Do you correct people on weight loss myths?



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Depends on who it is, but for the most part I would assume grown adults can make their own decisions (no matter how wrong those decisions may be) and they're unlikely to listen to reason anyway.

    This. Last week someone I hadn't seen in a while came up to me and was like 'wow, you've lost so much weight, you must have cut out wheat!' :tongue: I just smiled and shook my head.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    I've tried many a time and have determined it's near futile. I've changed my approach though.
    Now instead of saying that something doesn't work, I ask the person how they think it works.
    I then ask if it worked so well why isn't everyone doing it...
    Still the same results...but I'm more entertained.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I dont tell them that they have horrible ideas or that they are doing it wrong..... No one wants to hear that their plan won't work.
    Instead I tell them

    "Be careful, There are a lot of scams out there and for just one easy payment of $19.95 I can teach you how to avoid them."
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes, in the same way I don't let people light a barbeque with a gasoline can next to them.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My best friend insists she gained a lot of weight while she was only eating one meal a day and not getting enough calories. When has a friend who puts her on fad juicing cleanses (you can't have grapefruit or other citrus fruits, OMG!!!) Who told her the common myth of the body storing any fat when you don't eat enough. I tried to explain to her she cant gain weight while in deficit, But she is convinced, because she lost on the juice cleanse. She is vegetarian, But doesn't eat much protein, mostly potatoes, pasta with lots of cream and cheese, and I can see how one meal a day could potentially put her over, especially if her body doesn't have the energy tomove as kmuch as she normally would. Also she drinks alcohol so there's that.

    Now she's happy with her weight since when she gained she got boobs along with the other fat. Her new goal is to "firm up ". I am not even trying to explain to her that you can't firm up fat. Sigh.

    Can you explain what you mean by you can't firm up fat please?
    In case you're serious, fat is fat, it's soft, flabby tissue. You can't do anything to change that, other than lose it.

    So would I have to eat at a calorie deficit until I have a flat stomach before I try and make it look leaner?
    Start resistance training now, and as you lose fat, you'll look leaner anyway.

    There really is no need to break it down into lose weight and THEN try to regain some of your lost muscle. Just undertake a progressive resistance training program, diet sensibly and you'll look a helluva lot better than if you diet hard and lose weight really fast.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I make an attempt to correct them but if they try to argue their point I just say ok and try to drop it. If they are responsive and want to hear what I have to say, I'm glad to tell them more. I just don't have the energy or desire to argue with someone about nonsense.
  • roberno
    I've tried many a time and have determined it's near futile. I've changed my approach though.
    Now instead of saying that something doesn't work, I ask the person how they think it works.
    I then ask if it worked so well why isn't everyone doing it...
    Still the same results...but I'm more entertained.

    That's messed up, yet hilarious.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I would take a different approach on this topic.
    Let them know that it may or may not work and everybody is different.
    Also remind them that they may loose 10inch or they can loose 2 inch's.
    Remind them why they are fat and over weight, and the lack of portion control.
    So even it did work, what would stop them gaining the weight back?
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    Not any more. My mom said to me the other day "fat calories make you gain more than other calories and you won't convince me otherwise."
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I went for many years believing in fad diets and quick fixes. Then I found MFP and studied the forums and listened to what the successful people were doing.
    Once I shifted my thoughts from gimicks to eating however I wanted while staying within my macros and exercising regularly, the weight dropped, my body changed, and I feel better about myself than ever.

    Some things folks just have to figure out for themselves.
  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    I've had a lot of people comment on my weight loss recently and one lady specifically asked me "what diet did you use?" .....the healthy eating/at a caloric deficit diet? I never bring up my weight loss in conversation but if someone says something that is flat out wrong I just give them the truth. I let them make up there own mind on what they do with that information. The only person I've ever been vocally angry at for doing some fad diet is my Mom because a) it's a waste of money and b) she's diabetic and putting her health at risk.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Depends on the person and the situation. My gym buddy used to buy into every gimmick out there and I didn't say much because they made her happy, at least temporarily and I figured she's an adult so if she wants to waste her money on shakes or whatnot, who am I to object even if it doesn't makes sense. However, i just couldn't control myself when she announced a year or so ago that she bought some Zaggora Hot Pants. Have you guys heard of these? They're supposed to be worn while exercising to help you burn more calories. I smirked and laughed and when she asked I told her it was time to be honest. I mean won't spend money on good sneakers, eventhough you have PF issues, but you'll spend money on a gimmick? SMH... Thankfully she's smarted up quite a bit since then - but I still can't convince her to log her food. :)~
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    If people ask for my opinion I'll give it. If they ask how I've had success over the last few years (down 50 lbs) I'll tell them I ate at a deficit, tracked my food, etc. Only if I think someone I love is potentially harming themselves (pills, etc.) will I interject.
  • ihadabadidea
    ihadabadidea Posts: 50 Member
    Usually, people notice I've lost weight and then give me their crackpot advice, like the seamstress taking in my suit jacket who was going to start dropping pounds by ordering pork tenderloin sandwiches from a local burger joint and not eating the bread, or my friend who read "Wheat Belly" and claims she's losing weight because she's not eating all that evil bread, not because she was diagnosed as a diabetic recently and has had to adjust her diet and medications accordingly.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Only my mom, because she's willing to listen and learn. I don't bother with other people unless they say something so egregious that I can't hold it in.

    For example, I keep my mouth shut when my coworkers talk about their latest fad diets, but when we were bantering at the end of a meeting and a bunch of them thought that sugar causes diabetes and that diabetics can't eat sugar at all, I had to say something.

    I was talking to my grandmother on Christmas. She lives in another state, haven't seen her in a long time, and she asked me how much I weigh. I told her and I also told her that I'm in the process of losing weight and still have 25-30 pounds to go. She said it was good that I'm losing weight, but that weight gain in our family is hereditary and that as I get older, it's going to be inevitable. I wasn't going to argue, so I just said that as long as I work on it, I can keep the weight off. No point in arguing with an 80+ year old woman who has no bearing on what I do.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    I don't bring up weight loss, but if someone else brings it up and says something false, yes, I correct them.

    This! Just went through this Christmas Eve, my 2 sister-in-laws were both discussing how they keep bouncing between the same 5 lb weight loss, and that they were going to try the "wraps" and some new diet pill. I couldn't help myself and said you can just give me the money you will waste on those, and do this miracle diet: Weigh your food, and Get off your butt.

    Yeah I can see that not going well, lol. I find that people don't really want to know what to do. Because at a certain point it is just common sense... I have an acquaintance that is willing to travel to another country next year to get lipo and tummy tuck rather than stop eating cake in the morning and chips and pizza. I know how that will end up already.

    But whatever I hear, I just sit and listen. NO INPUT from me AT ALL
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    goodness no

    People tend to believe crazy things when it comes to diet and weight loss.

    Same with religion.

    I will shut up right there.
  • Wildtigerx
    I used to but then I came to realise people don't believe the truth and only believe in a quick and easy option, and unfortunately to them I was the wrong one. So now, I rarely bother.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    Unless someone asks me outright or states they are open to advice then I don't bother. People have to come to their own conclusions. A lot of the gimmicky stuff always focus on rapid and questionably high weight loss, but never talk about how long those people kept that weight off. It breeds this idea that you should be losing 10-20 lbs easily in a month when most of us know that is mostly BS. There's been a month I lost less than 2 but had to remind myself that was normal and still successful since I have MFP set to 0.5 a week. I can understand how someone can work hard for a month, see something like 3-4 lbs lost in a month when people on infomercials or fads claim to lose 20 or something ridiculous, and think they're doing something wrong and get frustrated and give up.

    I honestly don't blame people for buying into that stuff if that is their only exposure to weight loss options. We take for granted having found the "calories in vs. calories out" solution and repeat this everywhere within this small community. It's beautifully simple and seems so obvious and like common sense once we finally get it... But not everyone has the luxury of learning this and get bombarded with the fads and gimmicks wherever they turn without ever really being exposed to anything different. I was never properly educated in weight loss and food and only found out most of what I know by seeking out my own answers. I probably still have a lot more to learn and can be wrong about things, but I had to start somewhere like everyone else.