sraffel Member


  • Thanks for the advice on the rows. I've watched the Pendlay video a few times, but I guess that back arch just didn't register! Hopefully that will be another step in my actually feeling comfortable with rows. Workout A yesterday... Squats - 125. I should have done 130 but I got home and realized I forgot to add my little…
  • I weigh out a serving, and I don't let myself eat out of the container, because I know the second I start that, it will lead to "just one more spoonful..." For my everyday dessert I get the Edy's Slow Churn because it's lighter than something like Ben & Jerry's and still has some protein in it, but I do usually have a pint…
  • Vegas, congrats on your graduation, and enjoy your trip! Awesome numbers! And glad you like the vibrams. I just got a new pair to replace my really worn ones. Love them! I did workout A today. The racks were all full when I started, so warmed up a bit and benched first. Bench - 85, did 6x5 to make sure I could move up next…
  • Workout A for me today. Squats - 120, with form a little wobbly on some reps, I'm going to repeat next time. Bench - 85, think I'm going to repeat this as well, and do 6x5 next time, since these are getting tough! Rows - 75. Did 6x5 easily, so will move up to 80 next time. Had a job interview as a tour guide at a local…
  • Bumping! Pull-ups and handstand are two of my goals as well. If going upside-down is a mental nervousness issue for you, as it was for me, you may want to start with headstand. I found that the extra base allows me to go up a little slower so I feel more controlled and am not afraid of kicking over. Plus my head was…
  • Squat - from 115 to 140 OHP - from 65 to 75 Bench - from 80 to 100 Rows - from 75 to 85 Deadlift - from 140 to 160 Other goals: Do a pull-up Food logging consistency & watch sweets Take form videos
    in June goals Comment by sraffel June 2013
  • Got a good giggle out of the new thread title! I did workout B today. The last workout of my 20s. I can't believe I turn 30 tomorrow! :noway: Squats - 115 OHP - 65. I've been hanging around 60 - 65 for several weeks. I think I'm going to go for 6x5 next workout and then try to move up. Deadlift - 140! Got to put on 45 lb…
  • Last workout of May today! I worked out early and felt fresh, so everything was good. Going to repeat 75 on the rows next time because they are always an issue for me. Squats - 110 Bench - 80 Rows - 75 As far as my goals... Pretty proud of where I am! I think I've figured out a good intake, but need to work on being better…
  • Ohhh fun! And congratulations!
  • Was too busy to check the thread last week...I come back and there's a new one! I'm just going to jump back in. I've been keeping up with the workouts. Did A Monday and B today. Squat--100 felt heavy on Monday, but I knew my legs were tired thanks to an early morning waitressing shift, so I decided to try 105 this morning…
  • Same for me. When I get the rare manicure, I'm ALWAYS told, "you have great nails." But my hair is awful at the crown. I have no idea how they can be so different! It has gotten better in the last few years. I use Nutri-ox, which is a shampoo, conditioner, spray, and vitamin that is supposed to help with loss and stimulate…
  • Workout A for me yesterday! Squats - 90. I'm going to try to move up and see what happens. They're not easy, but I think form was good. Bench - 70. Still OK here! Rows - 75. I'm just never sure about these! Been at 75 for 3 workouts. I got all the reps in, think form was OK but not great. I think I come up from the hips on…
  • 3foldchord, it's so cool that you've got your whole family in on the strength training! My fiancé works out and is in good shape, but he doesn't do the compound lifts. He is constantly on me about being careful with deadlifts because it's "so easy to hurt your back." I try to explain that the program is designed with a…
  • Tagging to see responses... I stack 3 25 lb plates and set my weights on top of them. I find this gives them a pretty good base, never had them roll off wildly. I'm only 5'2" though. I keep my feet around hip-width apart, and knees bent slightly to keep my back flat. I have to touch the weights back down on the plates with…
    in Pendlay rows Comment by sraffel May 2013
  • I use gloves that have really thin padding, but it's enough for me. I still try to actively grip the bar and engage my forearms. I forgot them last week and had to do a session without, and I just didn't feel as secure. I'm sure part of it's mental for me, but they also keep the sweat off the bar.
  • BRB, calling Mayo Clinic. :devil: In seriousness, my shoulders do seem to be less sore than last week, but I think going a little wider for now and building up the flexibility is good advice. Being stable, getting the bar lower on the shoulders, and not leaning forward, is probably better for now than keeping the hands…
  • My grip is pretty narrow! I read somewhere (Rippetoe?) that it was "supposed" to be. I think I'll try an inch wider next time to see if I can lean back more. I did workout A yesterday. It was TOUGH. Maybe because I jogged then worked a 5 hour shift that turned into 7 hours Sunday evening. It was so busy all I could stop to…
  • I'm really liking all these workout fuel suggestions. Protein cookies! Ice cream! Chocolate semolina! I had green tea ice cream last night to prepare myself. Maybe if I had cookies, too, those OHP wouldn't be so hard. Squats - 85. Starting to get challenging! I've noticed that my shoulder blades are kind of sore/tense…
  • Did my 7th workout today, and am pretty happy with it! I elevated the bar on 3 plates instead of 2 for the rows, and I think that's where I need it. I don't think my form is great yet, especially on the first set. I'm going to try a warmup set at 55 or 65 lb next time I do them to get the form down before I move up to 80…
  • I originally calculated based in According to that, my TDEE at lightly active is 1874, moderately active is 2113. MFP suggested 1520 to lose .5/week, which was about the same as the 15% deficit on fat2fit, so I just set it at that and ate exercise calories back if necessary. My weight…
  • Workout 6 for me today: Squat 70 OHP 55 Deadlift 80 I'm having serious issues with calorie intake right now, too. Please forgive my wall of text below. Some of this is just me needing to think out loud! My weight has been holding from 139-142 for a few months now, eating at 1500-1600 per day and doing mostly cardio and…
  • I am hypo and am infamous for my cold hands. I also seem to have developed reynaud's, but I think it's unrelated to the thyroid issue. I keep gloves with me, especially if I'm going to be holding cold things for an extended period of time.
    in Cold Hands Comment by sraffel May 2013
  • bumping -- I'm going to need these!
  • Tried rows again last night! I managed 70 lb, elevated the bar on two plates and made sure to start with my shins right up against it. Pulled a little lower and got the bar all the way down between each rep. It was MUCH better! I think next time I'll elevate on at least one more plate, as I did have to bend the knees quite…
  • Current weights: Squat - 70 Bench - 55 Row - 70 OHP - 50 Deadlift - 70 Goals for May: 1. Keep steadily increasing the weights. Just started and want to find my max, though I'm not sure where that will be so I'm going to be lame and not give concrete numbers. 2. Rein in nutrition to lose BF%. Been a little lax with logging…
    in May Goals !! Comment by sraffel May 2013
  • Mine has 3 racks, 2 smith machines, and enough bench stations that I have never needed to count them. The first time I went, I had to wait for a rack, but that was a Monday evening. My work hours are not normal, so I've tried to go at off times so I don't have to wait. One day, there were ladies in all three racks :love:
  • Love running outside! However, I have the dumbest looking tan lines on my back because all my running tops are racerback. I have no idea how I'm going to even them out.
  • Yes, though you just reminded me that I wanted to watch it again, thanks! I feel a little sheepish. The first time I tried rows, I forgot about making sure to go all the way to the floor with each rep, so my back started hurting halfway though the second set (I think I was letting my shoulders round because the bar was…
  • I just started last week! So far I'm liking the program, but the motion for the rows is not clicking (it's the only one of the lifts that I had never tried before starting Stronglifts), so my goal for May is to get more comfortable with rows.