thomasbf Member


  • If you really care about the person getting married, suck it up, Buttercup. It isn't about YOU.
  • It's a "junk drawer" in our house.
  • It's entirely possible and is often the only way to lose weight once you plateau. Your body goes into "starvation mode" and stops dropping weight. By eating more, you tell your body that "it's OK, there is more food available" and the body will begin letting go of the fat stores once again.
  • Circuit training, same here!
  • I have a similar issue when I train for my half marathons (once every other year). I've discovered the for me, it is because of the way the road slopes. In Wisconsin, the road peaks in the middle and tapers off toe each side to allow for snow and ice to fall away from the pavement. That's great, but it means that the leg…
  • I was roughly 14/16 at that point.
  • You need to understand the difference between feeling "sore" and feeling "pain." Soreness s lactic acid leaving the muscles. We all get it when we start a new program, try a new video or simply overdo it-as you suggest. Sore is GOOD! If you even stop feeling sore, you should mix up the exercises or try heavier weights.…
  • It's plyo - sorry! I feel your pain...
  • If you are even 1 calorie under 1200, you'll get the warning. So for people with 1200 has the daily limit, that can happen often. I get 1500 and have never seen the warning, even on days I'm significantly under (due to exercise.)
  • Yes, eat your calories! MFP incorporates the calories you burn just from being alive (your basal metabolic rate). Even is you just sat and did nothing but breathe all day, you'd still burn calories through your normal body function. By exercising, you increase your burn, allowing you to still have a deficit even with eatin…
  • Find yoga DVD that isn't so God-awful. I hated it, too. I only did P90X yoga twice bfore changing to Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. I'd still do 60-90 minutes though, so you may need to run through both levels or do one level twice (at least.)
  • Be careful buying Beachbody products on Ebay. I ordered Insanity; it was a knock-off and 3 discs didn't work. The seller SAID they were from Ohio, but the package shipped from China.
  • For days I feel like kicking my own butt, I choose from Insanity (expensive, but awesome), JM Shred-It with Weight (using a 10-15 lb weight to make it burn), or JM 6 Week 6 Pack. Bob Harper's new DVDs are really good too, but kinda long for me to do before work in the morning. Cardio Burn and Kettlebell are the 2 I have…
  • Yes! But, I stuck with it out of my refusal to quit. I think once you get through the first month, and start doing new DVDs some of the bordem might wear off. Maybe? I still mix in the DVDs at least once per week, becasue really nothing beats the heart-pumping I get from Insanity.
    in Insanity Comment by thomasbf June 2011
  • You *MAY* want to go higher, but try it and see how it goes. My heaviest was only 15 pounds. By month 3 I probably could have gone with 20, even 25s on some of the exercises. You have enough weight to start, and you'll know if you need to ge heavier ones.
  • Mexican cheeses are usually pretty good. I have't checked nutritional content, but they are definitely melty and tasty!
  • PEople at work have Fit Bits. I thought it was like a pedometer, not so much a HRM. I could be wrong though?
  • Ripped in 30 - similar to 30DS. More levels to choose from, same concept. I don't think it's any more or less chalenging that 30DS, just different. Burn Fat Boost Metabolism - 40-45 minutes, all cardio No More Trouble Zones - 40-45 minutes, more focused on weight training. Have 3, 5, 8 and even 10 pound weights becasue…
  • Good for you! I'm glad you feel confident enough to share. It's great to have his support, as well. Keep it up - you're doing an amazing job. :)
  • Ditto! (Sometime I go heavier on 30DS if I feel strong, I'm sure you do as well.)
  • I've seen other posts saying this video "isn't worth it" or "it doesn't work" - I think those people are crazy. :)
  • I've done NMTZ, 30 DS, pretty much ALL of Jillian's videos. I can't disagree more about Shred it. It is FANTASTIC! It's the only one of her videos that can still leave me sore the next day. If you're not sore, try heavier weights. I use a 15 lb one and it's a good burn.
  • Jillian's Yoga Meltdown OR No more Trouble Zones.
  • I trained for a half marathon last year, and on non-run days I did cross training (walking, biking) or something strength related like yoga. 30DS is pretty intense for those days, but not out of the question. Good luck to you!
  • Bump! I did this on all sorts of chafe-prone spots last fall when training for a half marathon.
    in Chafing! Comment by thomasbf May 2011
  • To help stayed committed - set goals for yourself. Like if you log for 30 days straight, buy a new pari of shoes or something that will motivate you. You can DO IT!
  • Strength training will build muscle. When muscle is at rest it works to burn fat - so the more muscle you build, the more quickly you'll become a fat-burning machine! :)
  • Insanity workouts are HIIT and it's 5-6 times per week.
  • Eat 'em up! It's what I've been doing for 3 weeks, and I'm down 8 lbs.
  • Yes, most definitely.