Don't get too muscular! Ugh!



  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    just saw your pictures, you look GREAT! Love that killer abs and yes, just like that tattoo on you, you are beautiful!

    Why thank you :blushing:
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member

    Your body is amazing. I cannot even understand where your coworker is coming from or saying. lol

    You are a beauty that is for sure.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    almost thought this thread was going to go in a different direction (upon reading the topic). happily surprised here. i love muscles and getting stronger and i can't wait to one day be featured as a major success story both here and on it's not a question of "if"--it's a question of "when." :)

    everyone's goals are valid though--be they to get fit, super muscular, or anything in between.

    :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I love that "It's not a question of if, it's a question of when." OMG could you imagine being a success story on I don't know what I would do with myself!
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member

    Your body is amazing. I cannot even understand where your coworker is coming from or saying. lol

    You are a beauty that is for sure.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Usually I just respond with "Thanks for sharing your opinion" and move on.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    I don't think you should care enough to even give this a thought.

    Pursue whatever you like and want for yourself. It is one of the perks of being an adult.
  • emirandah
    emirandah Posts: 23 Member
    You look great! My goal is to get to 22% bf, so you're an inspiration to me.

    P.S.--I also have that co-worker. This guy (married, no less), told me that I should stop doing P90X because "guys don't find muscular women attractive." Wow, dude, I didn't realize you spoke for the entire male gender...
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    You look great! My goal is to get to 22% bf, so you're an inspiration to me.

    P.S.--I also have that co-worker. This guy (married, no less), told me that I should stop doing P90X because "guys don't find muscular women attractive." Wow, dude, I didn't realize you spoke for the entire male gender...
    Exactly!! He doesn't speak for us all! That's that 50's backward *kitten* thinking! I love a woman with developed delts and triceps, a slim waistline, thick strong legs only attainable by hours and hours of squats!.
  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    I think it's really sexy and cool that you have definition on your abdominal and back area. That's something I'd like to have one day!-- Or at least a flatter stomach.

    My ex-girlfriend didn't want me to be muscular because she liked a little chub, and it wasn't attractive to her. She would rather be the muscular partner. My current girlfriend, however, thinks it's super hot that my legs, thighs, and forearms are so defined.

    I don't like it either when people tell me, "Don't do/be this because it's not attractive/everyone says it's unattractive." Who are you to tell me what everyone thinks, or what my partner possibly thinks? Your opinion, I understand, but don't speak for everyone else.

    I try to scoff and brush it off when people are negative nancy's. :U
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    First off, OP you look HAWT!!! You got there once, I'm confident you'll get back there again. I loooooove my muscles, I still have a long way to go, especially with lower body, but I'm loving my progress. I am not a very feminine woman, hate floral anything, wear mostly dark muted colors and make-up is for special occasions, but since starting lifting heavier about 6 months ago, I actually feel more feminine and dare I say...pretty. So far I haven't gotten any negative comments about my muscles, but I ready for them if I do.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I find it incredibly odd when someone makes generalizations about what men like (especially other women's husbands!) when I see happy couples eveywhere in all sizes and shapes. Given the comments from men on this site, those that like strong women who lift heavy weights aren't exactly rare.

    Even if they don't like lifting weights themselves it boogles my mind why anyone would discourage someone from doing a healthy activity! While looking attractive to our partners (or potential partners) is a big motivator, women should lift weights for other reasons including:

    - resistance training is an excellent way to combat loss of bone mass, and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis
    - in addition to helping with peak sports performance there is improved daily functioning to consider - all those squats will be the reason you can rise from your living room chair without using your arms when you are older
    - as you increase strength and lean muscle mass, your body uses calories more efficiently
    - like other forms of exercise it helps with better sleep and less stress

    I guess women will always be more suspectible to comments about their appearance but to me telling a women to stop lifting heavy weights should not happen anymore then being told to stop drinking 8 glasses of water a day or stop eating vegetables.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    It always cracks me up when people say silly stuff like that but then it is usually the person who doesn't work out at all :wink: I have plenty of muscle and my husband thinks it is hot and so do I! It isn't just about the muscle though, it is about how strong I feel as I build muscle. Keep up the great work!
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    I do cardio because I need to... But lifting is where I get my kicks! It feels so damn good!!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I'm going to start doing another strength day. You look awesome girl! :drinker:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Peoples views of what's acceptable/not acceptable will always be subjective. The ONLY person one should be pleasing about their physique is themselves.

    I second this.

    This is probably like the teacher (colleague) who looked at me and told me that I had lost too much weight and that I was "emaciated"... Truth? At the time I had a BMI of about 29 and a body fat % of probably close to 30%... Yeah, that is pretty emaciated. But I do this for me and the only other person that has to be somewhat happy with it is my wife and she likes the new me so I'll keep pushing like I have...
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member

    Your body is amazing. I cannot even understand where your coworker is coming from or saying. lol

    You are a beauty that is for sure.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    I wholeheartedly second this! And I also have to ask, do you follow any specific program (eg. Strong Lifts) or is this something you've achieved through a combo of different things. Just asking because I would love to be that strong :happy:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member

    Your body is amazing. I cannot even understand where your coworker is coming from or saying. lol

    You are a beauty that is for sure.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    I wholeheartedly second this! And I also have to ask, do you follow any specific program (eg. Strong Lifts) or is this something you've achieved through a combo of different things. Just asking because I would love to be that strong :happy:

    Just through diet & exercise, I don't take any classes or work with a trainer. I focus on a different area each day for example Mondays I do back, Tuesdays triceps & chest, Wednesday legs, Thursday shoulders & biceps, Friday abs (my quickest/lightest workout) Saturday or Sunday legs again. I rest on either Saturday or Sunday depending on my work schedule. I also start out my morning 6 days a week with 30 mins of fasted cardio on my elliptical machine that I have at home, I also run sprints on the treadmill 3-4 days a week. Eating too much junk is what has made me "softer" these days, but I know if I can really stick to my diet & be consistent that I will reach my goals & maybe even surpass them.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Thanks again to everyone for all the positive feedback. It truly does just make me want to work harder. I'm more determined than ever!
  • AislingHunter
    AislingHunter Posts: 71 Member
    I hate that outdated view that women shouldn't have muscles or be strong! I read a study a couple of years ago that said that for the last while, women as a sex have become weaker than they have been in the last couple of thousand years, and I can see it to be honest. And with cases of sexual assault and domestic abuse climbing, I really don't understand why women don't want to be stronger!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    You look fabulous.

    I've learned to just cut out the noise and do what fits my goals. I know how I want my body to look, I'm doing what needs to be done to facilitate that, and I'm the only one with a vote. I'm not going to alter my goals because another person thinks that it will be too much or not enough of whatever. Compliments are nice, but I am the only person who needs to be happy with the finished product.