sonnacchio Member


  • I'm not going to tell you what to do. Only your parents can think they can do that. I'm not going to get mad and stomp my feet and yell at you about this. That would be the response of a child. I will ask you this...What would any reasonable adult do in this situation? What are the logistics preventing you from doing that?…
  • Oh, Boy do I hear you! You are not alone. I took the past week "off" - like anyone should do that! :-( I have over-eaten and not excersized. I don't know what to say to inspire you to keep at it. I'm looking for that myself. What I can say is keep at it. This site works and it feels SO good when you achieve results. As far…
  • Are you eating enough? if your body is in starvation mode, you won't lose an ounce. I don't know your particulars, but I am a firm believer that your body will let you know when enough is enough. Are you there? Let me clarify that - I would LOVE to be 125 again...however, I KNOW it would be a very unhealthy weight for me…
  • Wow! Thank you all SOOOO much! I can't wait to start trying all of these recipes - I couldn't believe how good such a simple item tasted! I love MFP - what a great place to get information on these types of things!
  • I think you are just misinterpreting everyone's advice. If I saw a carpenter pick up a screwdriver to hammer a nail in, I'd tell him to get the right tool for the job. That's kind of what people are saying here. Great start, great attitude! We all want you to succeed! Don't starve yourself. If you are working out, you are…
  • Use a big pan - 13 x 9! This has been my favorite way to sneak spinach into my kids diet!
  • How about a flour tortilla toasted in a hot pan with a little cheese on it? Just a thought! Good luck finding something similar!
  • Well, I blend veggies into every sauce I make - I lie and tell them the greem flakes are parsley or seasoning. Bad mommy! :-) Umm, How about a make-your-own flatbread pizza? I always have veggies for toppings and the kids seem to LOVE it! I also do a lot of veggies and dip for them and sub out a lot of fried items for…
  • I love making this and do it all the time! One thing I do differently - I throw everything into the biggest bowl I have and stir it all together. I don't thaw anything ( I buy frozen chopped spinach in a bag) and I dump it into a pan and bake it until it is bubbly. Just remember, it is going to take a while to bake!…
  • Haven't done the video but attend a class three nights a week and I LOVE it! It is a great workout and fun! Enjoy!
    in Zumba? Comment by sonnacchio April 2010
  • taco soup! mmmmmmmmmm!
  • I've done the meal planning both ways - I've gone to the store and bought random things that could make a meal, and I've planned meals in advance. Right now, I'm planning a week's worth of meals, going to the cupboards and fridge, and making a list of what I need BEFORE going to the store. I have found that this saves me:…
  • WooHoo! It'll be gone before you know it!
  • I say take the money and apply it only to what he is in arrears. I don't know if you can do that, but I'd be sure to put in writing somehow that you are accepting the money as payment toward past debt. That way, you are not agreeing to a reduced rate at all and he hasn't got additional leverage to use in court.
  • What about walking? Up the stairs, down the stairs, around the house, around the block...I have been successful just with walking more on a daily basis. I can definitely see a change in my bum and thighs just from my 35 minutes of walking a day. And it doesn't hurt my knees...
  • Wellllllllll, I weigh myself all the time. I mean, all the time. First thing when I wake up, after the shower, before I go to bed...basically whenever I'm near the scale. It goes up, down, and around. I'm so used to it by now that I don't pay that much attention to it unless it is at my weekly weigh-in. Now THAT is on a…
  • I can't speak for the Body Bugg but I've had success with MFP. Think about getting a HRM but can't justify the expense when MFP is free. That being said, there are times when I would like to know exactly how many calories I am burning. For example, as I take more Zumba classes, I don't know how my body is reacting to it as…
  • Even though I believe Wal-Mart is evil and I TRY not to shop there, I recently had to pop in to get something and browsed the workout can pick up a pair of drawsting workout capris/shorts and a t-shirt for $16. The shorts alone are only $11 and as you lose weight, you tie the string tighter! Congrats on your…
  • Ed, I work with 10, 11, and 12 year old students who walk in the path you once did. I pray every day to help them rise above their situations. I encourage you to consider that in the future. You have so much to give. God bless you. Thank you for sharing.
  • So, I feel like the resident lush... I say enjoy a glass of wine. What is that cartoon I saw once...something about our impending dooms not being who looks the best in their coffin, but rather like the person sliding in at the last minute with a smile on their face, and filthy dirty from having fun! Life is too short, and…
  • Oh, the pain parents inflict unknowingly. I am SO sorry you carry those emotions around with you. When you are ready, go find a team and have fun. That is what life is about - having fun!
  • I understand all too well how much a person can look forward to food. Been there, done that! The way I've shaken it is to plan out my meals for the week and then shop for them. All week long, I'm busy thinking about what I'm either going to cook, or what I need to buy, to complete the dinner I've planned. I guess you could…
  • Bikini...Hmmmm...Let's see, the last bathing suit I wore resembled a pair of shorts and tank top, and even then, I felt like the shorts were too short and the top showed too much cleavage. Stretch marks being exposed? I don't think so. I would need to have my head re-wired before I could attempt that in public!
  • We've been holding Zumba classes after school in the gymnasium. We contacted a local instructor and she was willing to come in twice a week. I LOVE it!!!!! I enjoy the challenge of getting the moves right, but I also don't get hung up on it and just dance, dance, dance! I left there this afternoon a dripping mess. Our…
  • Clean eating...well, that is a difficult one to answer, but I feel compelled to answer. My version of clean eating is probably a little skewed. I believe in eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can reasonably fit in your buget. I try to buy them locally when they are available. When they are not, I buy them…
  • I love your post! I am much like you in that I constantly track a bazillion things in spreadsheets and charts. I am picky, picky, picky, and I have been loving using MFP. It just makes sense to me and is easy to use. Honestly, you get out of this site what you put in. If you don't log everything, you are not going to see…
  • I plan my meals for the week. Because I do that, I am able to "plan" when I am going to relax and be good, and when I am going to eat my brains out! For example, tonight we had meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. I am fine and under my calorie goal because I knew I HAD to work out in order to eat my dinner. I may go…
  • I had to do this when I went to my in-laws for a week in February. What worked for me was giving myself permission to indulge once a day. You can't avoid it on vacation and it was just easier to admit I was going to have 1 "gimmee" for each day. Because I knew I had that one indulgence, it made it a heck of a lot easier to…
  • Take a deep breath... OK - the first thing I'm going to tell you is probably what you already nothing. Don't call her, don't drive by and honk, don't antagonize her. Let it go and focus on what is important: your grandson. From the sound of it, your son has been following procedure. Her accusations will only come…