Sunday Weigh-in: 180.8
8/5 - Completed exercise and food challenge. *EDIT: Also, google calendar has been updated with this weeks challenges. ** EDIT2: I can tell you Sunday how many extra miles I should be able to contribute.
8/3 & 8/4 - Didn't get a chance to post last night; crappy dinner (nutrition wise, both days) but I was under my calories and managed to get the challenges done for both days; always drink 8+ glasses of water so that part wasn't a problem on either day. Provided my ankles are recuperated enough by the "rest" day, I will do…
There. I've joined the Bootie Buster Warriors inner-circle. :P
Those are a great idea! Wonder if their super-portable solar oven is any good...
Bump for future reference. :D
8/2 - Sorry guys, couldn't get the +1 mile; tendonitis has me sitting around. Calories shouldn't be a problem though. :D
8/1 - Completed exercise and food challenge. Drank at least 9 glasses of water today; had to make up for some excess sodium.
I used the "Search" feature right up there ^^^^^
That's awesome! Wish my employer would do something like this. Maybe I'll have to bring it up to our HR people; might save the company a lot of money in insurance premiums.
Starting weight 181.8
If any of you want, I created a google Calendar. Currently it just contains the days and what will be the challenges for the first week... Comments, constructive criticism, appreciated.
Indeed, that's likely what made the biggest difference for your friend. Making healthier choices ahead of time, or only having healthy snacks readily available, makes the appetite stimulating effects of Cannabis less of a concern.
Since the team list got so much bigger than when I originally saw it, I may have missed a few of you. Please feel free to send me a friend request if you haven't already - just be sure to include a little note with it! :D
Hey there, everyone! Around the web I'm known as Gothic Prophet (or just Prophet), I'm 30, trying to get in shape so I can survive Z-Day (or other "improbable" disasters). When I'm not working out or learning survival skills, I'm likely to be found at work; which is as a Pet Stylist at a major chain pet store. I'm looking…
2 Golden Retrievers; Chase (2 yrs, neutered male) and Kya (4mo, female) 2 cats: Azreal and Raziel. Will get some pix up eventually. :P
Any room left for me?
I'll second "Convict Conditioning". It's what I'm using and I can definitely see results. :D
Android all the way. :D Full disclosure: I have never owned an iPhone and have only owned 1 Android device (3 versions of Android OS though).
I'm always looking for quick and easy, yet healthy, recipes so... bump. :D
Yet another voice for C25K; I just did Week 2, Day 2 today. Until I started C25K, I wasn't much of a runner - a decade ago I might've been one, lol. I use the Podrunner Intervals available from and Noom on my Android OS smart phone to track my location, speed, etc.
Non-Scale Victory And to the OP, congrats!!! Love the R-Rated NSV. :D
I don't have TNROL(FW) but I did get myself a copy of "Convict Conditioning" by Paul "Coach" Wade. While I don't care for Mr. Wade's personal views on what it means to be a "real man" or other such things, his techniques and instructions are excellent. It's 100% body weight workouts. There are 6 "big movements" within the…
You're welcome. :D
Saving these for later!
First, congratulations to Angela1022 & the rest of Team 2! Not only did Angela take MVP for her team this week, but her whole team took Overall MVP (3 members in the top 10!) Well done guys. Now, for the rest of the top 10 individuals: #2: chunkyb #3: claeysm #4: gothicprophet #5: BethanyCee #6: hcn74 #7: mbeuchert24 #8:…
To report just a signature, is it the same process as reporting a post?