Bootie Busters (closed group)

Welcome August challengers! This will be our team thread, so please bookmark it and post all questions and progress here :-) This is our team roster

1 susanb_16
2 princilam99
3 piccolarj
4 Lisab150
5 shawnalaufer
6 Femtec74
7 Angel1066
8 gothicprophet
9 Marzipan91
10 yanicka
11 bf41382
12 nathnos
13 Choirgirl37
14 tonicia
15 vsetter
16 karabobarra
17 RalphCurt
18 OSUalum
19 emmaleigh47
20 BroDave
21. Timeforme23

Please take a moment to introduce yourselves. I will be receiving further instructions later this evening which I will post here and pass along to all of you. Lets do it!


  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    I guess I should start with myself. Hi! lol My name is Nicole. Im a 23 year old nursing student in southern California, and I love challenges like this that keep me moving!
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    Bum locks
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Hi I'm Piccolar 34 from Mississippi and I'm a personal asst. I'm also a cyclist and I love a good challenge.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Kristen - I'm 38 years young and trying to get back in shape. I'm an IT manager in Northern Virginia and I love music and dance and everything in between. I'm looking forward to this challenge.
  • gothicprophet
    Hey there, everyone! Around the web I'm known as Gothic Prophet (or just Prophet), I'm 30, trying to get in shape so I can survive Z-Day (or other "improbable" disasters). When I'm not working out or learning survival skills, I'm likely to be found at work; which is as a Pet Stylist at a major chain pet store.

    I'm looking forward to blasting away the fat during the month of August with all of you!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    Hi I'm Kara, - 43 yrs old, I'm an accountant and a busy mom that is determined to take the time to take care of my health, I have a competitive nature and love to be challenged. I'm also somewhat of a goof and try to get a good dose of play into every day. I love this site and I'm looking forward to this challenge!

  • Marzipan91
    Marzipan91 Posts: 46
    Hi everyone, my name is Marlee and I'm 20. I'm about to be a junior in college where I'm majoring in creative writing and minoring in anthropology. I'm always looking for different ways to keep up with exercise and nutrition and I thought this would be perfect. I've never done a challenge before and I'm very excited to start this one. :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi there! Emma, 31 years old nurse practitioner from Wisconsin. I love challenges because I am the competitive type. I have lost 40 pounds so far ... my next half marathon is in 3 weeks and after that starts training for the full marathon in January..
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Quick update. Yanicka was accidentally placed on two teams, so she is out. Thank you to Ladydil1982 who is stepping up to take her place :-)
  • bf41382
    bf41382 Posts: 51
    Hi, Im Brad, I'm 29 and married to my best friend and have a little 4mo. old baby girl, Madison. I do INSANITY, running, and swimming. I've been running for years, but was eating bad. Now Im doing the above and eating better thanks to MFP. Since June I've dropped about 15 lbs. I've been working in "public service" for 7 years and need to be in better shape so I don't get my *kitten* whooped one day. Look forward to slayin' this challenge with you guys/gals!
  • princilam99
    princilam99 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Princila and I'm 27, living in Chicago with my husband and 2 sons. I started using MFP consistently around April and loving it ever since. I'm down 28 pounds, I have a long way to go but I have been very motivated and dedicated so far. I am looking forward to this August challenge and excited for our team! Woo hoo! Good luck to everyone.
  • gothicprophet
    Since the team list got so much bigger than when I originally saw it, I may have missed a few of you. Please feel free to send me a friend request if you haven't already - just be sure to include a little note with it! :D
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I just joined MFP this week, so this challenge is coming at a perfect time for me. I just hope I can keep up. I've never been this out of shape in my entire life. I'm 56 years old and live with my husband, our dog, Molly, and 2 cats. I've done real well this week with my food diary and exercise, but I'm still anxious about stepping on the scale Monday; I don't feel like I've lost anything. Glad to be a part of the team and look forward to getting to know you all.

  • shawnalaufer
    Hi there! My name is Shawna. I am 29 and a SAHM of two littles girls ages 5 and 8 months. I joined Curves in June of this year and MFP shortly thereafter. This is my first team challenge and I am excited to have other motivating me to drop this pesky baby weight!
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Hi again,

    I want to modify my intro post. Sorry if this is a little long, but it's important that I tell you where I'm coming from. My name is Nance and I have never had a REAL weight issue...not more than 10 or 15 lbs., except when I was on fertility drugs back in my early 40s. When I married in 1999 I weighed 145 lbs. (I'm 5'6") and my dress was a size 8. My husband and I have been married 12 yrs. and I now weigh 217. How this happened. I started having a LOT of trouble sleeping when I started going thru menopause 12 yrs. ago and eventually my dr. put me on Ambien. The drug worked great for several years and I had no problems with it whatsoever. Then, about 5 yrs. ago, I started getting up in the middle of the night and binge eating...eating everything I could find, going back to bed, and then NOT REMEMBERING it in the morning. This is a known side effect of this drug!! I was so thankful to be sleeping at all that I kept taking the Ambien thinking I could get control over the getting up and eating thing but, of course, I couldn't. I did stop taking the Ambien about 3 yrs. ago, but the behavior continued because, as my dr. put it, "your mind has trained your body to get up and eat." I have FINALLY broken the cycle but it's been very difficult to do and I still occasionally have problems when I can't sleep. So, with all of that nighttime eating, I gained 55 lbs. and now I'm ready to get it OFF!

    The reason I'm telling you this is that this is the area where I will need the most support....last night I couldn't sleep and I ate several tablespoons of peanut butter...not a BIG binge, but still something I didn't need to do. I will need encouragement from you all to NOT eat when I can't sleep.

    I'm so happy to have found this site and I'm really pumped about getting this weight off and getting back to the "real" me. Thanks.
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Tonicia. I am 22 years old and an office manager for a sandblasting company in southern California. I am also planning to go back to school starting August 15th. My highest weight during a severe depression was last year at 180lbs and 5'2. I am now down to 150 thanks to MFP (halfway to my goal weight). I am excited AND nervous about this challenge because...this is my first challenge as well as my first time being part of a team. So I hope I can stick with it and not let my teamates down.

    I'm hoping this is just the kick in the pants I need because lately I've just been maintaining. My mom had some health issues and so I took June off of working out and worrying too much about eating as my main focus was taking care of her. I was doing so well before then, but have found it incredibly hard to get back into this for some reason. I've sat around and only maintained for this whole month so...... August challenge here I come! = )
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    Can't find Ladydil1982 to add . = (
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    Hi team!
    I'm Beth.I live in Columbus Ohio. I joined MFP about 4 months ago when my gym had a 90 Day Competition. I was trying to find a calorie counter and stumbled onto this site. It has been such a great experience! I've lost over 22 pounds and met some amazing supportive friends along the way.
  • Marzipan91
    Marzipan91 Posts: 46
    Hey can we get one of those awesome team banners that other people have with all the members' names on it? That would be pretty cool.