Are you losing weight to feel more attractive?



  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Started for pure vanity. Started lifting for vanity, also figured if I now had to work at being fit looking.....I might as well improve on that look and actually be fit. Now it is vanity and strength, I love lifting heavy stuff and being confident that i can....all without chipping a nail :drinker:

    Looking fantastic naked is still priority #1
  • alska
    alska Posts: 297 Member
    Yes, most definitely, but to also feel better too.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Unfortunately for me losing weight will not make me attractive, so for me it is more about trying to be healthier. :)

    This I don't get.

    I get the healthier part. I don't get the :"why you wouldn't feel more attractive"

    Not trying to run you thru therapy here, the comment just jumped out at me and struck me as odd....

  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Nope, cause well, seriously-look at me. I'm awesome! :)

    I just want off diabetes medication.
  • ChrisMullis
    I was always the good looking lad growing up. Always being told so and I kind of knew it. Then the weight started creeping on and before I knew I was a withdrawn, unhappy obese man who was disgusted looking in the mirror and feared having heart attacks etc. I started for health reasons and I continue for health and the chance to bring the good looking cat back out of this fat body.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I started losing weight for health reasons, and a byproduct of that is feeling more attractive. So, that feeling motivates me to lose the last few (9-12lbs) and maintain.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    For me its a lot of reasons one I am 30 and have hit the heavest point I have ever been two I have a beautiful and skinny 2 year old daughter and I want her to have a healthy relationship with food but also I want both my kids to be pleased with how their mum looks third I hate pictures of myself I always look pregnant so yes vanity is a big part of it I want to look good for me for my hubby and also I want to feel I look good in my clothes so far really sticking with this despite having such a lot to lose
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Probably not the PC answer.. But HECK YES!

    I have never been comfortable in my own skin. It effected relationships, my own confidence and self worth. Losing the weight AND getting healthy and STRONG did so much for me. I have so much more confidence than I never had before. I was able to get out of a manipulative relationship sooner rather than later because my self worth had grown by leaps and bounds.

    And I am not going to life.. I LOVE to shop now (my bank account does not like this new trend). I love to try on new clothes, new styles... SLEEVELESS tops. Ha. I am easily excited I guess. But wanting to feel attractive, beautiful, fit and sexy is part of the reason I did it. Honest truth!
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,491 Member
    Mostly for health. I am in my mid-30's now and need to make that change. I have four (fit, healthy) kids and a husband who runs 10-20 miles a week. It will make me look better, I am sure, but that is not the primary reason :)
  • RacheleRountree

    I think that holds true for just about every person with a pulse - on some level. I have never met a single person who didn't want to feel attractive, nor have I met anyone who didn't feel that shedding a few pounds assists with feeling more attractive. Feeling attractive increase self esteem and self confidence. I'm happy to announce that I feel my best when I'm at my goal weight and fit. Healthy just happens to be a bonus (for me, anyway). :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Came for vanity, stayed for health :)

    ^^This. I love you, by the way:flowerforyou: . My first 10 pounds I lost were motivated solely by my vanity. I did cardio only, and a slightly too restrictive diet (both calorie and food type restrictions = sad way to do it, for me, YMMV).

    Then, I discovered strength training. WOW! I FEEL and AM getting so much stronger and healthier. And a healthy, vibrant, fit, strong woman is attractive to me, so I'm going for that lifestyle. Oh, and the food--all the food I get to eat now---I just came for the food, lol!
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    Both for me... Abit more to being more attractive tbh
  • Astraport
    Astraport Posts: 2
    Try the vision board.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    I definitely am in it to be more attractive, to others and to myself. It's hard to be confident if you don't believe in the product you are selling. Beyond that there are certain activities like rock climbing that I really would like to participate in but can't because of my excess of weight, and lack of strength.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Just curious, it's a bit of a taboo subject, a lot of people say it's to "get healthy" but some also want to feel more attractive. Which category are you in?

    Both and I proclaim both on my profile page. I see some the the weight related health issues that my parents are facing and I'd like to avoid those if I can. However, it's the log of my increasing fitness numbers (weights/run times) that I think about on a day to day basis, not my long term health. The comments of "You keep looking fitter and fitter everyday." that I get from the hubs is right up there as well.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Mainly vanity, with a side helping of health.

    I never even had a weight problem until around 3-4 years ago. I was a size 6 for most of my adult life, didn't really monitor what I ate, and exercised sporadically. When I did gain, it was around 10 or so "vanity" pounds that came off in short order just by my increasing physical activity.

    When I first signed up to MFP in 2010 or 2011 I believe, I wasn't overweight for my height (5'11"), but I was carrying too much padding for my frame. I lost that weight, but between summer 2012-spring 2013, I gained 40 pounds due to a stressful situation going on in my life. Along with comfort eating, I was too depressed to work out often. I would start, then sputter out. By last May, half my work clothes were not fitting and almost none of my summer clothes did. I knew I had gained, but I was shocked when I got on the scale and it said 195. The highest I'd been in my life to that point was 172. Never had I thought I would ever get in the neighborhood of 200 pounds.

    Anyway, I started exercising again, but it was honestly a half hearted attempt. I didn't really rein my eating in as much as I should have. I'd never been truly overweight before and 40 pounds seemed insurmountable, so I was discouraged (silly, I know). I lost five pounds and regained it.

    After spending the fall feeling like I was stuffed into my clothes, moving up yet another size in jeans, developing the makings of a double chin, thinking about my cute outfits that I could no longer wear and imagining the scale tipping over 200, I gave myself a mental kick in the pants. I realized that getting back to the size I'd been almost my entire adult life was not an unrealistic goal. My frame and structure were the same under the excess fat. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started doing. I'm down 15 pounds (need to update my ticker), have lost two sizes in jeans, am able to fit into 75% of my old clothes, and seeing my muscles again. I'm starting to feel like me again and I didn't realize just how uncomfortable I was and how heavy I felt until the weight started coming off.

    On the health side, diabetes and hypertension run in my family on both sides. I got a pre-hypertensive BP reading late last year that freaked me out given that all my life it had been low normal. That was also a motivating factor. Thankfully, it went back to normal after a couple of months of getting back on track.
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    Unfortunately for me losing weight will not make me attractive, so for me it is more about trying to be healthier. :)

    This I don't get.

    I get the healthier part. I don't get the :"why you wouldn't feel more attractive"

    Not trying to run you thru therapy here, the comment just jumped out at me and struck me as odd....


    It's a psychological thing, I do not see myself as attractive, never have, so it is hard for me to believe that losing weight would change that. Feel better about myself, maybe; but not more attractive. It is something I know I will have to work along the way.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    yup. that's part of it.
  • merfhur
    merfhur Posts: 53 Member
    Yes and no.
    I want to be slim so that I don't look weird when I'm out with my boyfriend or basically so I don't look like I'm punching above my weight, even though I'm not massively overweight (well technically I'm not even overweight anymore) but I've always felt like he's so much more attractive than me.
    I also don't wanna be the fat one in my friend group, which is composed of really slim, pretty women and slim, attractive men who don't ever seem to have to worry about their weight.

    But deep down I know though that whatever weight I am, I'm never going to be completely happy with my appearance, so I wanna lose weight to feel healthy/that little bit better with myself.