

  • So happy for you! Congrats and enjoy your early Christmas present! :)
  • I am gluten free due to diagnosis, not choice. As previously mentioned, my diet primarily consists of naturally gluten-free foods. Meet, fish, eggs, fruit, veggies, etc. For carbs/starches, potatoes (especially sweet potatoes) or brown rice are good options. Gluten free salad dressings are becoming easier to find as well -…
  • I rotated Killer Buns & Thighs and 6 Week 6 Pack with 30 DS for about 7 days in February before my body was like "NO!" enough and I got too sore to continue. My abs were so sore I could barely walk on day 5... So I wouldn't do this unless you are already in REALLY good shape.
  • Skylar - this morning was Day 5. I've made it to day 10 before - so Day 11 will be cause for celebration. Stats: SW for MFP - 245 CW - 208 GW - 180 UGW - 165-175 and TONED H: 6'0" Will have to get new measurements... BMI 28.2. Looking to decrese to 22.5-24. 5 more days of level 1, then on to level 2 for 10 days, level 3…
  • Hi! I'm new. I'm a 23 yr old grad student and have lost 35-40lbs from march '11 to late aug '11 but now that school has started up again I find it incredibly difficult to stick to MFP. Stress and an ever-changing schedule are a continual challenge. =( Winter break is a short week away and I want to lose another 35lbs…
  • 2nd year masters student who starts classes again in 3 weeks. graduating in June and hoping to be done with the major overhaul (ie at goal build/weight/BF%) by graduation. started this journey beginning of spring quarter last year and lost 40lbs so far... want to lose another 30-40. glad to help you if you're serious about…
  • Welcome! Cody, my 15yr old solid sorrel paint mare, is my largest motivation to lose weight. I've lost 41lbs in just under 5 months. The majority of my fitness pals on this site are also horse women and we LOVE talking about our horses and logging our exercise with them =) Oh - Cody & I are training for competitive trail…
  • Doctor's (good ones) won't use BMI alone to determine obesity. There are a number of tests, including but not limited to, a test to gauge body fat % and of course an EKG test and/or heart endurance test. BMI alone is very dangerous, not only is muscle more DENSE than fat (it doesn't actually weigh more - it weighs the…
  • no; right now you have approximately the same time frame for each 5lbs lost - your weight loss slows down as you have less to lose. being ahead now is great - but don't beat yourself up if you're not ahead in 8 weeks... keep your goals were they are. i changed mine and i regret it because now i feel like i'm not meeting my…
  • 8/5/11 Question of the Day!! Here's the scenario: you step on the scale and it gives you a number higher than you were hoping for. A) What would your usual response be? and B) If your usual response isn't ideal, what would you like to change it to? a - i get off and weigh myself an hour later (w/o eating/drinking) to see…
  • 8/5 QOTD: What is your all-time favorite movie? Pride & Prejudice. Followed VERY closely by: Star Wars, Indiana Jones & Harry Potter 1-7p2
  • QOTDs 8/4: We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big. What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this…
  • QOTD 8/4: How do you deal with the naysayers? People who push food on you and say, "you HAVE to try my homemade schnitzle, I'll be offended if you don't!" and "Oh, just ONE cookie won't kill you" and "relax, you look great, you don't have to lose a pound!" or "you're too thin already, stop losing weight!" OR, an example…
  • 8/3 QOTD: So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave? We had a heat wave here a few weeks ago - I walked stairs and did a lot of walking around the neighborhood…
  • i have celiacs. feel free to friend (put 'celiac' in the request) and you'll have access to my diary. been gluten free for 3.5 years now. happy to help anyone who needs assistance in adjusting to the lifestyle.
  • every 10lbs you lose MFP will prompt you to reset your goals and will lower your calorie goal if you keep the weekly loss goal the same.
  • Not married, but even if I was, I wouldn't wear my ring at the gym. I've seen too many people get them caught on something or have them smashed, scratched and/or otherwise ruined. I wear a promise ring on my left hand and a claddah on my right - both come off when i'm lifting, swimming, rowing, etc. They go on a thin chain…
  • QOTD 8/3: Which song(s) are your favorite to work out to? What REALLY gets you pumped and moving? (This question is self-serving, lol. I will take all your answers and download them for my own workouts! ) I'm a big dance movie & TV soundtrack person when it comes to working out. Definitely prefer country music to relax to.…
  • I needed this today. "Only compare yourself to yourself" that's a good one to remember. I am pretty darn sure that my goal of losing 70lbs is going to put me the lowest I'm healthily able to go since I intend to be lean & athletic, not just small. Muscle weighs more per unit of volume than fat and being 6 ft and 175lbs is…
  • QOTD 8/2: Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat. Well, to be fair - I'll start by clarifying that I'm gluten-free. So those fried foods, the basket of…
  • Update on goals for the week: Ran/walked 1.8 miles yesterday - planning to run/walk the same route today. So far I've had 6+ glasses of water today - will definitely get in my 10+ glass goal. Didn't get as many calories burned yesterday as I'd like. I was planning to go horseback riding, but I don't ride in thunderstorms!…
  • MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? I started with Wii Fit & EA Sports Active, and watching my calorie intake. that's how I lost my first 22-25lbs. Then I picked up 30DS and ran for a few weeks in combination with the other activities. I'm now down 36lbs. If I…
  • First day of August... by the last day of this month: ~I am going to lose 8+lbs. ~I am going to run/jog/walk 35 miles. ~I am going to be able to do 30DS-L1 with the 5lb weights! I struggle with: ~eating enough calories ~working out throughout the day (typically burn 500 calories within a few hours... often late evening)…
  • I could see them on photobucket by copying your link. Congrats on your success thus far! Keep pushing for those last few pounds! You've got this girl!!
  • well, living gluten free is actually relatively easy... but I would check with your doctor before deciding what you have. Celiacs is different than other intolerance to gluten. I have Celiacs. I can't have gluten-period. Fruit & veggies are fine. Non-fried meats are great. Rice, potatoes =) there are lots of GF cereals now…
  • My instruction from personal trainer is that HIT will help you build muscle because of the intensity - but you still need to have a balance of cardio that's not in zone 4-5 at all times. HIT will definitely help you burn calories at a higher rate though. Little time? Do HIT - but when you have time, take a nice long…
  • my plan is to give myself three months where i'm losing a bit less every week. so in December (or when I'm 10-15lbs from end goal weight) i'm going to change my settings to 1.5lbs per week. then January will be 1lb per week, then February .5lbs - until eventually and SLOWLY i'm eating maintenance calories. doc said three…
  • BS. Its not more expensive to buy healthier food. You just have to buy SMART. Buying a medium meal at McD's is 6bucks+. For under six dollars a night, you can have chicken, veggies, brown rice, salad, and juice/milk to drink. That is a MUCH better choice than McD's for a parent to provide their kid. While I don't agree…
  • So... I see confidence and dominance as two VERY distinct things. A confident woman knows what she believes & wants - but could very well be open to discussion/conversation/debate. Confidence is sexy. Dominance, however, seems to be in the same category as 'bossy' or 'rude' in that a dominant person takes what they want…