What should I combine with 30DS?

I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and I would like to add some more activity into my daily workout routine. I would like to use another one of her workout videos in combination with 30DS. The ones that I have been thinking about using are Killer Buns and Thighs, 6 Week 6 Pack, and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Have any of you done any of these along with 30DS? Do you have any suggestions as to which one I should consider doing?

Thanks! :smile:


  • j3an22
    j3an22 Posts: 77
    I say that depends how much are you willing to do.
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Listen to your body. If you are sore, you really don't need to add extra.

    If anything, I would say to add some actual weight lifting, or light cardio.

    Not another HIIT program.

    My 2 cents.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    I rotated Killer Buns & Thighs and 6 Week 6 Pack with 30 DS for about 7 days in February before my body was like "NO!" enough and I got too sore to continue. My abs were so sore I could barely walk on day 5...

    So I wouldn't do this unless you are already in REALLY good shape.
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    I wouldn't combine unless you are already in great shape and used to heavy exercising.

    I am combining her Ripped in 30 with Chalean's Turbo Jam, can I say this is Day 7 and I am feeling it like no one's business. It probably doesn't help that I am in the squat challenge and I am doing over 100 squats a day M-F.

    But enough about me, I would not combine Jillian with another Jillian, but try Taebo, or Slim in 6 Cardio, Zumba or another Cardio workout with a Jillian. I would not suggest another HIIT.
  • lovingmyreflection
    Thanks so much for all of you answers! The consensus seems to be to pick up cardio instead of another HIIT, so I'll probably just start running! Thanks again!