Exercise -- why, again?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You'll look better when you're done. If you don't absolutely hate exercise, go ahead and do it for your own good. I dislike it, but drag myself there because my family has a history of heart disease.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    "Dieting makes you look good in clothes. Exercise makes you look good naked"

    Good 'nuff for me.

    This is one of my favorite quotes. And I've been having the best time walking round my house sort of dressed over the past few months.
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    "Dieting makes you look good in clothes. Exercise makes you look good naked"

    Good 'nuff for me.

    ^^^ Agree'd wholeheartedly!!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Exercise also allows you to "earn" those not as healthy treats or splurges once in a while. Plus weight bearing exercise builds bone density.

    Yes, and women in their 30s-40s start to have bone and muscle loss. Exercise is the only thing you can do to fight this.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    If I just diet and stay within calories I always feel tired. I found that doing short workouts everyday give me a ton of energy which I need to keep up with my kids and everything else going on in my life. That's why I choose to exercise
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    I understand your point of view....but if you want to keep the weight loss and maintain a healthier life....exercise provides far more benefits than just a raised metabolism.
  • superflyrbi
    superflyrbi Posts: 80 Member
    Go back and read your profile. The reasons you listed don't come fom just diet.
    So my question is: why exercise?
    Your profile tells you why.

    Great job on the loss, btw.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Well, it's not about weight loss, which is why I think MFP and other programs don't "require" it to lose weight. It's about physical health - and for me, it's also about earning those extra calories!

    If you do cardio - well, they call it that for a reason. It helps with heart health. It also helps with lung health, building stronger bones, increased energy, decreased stress and possible even depression.

    Strength training not only helps build muscles but also helps strengthen bones and protect joints.

    I've also found that donig both of these with some stretching has helped my balance and flexibility quite a bit as well.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    "Dieting makes you look good in clothes. Exercise makes you look good naked"

    Good 'nuff for me.

  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Exercise can make you burn the weight off faster than sitting on your butt doing nothing.

    Exercise helps build strong bones that will slow osteoporosis.

    Exercise builds muscle that will keep certain body parts functioning longer. I developed herniated disks. The only thing that keeps them from popping out all the way and causing long-lasting pain is doing the PIlates-type core strengthening workouts. Whenever I haven't done it for a while, my back starts aching and then I'll do the exercise and it gets better.

    Exercise is supposed to help with the pain and stiffness of arthritis.

    It helps lower your bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol (kinda like power washing your arteries).

    It helps move toxins from your body via the sweat glands.

    It builds your lung capacity, which helps fight against lung infections that might kill a more sendentary person.

    It boosts your endorphins which improves your mood and if you suffer from depression, you need all the natural help you can get!

    Shall I go on? ;o)
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    Muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn even when you are sleeping! If you have muscle you will loose weight a lot faster and keep it off a lot longer.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I want to have a killer body, not just a smaller pant size. That's why I exercise.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Okay, so. I have been doing MFP for 30 days now, and dieting for about 8 months. Ive broken 45 pounds as of this morning (I hit 45 pounds a couple days ago, but now I'm at a staggering 45.2). As one would logically expect, I've done this through diet and exercise?

    Well, diet, anyway...

    See, I went to the gym for a couple months on and off, and I try to take regular walks, but I just generally don't. I worked like crazy at the gym at first, then I skipped too much, and noticed I lost the same amount of weight. So far I've lost about 2 pant sizes, dropped 2 shirt sizes (XXL to L) and the affore-mentioned 45.2 pounds, and the last 15 or so have been with virtually no major exercise at all.

    So my question is: why exercise? My research has told me that diet is the more important component, though some (i.e. people selling exercise books) believe in exercise more. I've read that exercise increases your metabolism, and that's important for losing weight, but if you stay within a healthy limit and eat nutritious foods, isn't that all you need?

    By no means am I saying exercise is worthless. I'm just saying that so far I haven't had much use for it, and I'm wondering what it is I don't know. Smarter people than me believe in it, so there's gotta be something to it. So enlighten me! What do I not know here?
    When muscle isn't conditioned from exercise, then sudden use of it will cause soreness. Unconditioned muscle is easier to injure (not saying you aren't susceptible to injury because you exercise) from common day things like lifting the garbage bag out of the container, carrying a bag of groceries, etc. But IMO, probably the most important is that exercise affects the body positively, especially when it comes to your bones. Bones that have no "stress" put on them become softer and less resistant to weight put on them. By not exercising your leg muscles your bones become your support instead of the leg muscles doing it. That leads to faster deterioration of the cartilage between joints. Hopefully you look at the benefit of exercise and not to it as a tedious thing you have to do to lose weight.
  • Jess22542
    For starters, eventually you will stall out with your weight loss if you don't add working out. I'm not sure what your long term goals are. If you are happy with your weight when you stop seeing progress, then for weight loss purposes, exercise may not be necessary for you. Exercise provides a ton of benefits though, not just for weight loss, but just to be healthy overall. I have learned to love it and really miss it any day I don't work out. But I did not feel that way to start. Start trying to work in just 15-20 minutes like 3 days a week. Or try doing sit ups, leg lifts, or jumping jacks during commercials while you watch TV. You may find your weight loss actually does increase, you just didn't give it enough of a chance before. Eventually you can increase the length or frequency of your work outs. You don't have to start with 60 minutes 6 days/week. Good luck!
  • bootstrap7
    It is all about calories in and out. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. It's a give and take... If you burn an extra 500 calories a day through exercise, you could eat an extra 500 calories a day and supposedly still lose the same amount of weight at the end of the week. If you burn and extra 500 calories but don't increase your calorie intake, then you should lose slightly more that week. If you don't exercise at all but drop your calorie intake by 500 per day, it would have the same weight-loss effect as keeping your diet the same and adding 500 calories of exercise. So yes, if you wanted to you could potentially leave exercise by the wayside and do all your calorie drops through diet alone.

    The other theory is that muscle burns calories, and fat doesn't. The more muscle you have on your body, the more muscles are being activated during normal daily activities, and the more calories you burn during any of those daily activities. Basically the idea is that having more muscle on your body raises your metabolism slightly.

    Another reason is not about actual pounds lost but about looks. If you build muscle tone and definition, it will make you appear thinner and healthier. The muscle tone will actually show through the thin layer of fat and make you look more fit. You can drop that fat layer off of your belly, but it still won't look nearly as fantastic if you don't have some ab muscles showing through!

    And yes, the final reason is that it is not about weight loss but about being healthy. Having a strong heart, muscles, and cardiovascular system will allow you to participate in all sorts of life activities with ease as well as lower your blood pressure, relieve anxiety, depression, and all sorts of other health problems that creep up as you get older. Who doesn't want to be strong?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Oh and another real important point...........................men and women who exercise keep testosterone higher which leads to more libido and a better sex life. Low testosterone isn't good for the heart. Exercise is a direct reason why testosterone in higher in fit individuals that those who are sedentary.
  • ttrotter1960
    This will be the easiest question today.

    (1) Exercise is good for you in all kinds of ways. If you are losing weight for your health which I hope you are then exercise strenghtens your heart, it improves cognitive function, it improves the quality of your sleep, it increases the density of your bone, it builds lean muscle which helps to burn additional calories (even at rest), it reduces appetite and increase caloric burn, etc., etc. etc.

    (2) There will come a point where you will find that it gets increasing difficult to lose weight WITHOUT excercising. This is just simple mathematics. As your weight decreases your BMI also decreases. Think of this as the calories that your body burns as a result of just being alive and minimally moving around (no exercise). An obese person of a certain age and height will have a much higher BMI than a normal person of the same age and height. Logically, you can see that as you lose weight it becomes harder to lose weight. Everyone who diets experiences this. The way to offset this is to excercise. By excercising you will increase your metabolic rate which will maintain your weight loss.

    (3) Excercise will make you look and feel better both physically and mentally. After a large weight loss effort skin can sag over the top of a weak frame. I promise you will look better if you tighten and shape those underlying skeletal muscles.

    I could go on but I think you get the idea. Really I think you already knew the answer to this question. It can be very hard to get started but I promise that if you will just start small and then gradually inrease your effort you can do it. In a month you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner.

    good luck buddy!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I've just started exercising again, and I'm amazed at well I'm sleeping at night. Plus, the endorphins kick in and I feel good, not to mention feeling proud of myself for the accomplishment of finishing a work out. I'm finding I can relax more easily, too. I've had a LOT of stress the last year due to some horrible circumstances in my life, but I've decided it's time to move on and get healthy. I can do the dieting, but that won't help me be able to climb a set of steps without getting winded; only exercise will do that.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Go back and read your profile. The reasons you listed don't come fom just diet.
    So my question is: why exercise?
    You profile tells you why.

    Great job on the loss, btw.

    From your profile

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    Health is the number one reason. Of course I want to look better, but I am in my twenties and for the last couple of years I've had an occasional physical problem due to excessive weight. The ocassional chest pain, sometimes my knee has hurt for no good reason (other than, I assume, because I'm out of shape and making it support too much weight!), things like that. So I wanted to get in better shape so I could...

    1. Not suffer physical ailments like an old man whilst in my twenties, and

    2. NOT DIE. Dying it the pits. I'm all about putting that off, you know...indefinitely.

    My Inspirations
    No longer dreading flights of stairs.
    Not dying for like...a while.
    Fitting my high school clothes.
    Causing my ex girlfriends, upon seeing the new me, to curse their poor choices.

    If health is your number 1 reason, then you need exercise to be healthy. Chest pain (you need to work your heart through cardio to make it stronger), joint pain (you need to stregthen your muscles and ligaments *i think ligaments can be strengthened* to better support your frame and your joints). You want to get in better shape, while Kate Moss does have a shape I don't think that's what you're going for here. You want to no longer dread flights of stairs, but you have to have some stamina and strength to power yourself up them. You want your ex girlfriends to curse their poor choices upon seeing you, I personally require a little muscle to get me started down the regret lane, there must be a hotness factor and to me that means that I don't look at you and think "yeah, I could take him."

    Oh, and ninerbuff . . . that's one smarty pants.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    For me, exercise is sanity. Some people relax with a book, or a glass of wine. Me? I relax with a nice five mile jog around the neighborhood. My heart rate goes up, I get in the zone and all of the sudden, my anxieties are at bay and I find clarity, and new ideas. I feel incredibly accomplished and on top of the world.