

  • If you care about how well you perform in your workout (intensity & endurance), then you should have some protein and some carbs in the morning before working out. I also have a hard time eating in the morning, so I do a smoothie with whey protein, lowfat yogurt, frozen berries, and unsweetened soy milk. That gives me a…
  • I have just experienced the same thing this week. Have been SUPER good with calories, eating clean, and working out this week (along with supplements, etc), but scale hasn't budged. So frustrating!! THEN I got out my calipers and measured my body fat % and saw that I dropped 2% since last week!! Have faith: as long as…
  • They are NOT saying that big boobs equals big or unhealthy women. She is simply describing how her OWN body works, which is the same way MY body works. If I lose weight, my boobs are the first to go. They don't come back until I am about twenty-five pounds heavier than my ideal weight. Yes, women come in all shapes and…
  • I am a runner, and I also have UC (severe ulcerative pancolitis). Feel free to message me; it's always nice to hear from people who are going through similar struggles. Also, if you're interested, you can follow my story on my blog: Good luck!
  • I also have IBD (ucerative colitis), and this is the third time I've been on it in the last year. If you want to read all about my ups and downs with it, check out my blog. I have a whole post just dedicated to Prednisone: Good luck!
  • It won't cause weight gain if you're only on it for a week. Those of us who have been on it for months on end, yes. If you want to read more about it, check out my blog. I have a whole post dedicated to Prednisone:
  • If you're exercising, eating healthier, and your clothing sizes are going down, then you're doing something right. Keep up the good work, and don't stress too much about the scale. It WILL move eventually.
  • I have opened mine up for you. I eat clean usually Sunday through Friday. Saturday is my "cheat" day, and I don't always log everything that day... I eat mostly organic soup, salad, and stir-fry for lunches and dinners. (Low-cal dressing on the salads and nothing but lemon and garlic on the stir-fry.) Breakfasts are either…
  • Think about your calorie goal in a weekly format instead of a daily. If you are under your goal every other day of the week, then you could potentially rollover those extra calories into your "cheat day" and have some foods you might not normally eat. But if your cheat day goes so far overboard that it ruins the progress…
  • I think it's fine as long as the OPTIONS are equally available to both men and women. Men can choose to work or choose to be stay-at-home dads, and women have that same option. Home ec. teaches life-skills and how to run a household: appropriate and useful information for both boys and girls to know, so both boys and girls…
  • I noticed that, too. No bueno!! :-( I report my strength-training and then go in and add "calisthenics" to my cardio for however many minutes I was doing the strength-training. It might not be exact, but at least it counts for something. :-/
  • Isn't sushi usually pretty healthy? (Rice, fish, veggies?) Or do you do the ones that have the heavy sauces and deep fried ingredients? LOL
  • Did you log exercise today? The more you exercise, the more you get to eat...
  • Not necessarily... When I lose weight my boobs are the first thing to go! :-( However, my butt stays nice and round. Everyone puts on and loses weight differently. Most likely if you gain proportionally, you will lose proportionally. But targeted exercise to build the muscles in those areas will definitely help.
  • Kind of hard to explain technique of how you hold your hands, etc. without being there to show you. :-T Sorry, chica - not something that can be explained through typing. I would recommend trying to look up a video about it on youtube or something. But I can say that (especially with fine hair) it helps if your hair is…
  • Just making sure that the food you do eat has enough protein, fiber, and nutrients that it keeps you satisfied. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! :-) Oh, and sometimes gum helps.
  • I have been there many times before and for many years. I would binge on junk food and turn to fast food for convenience because I was stressed out or depressed and had no time in my life for eating or sleeping, much less shopping or cooking healthy food. I tried everything I could think of to rid myself of this…
  • It is all about calories in and out. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. It's a give and take... If you burn an extra 500 calories a day through exercise, you could eat an extra 500 calories a day and supposedly still lose the same amount of weight at the end of the week. If you burn and extra 500 calories…
  • I would have said that in the past too, even NOT on prednisone. I have always had a very difficult time limiting my food intake. But for some reason so far on this specific diet, on this specific go around, it is working for me. There is something about this particular combination of food that just works. It could be…
  • Rice cake topped with 2 Tbsp peanut butter and a couple spoonfuls of applesauce.
  • P.S. Feel free to message me or add me as a friend if you anyone has any questions or want to hear about the longer-term results! (Or if you just want a motivation buddy and/or want to chat!)
  • I know this topic is more than a month old, but I'm on prednisone right now so thought I'd chime in just in case anyone reading can benefit from what I've learned. I got really sick in the spring, and my disease caused me to lose about twenty pounds over the course of a month or two. I went on prednisone around the…
  • I'm all for that idea, as long as you don't go way overboard. I did this for a couple weeks where I went WAY overboard on my "off" days and messed up all my progress for the whole week. But if you just allow yourself a few treats you might not normally eat and go over your calories a bit that day, then I think it can have…
  • I have lots of experience with running troubles and with GI troubles, though not in exactly the order you mention. My guess is that the contracting core/abdominal muscles during your run as well as gravity as you bounce cause the GI tract to start pushing things through, and it just takes that long to get to the back door.…
  • Wow - you lost your target amount and then some! Way to go! Don't worry - it might take a while, but you'll get used to the attention eventually. When I was thinner I used to hate the attention and would cut my hair all short and dress in baggy clothes, but eventually I learned to appreciate it and started to take it as a…