid program I'm doing (turbo fire/clx) in terms of measurements. I have improved some of my lifts, but that's about it.

    Why does it have to be a beach body program? There are lots of other exercise programs out there. There are free cardio workouts on fitness blender. There's nothing magic about bb. Getting your diet in order is the key to losing weight, the workouts are just for fitness. If you like dance-type aerobics it would probably be a good fit for you because you'd enjoy it, but it's not going to be the thing to melt away the pounds.

    I am sure there are others out here that LOVE beach body work outs.

    Anyways, no the thing is I mostly saw TurboFire advertised, saw that it LOOKED fun and LOOKED kind of tough.

    Yeah, I know that "female" does not have anything to do with the workout as long as you are "working out" HOWEVER... I also know that guys usually tend to worry about all that muscle. Especially in the pushup region. I can do pushups...but not very well. I want a workout that will help me lose weight without so much pushups. I did not see a whole lot of pushups when I saw the ad for TURBO FIRE. And I was just "CURIOUS" what Chalene focused on.

    again it looked FUN too!

    I can't do the "online free workouts" because I do not have internet at home. LOL
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for all of you who posted who are actually doing TURBO FIRE. It seems like this will be the next thing I add to my workout library. LOL

    It seems fun. I will be saving up for it LOL.

    Please add me as a friend to tell me more about your experiances as you go through it. Thanks.
  • leilanibarrett13
    I LOVE Turbofire. The program really changed my life and allowed fitness and health to become important to me. I still do it from time to time. I got in the best shape of my life with it. No matter your fitness level, it is a great workout.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I actually just finished a round of Turbo Fire last week. I started in January and did the entire five month schedule.

    I'm only on a 1/2 pound a week deficit and I didn't really weigh myself, so I don't know how many pounds I lost. However, I'm fitting into my old clothes again. I have skirts that I can now get on and zip up that I couldn't get past my thighs in November. Dresses that felt binding in the chest region are comfortable now. I went from notch one on my belt to notch four and finally had to buy new jeans because I was starting to look like Baggy McGee.

    In the fitness area, I made a lot of gains. The thing that I'm most proud of is that I went from only being able to do a few push ups on my knees to being able to do push ups on my toes and tricep push ups.

    With that being said, I echo the sentiment that there is no magic workout and it's about finding something that you love. I work out at home exclusively and for me to stick with it, I need something to follow along to, an instructor that I like, bright sets, etc. I couldn't work out from a program in a book or looking at a computer screen, so I'm willing to pay for DVDs because I know I will get a lot of use out of them.

    Worth is subjective. I would say that TF is worth the $80, but you may hate it. Try it for the 30 days, or however long the free trial is these days, and send it back if you don't care for it. And don't let Beachbody wrangle you into purchasing supplements, memberships, etc. that you don't want. They will definitely offer, but I haven't bought a single thing from them outside of the three workout programs that I own.

    As for me, I'm taking a break from TF and started Brazil Butt lift yesterday. I did a two month round of Turbo Jam just prior to TF. I like Chalene, but after seven months, I'm sick of her. :) I will return to TF after a few months, though.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I did a few sessions after taking on "ChaLean Extreme" program...

    I liked it but not enough to continue. I am not a dancer and coordination sometimes is a problem. I felt like I spent too much time to follow the steps instead of putting myself into the workout itself.

    I like Les Mills' Body Combat much more since it's more like real kickboxing and requires less of memerizing the routines...

    But that's just personal choice. Chalene is very perky and a very good motivator.
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    I love Turbo Fire and even got certified as a Turbo Kick instructor after regularly taking a Turbo-inspired class at my gym a few years back.

    It is an excellent cardio workout and a lot of fun. :) The energy and music are addictive, and if you are already in a home-workout routine you will really enjoy this as well.

    In terms of results, I don't exclusively do Turbo so unfortunately I can't speak to that. I will say - as someone who runs 5-6 miles at a time and does marathon sessions on the stepmill, Turbo gets me huffing and sweating immediately and I sometimes have to take breaks!

    I'd highly recommend you try it!