Weird Food Quirks

I am teased OVER AND OVER by my friends for one of my weird food quirks. I can't help it though

I can't eat an egg and chicken (or turkey) in the same grosses me out.

SO, I had an egg for breakfast now I won't have any chicken today at all.

I know.

Anyone else out there with weird food quirks? Come on people!!!! Let me know I am not the weirdest!!!:laugh:


  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I thought maybe I had one to post until I read yours. I can't compete with that. :laugh:
  • Amykimber
    Amykimber Posts: 11 Member
    I can't eat a Twirl chocolate bar without a packet of Salt and Vinegar crisps now and a mug of strong tea...

    I know, I know - sounds terrible, but twirls and salt and vinegar crisp go AMAZINGLY well together.

    I may be a freak, but try it - actually don't, Twirls are hidiously bad for you...
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I like my soup cold and my soda hot
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I have food related OCD, and it's gotten better, thank goodness.
    Any candy that's colored (skittles, starburst m&ms etc) has to be eaten in color order (red orange yellow etc)
    I have to eat 2 of things, like I can't just eat ONE m&m I have to put two in my mouth, one on either side.
    I have to chew my food equally on both sides of my mouth
    I don't like my foods to touch on my plate, but that doesn't stop me from putting gravy over EVERYTHING on my plate at thanksgiving lol but ti still bothers me that by way of gravy they are all technically touching...
    I can't eat "hairy foods" like strawberries and kiwis

    There are more, but I feel like such a weirdo with all of these as it is
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    I hate chicken...but I love chicken skin. So I order wings and only eat the skin and give the naked wing to my bf who eats the meat. lol.
  • srhdwll
    srhdwll Posts: 65
    I have to put bananas in the fridge for a few minutes before I eat one, room temp bananas make me gag.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    My foods can't touch, I can't eat it if they have.
    BUT there are certin thigns that belong together like I can have mushrooms in my pasta or somehow I can eat sheppards pie and pizza. I'm a weirdo :-(
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    When eating a milky way I eat the chocolate off the sides in perfect order then savor the rest. Unlike the lady with the food that can't touch on her plate, I take a bit of everything on my plate on a fork full to savor the plethora of flavors together. I can't eat the dark meat in fowl because it just never seems done to me. I eat almost ALL my meat cold. I take my pieces and put them in the freezer while cooking the rest of the meal so it will be cold by time we sit down to eat. I don't know if these are weird, but these are my quirks. Fun post!
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    I hate eggs in any form except possibly scrambled. I don't even like to eat with someone who is eating eggs. I especially hate egg salad or hard boiled eggs. I hate popsicles so much that I don't even want to touch them. I don't like regular potatoes in any form including potato chips, baked potatoes and mashed potatoes. However, I love sweet potatoes.
    Since we are confessing, I also divide my M&Ms by color.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I hate chicken...but I love chicken skin. So I order wings and only eat the skin and give the naked wing to my bf who eats the meat. lol.

    That one is loads of crazy!!! :)
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    I eat most things in layers. For example, I eat the toppings one at a time off a salad before eating the lettuce. Or the chocolate off the outside of a protein bar before eating the middle....

    it started years ago as an effort to try to make myself eat its just the way i eat :) a lot of my friends are amazed at what i end up doing to my food :)
  • evenidomhnaill
    I love cheese and onion crisps with milk chocolate its so yummy.
    I love puting peanuts into a bag of salt and vinegar crisps so when I get to eat them at the bottom they taste of s&v.
    Sometimes at the movies I like putting malteasers on top of the salted popcorn so they melt.
    I really love boiled rice and ketchup.
  • marydee72
    marydee72 Posts: 51
    I hate chicken...but I love chicken skin. So I order wings and only eat the skin and give the naked wing to my bf who eats the meat. lol.

    I love this!!! Thank you for posting it/confessing it! Somehow I don't feel so weird about mine now....
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I don't like my foods to touch. I also eat one thing at a time. Everyone picks on me for it as well.
  • CrochetGator
    CrochetGator Posts: 23 Member
    I totally have food texture issues. If it doesn't feel right in my mouth I won't eat it. Like, I won't eat watermelon or strawberries because of the texture but my fav food is completely raw steak (ice cold out of the pack with a little marinade). I also have a hard time with shrimp, bc it weirds me out that you can eat a whole animal in one bite. : )
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    I love cheese and onion crisps with milk chocolate its so yummy.
    I love puting peanuts into a bag of salt and vinegar crisps so when I get to eat them at the bottom they taste of s&v.
    Sometimes at the movies I like putting malteasers on top of the salted popcorn so they melt.
    I really love boiled rice and ketchup.

    I love rice and ketchup too :)
  • CrochetGator
    CrochetGator Posts: 23 Member
    I hate eggs in any form except possibly scrambled. I don't even like to eat with someone who is eating eggs. I especially hate egg salad or hard boiled eggs. I hate popsicles so much that I don't even want to touch them. I don't like regular potatoes in any form including potato chips, baked potatoes and mashed potatoes. However, I love sweet potatoes.
    Since we are confessing, I also divide my M&Ms by color.

    I divide my M&Ms as well as skittles.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    my grandma drinks hot beer.
  • CrochetGator
    CrochetGator Posts: 23 Member
    I have food related OCD, and it's gotten better, thank goodness.
    Any candy that's colored (skittles, starburst m&ms etc) has to be eaten in color order (red orange yellow etc)
    I have to eat 2 of things, like I can't just eat ONE m&m I have to put two in my mouth, one on either side.
    I have to chew my food equally on both sides of my mouth
    I don't like my foods to touch on my plate, but that doesn't stop me from putting gravy over EVERYTHING on my plate at thanksgiving lol but ti still bothers me that by way of gravy they are all technically touching...
    I can't eat "hairy foods" like strawberries and kiwis

    There are more, but I feel like such a weirdo with all of these as it is

    I can't eat potato salad if I find one of the "potato stringy things" in it. It makes me gag. I also have a no hairy food rule.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Peach skin gives me goosebumps.