Goal Weight

My goal weight is to be between 100-105lbs, I'm 4'11" so this really isn't outrageous. As I progress, I wonder if I happen to be ahead of the schedule I have set for myself, if maybe I should change them. My "mini-goals" are as follows:

8.18.11 - 125 (Maroon 5 Concert)
9.26.11 - 110 (2 year anniversary)
10.31.11 - 115 (Halloween)
11.24.11 - 110 (Thanksgiving)
12.23.11 - 105 (My birthday)
1.31.11 - 100

I weighed 124 this morning and am already ahead of my goal for two weeks from now. I will officially weigh and measure myself tomorrow morning and I doubt the number will change. So should I redo my goals?

Thank you for your help :)


  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    no; right now you have approximately the same time frame for each 5lbs lost - your weight loss slows down as you have less to lose. being ahead now is great - but don't beat yourself up if you're not ahead in 8 weeks... keep your goals were they are. i changed mine and i regret it because now i feel like i'm not meeting my own expectations and i'm really disappointed when those dates come and I haven't hit my target.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I think your 15 pounds in a little more than a month may be unrealistic considering that you are already at a pretty low starting weight. Don't set yourself up for disappointment!

    Edit: Oh I see you are actually giving yourself almost 2 months. Maybe but i wouldn't change them just yet.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I would keep them. It's better to be ahead of your goals, than to change them and not hit one. Wouldn't you LOVE to be able to say you hit your ultimate goal ahead of time?
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    It seems fine with what you have set up
    Remember to update your profile and calorie goals every 5lbs. This will help make sure you don't go into weight loss stall. when you get to the last 10lb I would add a dessert every now and then to lunch and move to a higher tension workout. I have seen this help many people here. Can't wait till I get there.
  • ireney926
    Edit: Oh I see you are actually giving yourself almost 2 months. Maybe but i wouldn't change them just yet.

    That was a typo, it should be 120, I don't want to get to 110 and then gain 5 lbs the following month.