Don't get too muscular! Ugh!



  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    I like my muscles. I also like being able beat the shlt out of someone if necessary.

    Love this! Big time!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I want to be muscular but probably will never be because of many factors. I love my back though and think back muscles are super sexy!!!!
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    There are pics in my profile.

    Your profile is set to private. :cry:

    I just set it to public, the last 3-4 pics are from about 9-10 months ago & I am desperate to get like that again :sad:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    It would seem that you are guilty of exactly what you complain of in your co-worker. Both of you seem to want to project your wants and likes onto other women.

    Why not just work toward your goals and let other women work towards theirs, even if theirs are different from yours?

    Seriously? Where did I ever say that Women Have to look a certain way? I said Women shouldn't assume muscles are for Men only, I never said that All women need to have them if they don't want them. There is always one in the crowd :noway:

    "I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset." If another woman thinks that muscles are for men, why do you care? Different strokes.

    Yeah like someone else suggested, I'm going to ignore you.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    I want to be muscular but probably will never be because of many factors. I love my back though and think back muscles are super sexy!!!!

    Back muscles are my favorite too!
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    When I was in my twenties people were always telling me to put on weight and eat something. I was an incredibly active endurance athlete though. 20 miles runs, 100 mile bike rides through the Rockies, kayaking and rollerblading. While it's nice when everyone loves the body you have, ultimately its your body built by you and for you.

    Now if an olympic runner had come up to me and offered me some advice I would likely listen, but the guy in cubicle thirty six is not likely going to be someone I consult for my fitness goals.

    Very good point. The person that this is coming from isn't at all into fitness, so I guess she really wouldn't understand.

    You have a sick body! That woman is just jealous! Simple as that..
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    it is a personal preference... i however love my muscles. i love lifting heavy and i love they way i am a hell of a lot stronger then a lot of men my age... not to mention women too. The feeling i get from getting done a set of flat dumbbell presses with a huge weight is almost a high to me... keeps me going and makes me come back for more the next workout!!!! you only put in what you want to get out of a workout.... and i say... if you want the muscles... then lift the weights... and screw what everyone else thinks!!! Its YOUR body.... you only get one chance!!! BE HAPPY!!!!

    I couldn't agree more! I feel like I'm walking on air after I finish an amazing lifting session! It makes the rest of my day go great because I'm in such a good mood!
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    There are pics in my profile.

    Your profile is set to private. :cry:
    ^ This.

    It's public now for the time being. The pics at the top are now & the last 3-4 pics are where I was & where I want to be again.
  • 347Gigi
    347Gigi Posts: 99 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    There's a really simple solution to this, and I hear women complain about it all the time.

    When someone says, "Don't get too muscular." Just smile and reply, "Don't get too fat." Then wink. Then run off and carry heavy things and pull yourself up over walls and be happy being a badass.

    They'll still be standing there looking down at their stomachs.

    This is so great!! :smile:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Good for you, Op! I agree and love this post! I also find it odd that people think muscles are only for men.

    It's also odd when people, like that woman, try to claim that YOUR husband prefers something. I think we know what our own partners prefer. My husband also likes the lean and muscular look (and feel).
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    My boyfriend has been bugging me to start strength training lately. He thinks I'm beginning to look wimpy and "too skinny." But at least he is wanting me to do something, other than gain weight in fat right? I might start for my running.

    I hate when people make judgments like that. I think everyone should follow their own fitness goals, whether they just want to cardio, or just want to lift, or do a mixture, or run, or whatever. My personal goals are running, but I do want to start strength training at some point in the near future. I am hoping that if I work my legs I can ( maybe? ) make myself faster in running. Or everyone should be able to look how they want to, as long as they are happy and healthy.

    Also, it seems like your husband is on board with you doing this. Not that it is a determining factor or anything, but you do have support from your family. That is super important.

    Exactly! Just do what works for you & make your body the best it can be! And I don't think people realize that they can do that without judging what someone else is doing.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Good for you, Op! I agree and love this post! I also find it odd that people think muscles are only for men.

    It's also odd when people, like that woman, try to claim that YOUR husband prefers something. I think we know what our own partners prefer. My husband also likes the lean and muscular look (and feel).

    Exactly! I get no complaints from him at all. Not when I was heavier, not when my body was super defined & not now either. He loves me however I am :smile:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    My ex and two other men told me I was getting too skinny and they liked me better "thicker." Some guys and gals like women who have that softer, curvier look to them. I'm finding out that a lot of guys do prefer thicker girls like I was back at 185-190. I'm 5'10 so I wasn't too overweight.

    But, I'm doing this for me so screw them. lol.... It is what it is.

    Exactly. I've never been one to do anything to please someone else or to do this because it's what "guys like". Please with all that nonsense :yawn:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    I like my muscles. I also like being able beat the shlt out of someone if necessary.

    ^This. This is perfect lol. Not the main reason I've started to get into weights, but I think it's a nice side benefit.

    And to OP, I wouldn't spare too much thought into it. She's likely just jealous that her body doesn't look as good as yours.

    LOL thank you :happy:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Your pics are amazing and perfectly feminine. Sigh. I think a lot of us would love to have that kind of body. Different people have different opinions
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    To all the ladies! I challenge you to get as muscular and ripped as you possibly can! Try to get those muscles to bulge, with striations and vascularity!! Good luck!! It could be nearly impossible!

    True. Women can definitely be muscular but just lack the testosterone to become massive like a guy

    It's so hard to get huge like a body builder! They act like picking up a heavy weight is automatically going to have them leaving the gym with these jacked up arms. LOL if only it was that easy :laugh:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Your pics are amazing and perfectly feminine. Sigh. I think a lot of us would love to have that kind of body. Different people have different opinions

    Thank you & that's true. There are bodies that I don't find attractive too, but I would never go up to that person & tell them so. We each like what we like.
  • tiffanycherie
    tiffanycherie Posts: 97 Member
    Peoples views of what's acceptable/not acceptable will always be subjective. The ONLY person one should be pleasing about their physique is themselves.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    So true!
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    How do you post a pic? I want to show my biggest body inspiration, but I bet some of you may already know of her.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Peoples views of what's acceptable/not acceptable will always be subjective. The ONLY person one should be pleasing about their physique is themselves.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    So true!

    I totally agree! The funny thing is this person speaks with such confidence about the subject that she really does believe what she's saying is the law.