clean eating



  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    I like clean eating too. I usually wash veggies for 60+ seconds and fruit even longer, depending on whether I'm eating the skin or not. You should always clean your food before you eat it.
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    Eat like a caveman! Think about it that way, and you'll make some better decisions....cavemen didn't have twinkies...or pasta, or well...most of everything we all get.

    Cavemen didn't have modern medicine either. They also usually didn't eat much food besides dinner since they had to hunt or gather for it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I wash my fruits and veggies sometimes....When I do that they are clean.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Eat like a caveman! Think about it that way, and you'll make some better decisions....cavemen didn't have twinkies...or pasta, or well...most of everything we all get.
    hey if you like eating what equates to roadkill (scavenged bits from other predator's kills) go for it. Also it might be tough to find mammoth meat these days.

    I try to follow the principles of this but couldn't stick to this 100% of the time. I like wine too much to give it up. ;) I would rather just go with moderation on alcohol than give it up completely.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Check out the book called Nourishing Traditions

    I just started going through my copy I got in Feb. of this year ...LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE it. :) I even recommended in a blog post today because some of my MFP friends were asking me about the books I liked re: nutrition. :)
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    One ingredient foods?? you people are nuts. Look if you want to eat clean it is easier then what people think. Look for at least 80% of your food from either a farmers market or the out side walls of your favorite super market, that is usually where the fresh meats, cheeses, veggies, and fruits are. I use a lot of fresh garlic, limes, lemons, and other citrus to flavor my things. when buying anything from a box, can, or bag look for 10 ingredients or less, KNOW what all of the ingredients are! Like for example what preserves the food is a big indicator...if it is preserved with natural things like ascorbic acids, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, castor oil, salt, sugar, alcohol, or vinegar well then chances are higher that it is ok...if it has things like Benzoates (such as sodium benzoate, benzoic acid) Nitrites (such as sodium nitrite) Sulphites (such as sulphur dioxide) Sorbates (such as sodium sorbate, potassium sorbate) well then it is way processed. research labels, brands, ingredients. educate your self on natural ways to make foods. and if there is more then 10 ingredients pass on it. look forward to making the majority of your food from sometimes gets tedious but it is very much so worth it. and always remember less is better...although i have to say one ingredient foods...those peeps be robbing themselves of some awesome NATURAL flavors...js

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Eat like a caveman! Think about it that way, and you'll make some better decisions....cavemen didn't have twinkies...or pasta, or well...most of everything we all get.
    hey if you like eating what equates to roadkill (scavenged bits from other predator's kills) go for it. Also it might be tough to find mammoth meat these days.

    There is also evidence that they practiced cannibalism! Yummo!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Eat like a caveman! Think about it that way, and you'll make some better decisions....cavemen didn't have twinkies...or pasta, or well...most of everything we all get.
    hey if you like eating what equates to roadkill (scavenged bits from other predator's kills) go for it. Also it might be tough to find mammoth meat these days.

    HAHAHA burn.
  • burkblondie
    burkblondie Posts: 25 Member
    Well said Tinksmommy! By the way, I have a little Tink in my household too!