anyone want to give their exercise routine?



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I usually do one day of full (60 min) cardio. I walk for awhile and then run for awhile on the treadmill. If my back is feeling ok that day, I will run with it on an incline.

    I usually do one day of 30 mins of cardio and then I do machines (to work my arms - due to shoulder issues, I have a hard time using free weights) for 30 mins.

    I then do one day of 15 mins of cardio and 45 mins of machines.

    I've been doing Tae Bo Live videos once a week as of late - just to mix things up.

    Last time I was at the gym, I warmed up for 10 mins on the treadmill - then I picked 3 machines and did 10 reps on each one, went back to the treadmill for 5 mins, then back to the machines for 10 more reps, etc. I did this until I'd done all the machines 3 times. I was sweaty and exhausted by the end of it.
  • nudacris
    nudacris Posts: 25
    I've been doing P90X since September. Highly recommend it if you're wanting to put in 60-90 minutes a day.
  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    4-6 days a week I do 30 Day Shred AND Ripped in 30, back to back.
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    I'm a big fan of Turbo Jam. You can mix up the workouts throughout the week and the TurboSculpt is excellent for toning.
  • x0rosalie3x0
    x0rosalie3x0 Posts: 4 Member
    i wish i could, but i can't afford it :/
  • x0rosalie3x0
    x0rosalie3x0 Posts: 4 Member
    you could always get a personal trainer for a few sessions. then they can set you up with a good routine
    i wish i could but sadly i cannot afford it!
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    SInce 25th March:
    Mondays - V-Core (45 mins) and Body Combat (60 mins)
    Tuesdays - Body Pump (60 mins) and Body Step (60 mins)
    Wednesdays - Body COmbat (60 mins) and Legs, Bums and Tums (45 mins)
    Thursdays - Body Step (30 mins), Body Jam (60 mins), Body Pump (60 mins) and Body Balance (60 mins)
    Fridays - Body Step (60 mins) and Legs, Bums and TUms (60 mins)
    Saturdays - Boot Camp (60 mins) and Body Attack (60 mins)
    Sundays - Cycling and Walking for around an hour and a half combined

    But now term has begun :(
    Mondays - V Core (45 mins) and Body Combat (60 mins)
    Tuesdays - Jogging (30 mins) and teaching rounders if that counts.
    Wednesdays - Teaching Rounders if that counts?
    Thursdays - Body Step (30 mins), Body Jam (60), Body Pump (60) and Body Balance (60)
    Fridays - maybe jogging for 30 if I can make myself get up early enough
    Saturdays - Body Step (60)
    Sundays - every other Sunday I can do Body Step (45) and Body Pump (60)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I'm with the other supporters of It's an excellent resource with tons of exercises searchable by body area. They even have videos of them so you can see how to do it.

    Here's my routine... currently working out four days a week:
    Monday: 10 minute cardio warmup, upper body weightlifting (back, chest, shoulders, and arms), abs and calves, 20 minute cardio
    Tuesday: 45 minute cardio
    Wednesday: rest day
    Thursday: 10 minute cardio warmup, lower body weightlifting (squats, leg machines, etc.), abs and calves, 20 minute cardio
    Friday: 45 minute cardio
    Saturday, Sunday: rest days
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    Monday: 10K run/walk
    Tuesday: weight routine (down below) + cardio
    Wednesday: 10 run/walk
    Thursday: weight routine + cardio
    Friday: 10 run/walk
    Saturday: weight routine + cardio
    Sunday: rest or a slow ride on my elliptical

    Weight Routine:

    Bench Presses (15, 12, 10) ~ 15 lbs
    Squats (15, 12, 10) ~ 15 lbs
    Chest Flies (15, 12, 10) ~ 15 lbs
    Lunges (on each leg) (15, 12, 10) ~ 15 lbs
    Bent Rows (back) (12, 12, 12) ~ 25 lbs
    Dead Lifts (back) (6, 6, 6) ~ 25 lbs
    Clean & Press (back) followed by 2 Bent Rows (4, 4, 6) ~ 25 lbs
    Back Extensions (back) (15, 12, 10) ~10 lbs
    Squats (with one leg on ball) 15 on each side ~ 25 lbs
    Bicep Curls (15, 12, 10) 8 lbs
    Tricep Dips (12, 10, 10) body weight
    Calf Raises (20, 20, 20) ~ 25 lbs
    Bicep Hammer Curls (15, 12, 10) 8 lbs
    Crunches on Ball (20, 20, 20)
    Tricep Extensions (15, 12, 10) ~8 lbs
    Lateral Raises (shoulders) (15, 12, 10) ~5 lbs (my shoulders are sooo weak)
    Shoulder Presses (15, 12, 10) ~5 lbs
    Crunches (30, 30, 40)

    I do this straight in order - without stopping. I will do one set of upper body workout and then straight to a lower body workout. That keeps my heart rate up and allows my muscles to take a break between sets - without actually taking a break.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mon - Fri, at the gym, 30 minutes cardio - either walk/run on treadmill or ride the stationary bike (with some hand weight combos) or elliptical. Followed by 10-20 minutes of strength training - lately I've mostly been doing an ab workout that I found online that was done by the early cast of biggest loser (jillian, bob and the blonde girl) since I get upper body done while on the bike.

    Weekends - I take one day off and the other day I either do 30 Day Shred or go for a long (at least 4 mile) walk/run if it's nice out
  • silver330xi
    silver330xi Posts: 2 Member
    I think you mean 30 seconds, Muffin, not minutes... We'd all be dead if we planked for 30 minutes! LoL
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    im thinking about updating and changing mine, but i don't have any idea how to. i usually do 40 minutes of cardio and im just beginning to incorporate some core exercises like pushups, lunges, bicycles and squats (sort of, they're quite hard to do haha)
    any help?

    I think Jillian Michaels No More Troublde Zones is a good toning DVD.

    I've been alternating between that & Turbo Jam for the last 6 weeks, and have lost a total of 14 inches.
  • alynnbennett
    I did mean 30 seconds SORRY!!! Thanks Cupcake! 30 minutes would be death!! LOL