Calories lost in P90X workouts???

does anybody know how to log the calories lost while doing the different P90X workouts????


  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    does anybody know how to log the calories lost while doing the different P90X workouts????

    If you follow the p90x diet plan, you are not supposed to log your exercise because it already has your "exercise" calories built in to your calorie allowance.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Thats going to change person to person. How hard you work, how much you weigh ect...... My diary is open and I wear a HRM I change the numbers each time You can look at my stuff if you want. Was doing p90x only about a month ago now I mix it up with turbo fire. So you may need to look back far. Good luck. I love the program by the way
  • nudacris
    nudacris Posts: 25
    this is how i log my p90x workouts:

    resistance training days followed by ab ripper x = cardio - circuit training
    plyometrics = cardio - aerobics - high impact
    yoga = cardio - yoga
    kenpo = cardio - kickboxing

    remember, the MFP exercise calculator tends to inflate the amount of calories burned. the best way to get the most accurate readings would be to get a decent heart rate monitor with a chest strap, although they aren't very cheap =( i completed 2 rounds of p90x w/o counting calories and did just fine^^. just follow the nutrition guide, it has worked for thousands of people for a reason.

    keep pushing yourself, you'll get amazing results with p90x