

  • I use pure stevia extract powder in my oatmeal every morning.
  • i've read that guys need 6%-10% BF and women need 10%-16% to show their abs. although the_saint's 11% is looking pretty ripped lol. "abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym"
    in 6 pack abs Comment by nudacris June 2011
  • The bent over row motion is more like bringing the elbows up. Back flies are more like bringing the elbows together.
    in P90X help Comment by nudacris May 2011
  • I do higher calories/carbs on strength training days for more energy. Lower calories/carbs on HIIT, cardio, and yoga days. Works for me!
  • Carb/calorie cycling works for me. All the info can be found here: (click on 7-day calorie cycle after you input your data) I do it with P90X. You can look at my diary for an example I guess. For me, it's: Resistance training days = higher carbs/calories Cardio days =…
  • good stuff
  • I carb/calorie cycle throughout the week. I feel the variety prevents my body from adapting. Low carbs (only source would be from fruits and vegetables) on cardio days, burns body fat for energy. High carbs (add whole grains to meals and snacks) on resistance training days, also gives more energy for better lifting^^ I'm…
  • Here's an excerpt from a P90X newsletter from Denis Faye: Rule #5: No, the sugar in fruit isn't bad for you. When the low carb "revolution" hit in the early aughts, fruit was demonized for its sugar content. This is, in a word, ridiculous. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar, but it's also usually loaded with fiber, which…
  • this is how i log my p90x workouts: resistance training days followed by ab ripper x = cardio - circuit training plyometrics = cardio - aerobics - high impact yoga = cardio - yoga kenpo = cardio - kickboxing remember, the MFP exercise calculator tends to inflate the amount of calories burned. the best way to get the most…
  • that's not cool that you're always blamed
  • Everything about this whey protein powder is amazing: You can read the review of it here:
  • To get all of the benefits of green tea, I drink a cup of green tea every morning^^ The pills have added caffeine and are of low quality tea leaves. I'd try to stick with the real thing if you could. Green tea naturally has little caffeine and does contain catechins, which are reported to boost metabolism by 4-8% (I'm a…
  • The only supplements I take are whey protein isolate and Omega-3 fish oil, since I find it very difficult to get enough protein and fish in my diet. You can get all the other vitamins and minerals from whole foods easily, and it's better that way rather than from a pill. Here is a good read about Omega-3…
  • If you overwork your body, it can lead to exhaustion and possibly even injury. That can seriously hinder your fitness progress. Also, I believe after about 60min of intense exercise, the body starts to burn muscle for fuel.
  • I agree with antijen. You could just stretch, too. If you feel like you absolutely must do something, work the muscles that aren't sore (abs and/or legs). Just make sure you let your arms/shoulders/back recover a bit before you put a crazy load on them again.
  • I completed P90X and I was amazed with the results. Developed some lean muscle all around and burned lots of body fat. Currently doing my 3rd round of it. Like all fitness programs, the diet is the most important part.
  • I highly recommend you eat something every 2-3 hours. You could get jerky, nuts (almonds preferably), etc. I don't eat dairy, but no/low-fat yogurt without added sugars, greek yogurt, part skim string cheese. Energy/protein bars, fruits, dried fruits. Most of these come in snack size packaging, or you could buy from costco…
  • What cacrat said. Also, you might want to try a nonfat greek yogurt, those are high in protein. However, you can't really eat anything after a workout that has the same absorption rate as whey protein. Dairy products are mostly casein (slow absorbing).
    in O NO Comment by nudacris April 2011
  • It's easy at first to lose a lot of weight when switching to a healthy diet from a bad one. It can then slow down a bit. You said you exercised more the past week; it could be that you are also building muscle, which will counter the fat loss on the scale. I wouldn't stress over your body weight, instead take your…
    in Advise Comment by nudacris April 2011
  • For me, it's: image in the mirror > body fat % > inches > weight
  • If you decide to do any boxing or punching, try adding weighted gloves for more intensity.
  • alonnadodd, I recommend the classic version. The resistance training will increase your lean muscle mass, which will in turn help you burn more calories and fat. Don't be afraid of lifting (I know most women who do P90X are). You will not get huge, bulky muscles, I promise. If you do decide to stick with the lean program,…
  • I drink a cup of sencha green tea with a little bit of macha powder every morning. The catechins in green tea are said to boost metabolism by 4-8% throughout your day. Green tea has a tiny amount of caffeine compared to coffee and black tea. It's recommended that you pour the boiling water into your cup and let it sit for…
    in GREEN TEA Comment by nudacris April 2011
  • I've been doing P90X since September. Highly recommend it if you're wanting to put in 60-90 minutes a day.