

  • Cavemen didn't have modern medicine either. They also usually didn't eat much food besides dinner since they had to hunt or gather for it.
  • I like clean eating too. I usually wash veggies for 60+ seconds and fruit even longer, depending on whether I'm eating the skin or not. You should always clean your food before you eat it.
  • Ah, kids. The biggest contribution to landfill waste, co2 emissions, increased food prices and over population. But yes, obviously you're disrespectful for not wanting to contribute to that. This is what happens when people have it beaten into their brains from the age of 3 that they MUST have kids. Social engineering at…
  • ^^^^^ This guy knows what he's talking about.
  • Please don't post garbage like this. Thanks.
  • You can try fixing the actual problem instead of finding ways around it. Emotional eating? Control your emotions. Deep breathing exercises are shown to lower your heart rate, increase oxygen levels in your blood and calm you down. The next time you're stressed out at work (not sure what your job is) try avoiding people for…
  • I spent 6 months as a vegan. I ended up losing a lot of weight so I stopped. -Tofu. Learn every tofu dish you can. Go to the local stores (the ones that sell over-priced but amazing local foods) and get flavoring. They usually make amazing spices and herbs that are vegan. Use that for your tofu dishes. Tofu + cashew stir…
  • Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eat eggs. They are filling, full of B vitamins (give you energy) and have protein and fat. Plus, the saturated fat is good if you're not eating meat products that also have it. Hard boil them if you're busy and on the go. 4 a day, every day. Don't worry about the cholesterol either, most of the…
  • My experience: -People who quickly tell you about how "drama free" they are usually end up being the biggest drama-queens. People who are actually drama free don't even say anything about it because it doesn't cross their mind. RED FLAGS THAT WOMEN SAY: -I don't normally do this!!! (right before flashing people or making…
  • Why not use regular bread and cut the extra 100 calories out somewhere else?
  • Sweets are fine. People sitting on their *kitten* all day watching Glee and American Idol isn't fine. Candy was common place all through the baby boomer generation growing up. The difference was that they were on their bikes or running all day long, playing outside, working in the garden, etc. Now it's sitting in a car in…
  • Well, you should keep a journal of your fasting glucose levels. If possible, get all the numbers from your doctor and see how much they've gone up/down since you've been having them checked. Being told you're "borderline diabetic" is just silly if you don't know what the actual numbers are or if you're improving or not. If…
  • They claim 0 cals because it's broken down by serving size. They do the same thing with partially hydrogenated oils. (trans fat) They say "ZERO GRAMS OF TRANS FAT" but it's actually zero grams PER SERVING because the serving size has less than the threshold number that they have to claim it. Calories are the same. If it's…
  • What do you mean by borderline diabetic? What was your fasting glucose level? How often do you have it checked? The concept of sugar spiking your insulin is changed when that sugar is ingested with fiber, protein and fat. Mixing some fruit in with other foods will change the insulin response you get from it. As for hostess…
  • This is completely untrue.
  • It's hormonal: Leptin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptin Ghrelin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghrelin Those are two of the main hormones responsible for hunger. When dieting for days straight, your leptin and ghrelin levels will adjust to make you hungrier. It's the way your body tells you that you need to eat because…
  • Sigh..... Have you ever thrown up before? You know that burning feeling from your stomach acid? Yeah, that's in your body all the time. So if you think corrosive Coca-Cola is bad for a car battery, what do you think your stomach acid would do to it? The body likes homeostasis. If you drink something acidic, it will adjust…
  • Not sure if it's been posted already: Is Fructose Being Blamed Unfairly for Obesity Epidemic? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120221125020.htm
  • Different days or more than 4 hours apart so your metabolic pathways responsible for each type of exercise get the most benefit. (mTOR pathway vs AMPK pathway)
  • Minus the part where metabolic pathways play a role in making either lifting or cardio more efficient through proper stimulation of mitochondria or ribosomes.
  • Lactic acid isn't what makes you sore the next day after hard exercise. It's muscle tears in the actual fibers of your muscle. Lactic acid shuttling and removal rates will usually keep your body free of too much lactic acid in your blood stream. When the shuttling rate can't keep up with the production, free hydrogen ions…
  • http://theharcombediet.com/ Is this the correct diet? "STOP COUNTING CALORIES AND START LOSING WEIGHT" Is this real? So I can eat as much of the foods listed as I want and lose weight?
  • Let me take the *kitten*-hole position for a second here. First off, if you're against growing meat in a dish and you've spent 99% of your life in the United States, please do all of a favor and shut the hell up. It's getting pretty irritating listening to people with the holier than thou attitude. Second, if you want to…
  • I usually go for this when I have a sweet tooth: It tastes amazing and gets rid of the sugar cravings.
  • White sugar isn't a toxin. It's glucose and fructose. Wikipedia isn't a toxin either: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucrose
  • Plain white sugar is fructose and glucose. So why are you saying fructose and glucose have a use but not sucrose? (table sugar) Should people use a lab to separate table sugar down to its simplest form in order to use it? It is JUST a numbers game. Thermodynamics is a science, hence why I used the twinkie diet as an…
  • This post has so many assumptions that I don't even know where to start. First off, your body DOES have use for sugar. It's a form of carbohydrate and your body can use it for energy. This is absolute basic physiology. Hell, paramedics carry Glucola in their bags for diabetics who need insulin spikes. People who run…
  • Even if they don't list sugar, you're still getting sugar from the dates they usually add to their product. It's not really any different as the fat and protein will offset any minimal difference you're going to get from the sugar.