When does the crazy hunger go away?

Hey guys! I just started tracking calories on MFP about 5 days ago. I have a 1200 calorie a day goal. Even though I am doing a decent job staying within my calories, I am just so hungry all day long! I know I'm shocking my body into this because I definitely ate more than 1200 calories a day prior to this. How long was it before you didn't want to gnaw your own hand off from the hunger?


  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I think it depends on the person but to curb hunger, I drink water! Also, I would make sure that you're including enough protein in your meals/snacks. That helps too.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    1200 might be too low for you. That seems pretty extreme.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    It's different for everyone and for some people 1200 is just too low. I was extremely hungry for about the first week and a half. Before joining I'm sure I was consuming 2500+ calories a day!!!! To drop from that to 1200 is insane! The body needs time to adjust. Then I stayed at 1200 calories for about 6 weeks then had to increase to 1300 then to 1350 and that worked great. The beginning is the hardest but it does get easier. Make sure you're drinking at least 8 cups of water, but I would recommend more! As much as you can. Also eat foods high in protein and fiber, avoid sugary foods and simple carbs. Good luck!
  • LesmillsJunkie
    I still strugle. I am hungry all the time!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    It helps if you chose foods that keep you fuller longer (protein & fiber!), eat smaller meals more often.
    Plan ahead.
    Lot of water.
  • Michelemybelle
    Michelemybelle Posts: 52 Member
    For me personally, it took about 2 weeks. Drinking water helped me. I am currently doing low carb, so I rarely get hungry, since I eat mostly protein.
  • smilingmakesyouhappy
    Eating a big breakfast really helps! Hi fiber foods help fill you up more!
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    i've been drinking alot of water.
    i drink at least 6 16.9 oz water bottles a day
    in the morning i
    -do 30 day shred dvd
    -drink a water with breakfast 7:30
    -bottle of water and piece of fruit 10:30
    -bottle of water with lunch 12:30
    -bottle of water & yogurt 3:30 (sometimes a coffee too)
    -dinner & bottle of water 6:30
    -6 week 6 pack dvd and bottle of water 9:00

    i would give it at least a week to get used to the new routine.
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I was hungry for about 2 weeks (maybe a little less) before it started to subside. Now when I go out to eat, I can only eat half of what I used to before I'm full!
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    Are you drinking water, that helps me. I don't know about you but when I started this journey, I didn't know was real hunger felt like. The first time my stomach growled and ached with hunger, I thought wow this is what being hungry feels like. Perhaps make notes what food are more filling and last longer. Like Oatmeal for me last longer than a light omlet. I also chew sugar free gum a lot too.
  • hanson22
    hanson22 Posts: 24 Member
    Fiber, Fiber Fiber. You have to eat filling foods that are super low cal or it is literally impossible to keep this up. Also, learn to love hot beverages: tea, coffee, etc.
    I make low cal smoothie drinks as well and drink water like a maniac.

    If you can just stick with it, your stomach will eventually shrink and you won't be ravenous anymore all the time .
    But it may take about a month to get to that point.
    Good luck!
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    PROTEIN LADIES MORE PROTEIN IN YOUR DIETS girls....Meats, Nuts Shakes Bars ect....Drink water before your meals hang in there u can do it
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    It's a mental thing for me. Once I got past the fact I don't need to eat all the time, and didn't, it was hard. But with time I got over it and now I hardly think about food other than planned meal times rather than trying to stay full all day long.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I think it depends on the type of food you are eating too...as well as how frequently. I think protein and healthy fats are slower to digest so keep you feeling satisfied longer. I try to eat lots of veggies and salads as the main part of my meals but make sure I am getting protein, complex carbohydrates and good fat. Also, drinking lots of water. And I eat throughout the day.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Took a couple of weeks for me. Incorporating more fiber helped a great deal, and keep in mind: some foods are just more 'filling' than others....so I also eat LOTS and LOTS of lettuce =).
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Like what others are saying, you may need to increase your calories. Change from 2lbs a week to 1 lbs a week. Or, you can customize how many in the "Goals" tab. 1350 calories is a good starting point. It's easy to follow.

    Definitely eat more protein! MFP is notorious for setting protein low. It's OKAY to go over! You'll feel full longer.
    Low calorie options for protein:
    Greek Yogurt
    Whey Protein
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    Having started counting calories about a month ago, I think it took a couple weeks to where I wasn't hungry all the time and to where I wasn't having cravings for just about anything. Your body has to become accomodated to you taking in less calories. Also, use all the tips the people above have told you. Hang with it, good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If I only ate 1200 calories a day I don't think the hunger would ever go away. Add some exercise so you can eat more and still lose. You'll feel and look better and most of all, not be hungry. I get an extra 500 - 700 calories a day from exercise and so I don't eat a whole lot less than I did before.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Just a reminder. 1200 calories is a bare minimum calorie requirement for females. It's not the number everybody should automatically shoot for. To draw an analogy, some states have a law where the the landlord of an apartment must ensure that the apartment can be heated to at least 45F in the winter. That's a bare minimum, not a guideline for how warm to keep an apartment.
  • evenidomhnaill
    It will take awhile for you stomach to shrink in size also you might be mistaking hunger for thirst.
    I would increase water intake if you drink a lot of tea or coffee you will need to drink more.
    I would eat little and often with protein for each meal and fill up on veggies. I would also suggest making a big pot of low cal soup with veggies and eat it in between meals if you feel hungry. If this doesnt work I would up your calories a bit