

  • Warning bells are starting to sound. If its not something at the moment it could turn into something. I think its easy to relate to people of different ages but thats not where the red flag is going up for me its the PHOTO! Now I might send a photo of a new hair do to my mum or put it up on FB but there are not many men i…
  • Lost 4lb not near 10lb but better off than on pulled a muscle so not getting as much exercise as i would like in and I havent been able to eat my target on food so that might be effecting weight loss. hope to really push for this last week only 3 weeks to I go on my holidays and would really like to loose 7lbs by then.…
  • OMG I am so unfit Tried it yesterday as was puffing and panting like I dont know what and that was on the first set!. Only managed to get about 2 of the sets done but I suppose some is better than none going to stick with it and hopefully in a week or so i'll get through level 1. It the only way to get fit as far as I can…
  • More than welcome to join. It would help me to stay on track a lot better than just doing it myself. :smile:
  • You should maybe think about getting a thermos lunch box and flask or something similar? You could have soup kept hot in the flask and maybe low gi bread with it. If this is to hot for time of year you could make low carb wraps with chicken/tuna,etc with salad( i used to get my low carb wraps online but some shops have…
  • Gonna try this for the next 2 weeks see how I go will be interested to know how it pans out for everyone
  • Ok down 3lb I think my scales are not the most reliable seams depending on which way you lean they are different! Will have to invest in a new set but to the best of my judgment I am now 73kg or 161lbs
  • other differances check= bill blinkers= indicators A brew= cup of tea Buggy= pushchair or pram money= yoyo's, dough, dosh fall= autum pavement=footpath
  • Yep count me in loving the show. However it doesn't air over here until Wednesday nights :cry: So have a few extra days to wait to see each new episode
  • Maybe you should up you calories a bit you body might be holding on to the weight as it might be thinking it needs it due to the breastfeeding. Upping you intake for a week or 2 wont make that much or a difference and if it doesnt work you could alway go back down again
  • Some Irish ones fun/news= craic (which could get you in trouble as people can mistake you for talking about crack eg any craic with you? or where's good craic around here!!!!!!) kiss= shift/meet/go with/see (depending where you come from) child= wayne (which can also be a name) its hot out= the sun is splitting the rocks…
  • I would perhaps try another scale or 2 and see what they read at to give you a better idea of where you are. Or you can say what you think you weight loss should be and just work off your home scales from there
  • I am about 164lbs, hight 5ft6in and my calves are 14/14.5 inches
  • OMG all I can say is WOW! Such a great story and my eyes too were starting to well up. Makes me think my goal or 35lbs is completely reachable if I take it slow and just keep going. great motivation
  • I love cheese and onion crisps with milk chocolate its so yummy. I love puting peanuts into a bag of salt and vinegar crisps so when I get to eat them at the bottom they taste of s&v. Sometimes at the movies I like putting malteasers on top of the salted popcorn so they melt. I really love boiled rice and ketchup.
  • Its what you do after that counts. There will be loads of days of your life that you will break out and eat loads of calories but if that odd day turns in to weeks and months then you have a problem. Life is to enjoy dont be hard on yourself just put it in you diary maybe save a few calories from today to counter act and…
  • My husband is supportive he is on a healthy eating and workout routine at the minute it does sometimes bother me that he seams to drop weight in a heart beat and I struggle with every half lb but thats the way it goes. I know when he reaches his target i'll be so happy for him and he will be cheering me on until i reach…
  • tayto velvet crunch are 83 cals and 2 g fat per pack also tayto snaks are low cal. walkers light arent bad 115 cal but 5g fat ok for a once in awhile treat
  • if on the wii I found that doing the steps while watching a favorite program works great half an hour or an hour flies by and you've done a workout and got to watch a bit of telly. Thats multitasking! You could also have small weights to work your arms at the same time so extra calories burned
  • Why not try pink and whites they are marshmallow in wafer low in cals and are sweet enough to get rid of cravings or buy a mini bar like kids milky bar small enough that it wont do too much damage. Other options are breakfast bars are about 100 cals and some of them are really sweet and have choc in them. Sugar free jelly…
  • I have had a problem with my throat for about15 years now first got it when i was about 13. Food would get stuck in my throat and i would have major pain in my chest (top of rib cage) Mainly bread, rice, meat etc would get stuck and I would have to drink water to force it back up. Now I have to have a drink at every meal…
  • It will take awhile for you stomach to shrink in size also you might be mistaking hunger for thirst. I would increase water intake if you drink a lot of tea or coffee you will need to drink more. I would eat little and often with protein for each meal and fill up on veggies. I would also suggest making a big pot of low cal…
  • Hi all i'm new to mfl only been tracking now for a week. I am from Ireland but living in Bahrain at the moment
  • Hi my sister has celiacs disease she was diagnosed about 33 years ago when she was 12 and found it hard to adjust at first as all her friends didnt understand and kept offering her stuff she couldnt eat some still do which ticks her off. The most things i know she eats alot of is stir fries, rice, omelets, baked beans,…
  • between 7 and 14lb i would say but weight comes off people at different rates -500 cal a day would equal 7lbs in 7 weeks you could loose more by exercising and loose inches by toning
  • You look amazing and the dress is just stunning. and 10lbs is a huge amount think of a lb of butter then put 9 others beside it then try and lift them you will soon realize how much 10lbs is. Best of luck in your weight loss journey
  • Hey I would say take measurements as the weeks you dont loose weight you might loose inches also I would up you water intake its recommended you drink half your body weight in ounces for me i'm at 164.5 lbs so I should be drinking roughly 82oz of water or 2.4 litres so that would be just over ten 8oz glasses of water for me
  • How about for every goal you put money in a tin and by the time you have reached goal you will have some money to do something nice either take a trip or buy new clothes. You could pamper yourself for an evening as a reward, face mask, fave movie etc
  • Great going, well done. My first week here is finished tomorrow not expecting a big loss though as have been on a diet for over 5 weeks now I'll be happy with a lb. Hope you do great again next week
  • Ok hear is my 2 cents worth. Save calories for the weekends if you are on a 1500 daily allowance save 200 a day for 5 days then you can have 1000 extra at the weekend also you could save some from exercise too I would not save more than 250 a day though as you might just stay at the same weigh. I wouldn't go below 1200 but…