Terrible bloating..HELP!!
For like the past 4 or 5 days I have been so bloated. It is terrible. I started taking gas-x but it didt really help. Then I bought beano. Still no kind of relief. Yesterday I barely ate anything all day. I mean I didnt even get close to 500 calories. I am just so uncomfortable. This morning after I had been awake for like…
caffeine... please help
I need some way to put caffeine back in my life. I tried drinking coffee. It literally made me sick to my stomach. I feel so sluggish lately. Does anyone know of a tea I can get that has a lot of caffeince in it. I love tea. I havent drank much of it since giving up the sugar but I need something. I have so much school…
Ketosis & protein shake
Okay so this is a 2 part post. 1.) I am no longer in ketosis. WHich is to be expected because I did not eeat good this weekend. Well I ate stuff that I know I shouldnt have. Like kettlecorn popcorn, a scoop of ice cream, and a reeses cup. I am not going to lie. The rest of my eating was good. Can you give me an estimate on…
I was very bad yesterday. I have been so much pain the last several days. I ate some ice cream yesterday and drank a horchata and coconut drink. It was like I was emotionally eating but subsituted with pain. I will get back to it today. My weight went up a pound and a half. :( I guess I am not as strong as I thought I was.…
core strengthening
I am wanting to find out what is the best exercises to strengthen my core. Can someone help me with that?
Can any amount of sugar or carbs send you out of ketosis? I drank a little gatorade but only like 3 oz.
coconut oil
After going to the gym this morning I decided to drink a 4.5 oz protein shake. It is a lean low carb one for woman. I used 4.5 oz of almond coconut milk, one scoop of protein powder, 3 ice cubes and I added .5 tablespoon of coconut oil. I thought I should probably try that to make sure I can stomach adding the oil to my…
something sweet
I really need to find something sweet that is ok for me to eat. I have looked at all kinds of sugar free candies. They are all loaded with carbs. What can I eat or make?
fat bombs
Yesterday I had my boyfriend pick up a whole bunch of ingredients to make fat bombs. I found like four recipes I wanted to try. Yesterday my son and I ended up going back to the store because my bofriend couldnt find the SF syrups I wanted. While we were there I picked up some some additonal ingredients to make a version…
Quick question. Would it be ok to take all my vitamins at night instead of in the morning? I just cannot stomach all of them.
Is it normal?
I have always drank a lot of water. SO I am use to frequent bathroom trips. But I swear I am running to pee like every 20 minutes. Is this normal? Is it related to the change in diet?
question about working out
When I first started the low carb diet I lost a considerable amount of weight in the first two weeks. I have found my way back to the gym this week. I have been going for 6 days. My weight has gone up everyday. I do realize that muscle weighs more than fat. So I am accepting it right now. What I wanted to know is how long…
Living in the restroom
Ok I have always been a big water drinker. So I am use to using the bathroom frequently. But, I tell you this past 2 weeks has been insane. I swear like every 20 minutes I have to pee. Its to the point where people think I am nuts. And when I go its like I havent gone all day. Is there a reason for this? Could I be…
I started a low carb diet 2 weeks ago. I have lost 10 pounds so far. I am trying to learn the best way to do this. For the first week my diet consisted of fish, turkey and chicken which I love. I felt great. That is when I lost the weight. Then it was recommended to me that I increase my fat consumption. I have been trying…
newbie that needs help and guidance
Hi there I just joined the group today. I am just finding my way back to the gym after a knee injury. I was out for over 10 months. Before that I went to the gym 5 to 6 days a week for like 2 years. But even then I was nt visually seeing the results that I wanted to see, but I felt great. My goal here is to learn the best…
getting past the nausea
Upon suggestions I tried to increase my fat consumption yesterday. I ate 3 pieces of bacon in with 2 fried eggs for lunch. Then for dinner I asked my boyfriend to make some meatload. Half turkey half hamburger meat. I ate 3.5 oz of that for dinner. With just that amount of food it said I ate 101g of protein. Now that has…
made it back to the gym
I was super stoked this morning feeling good at the gym. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the stair climber. Then I did my normal ab and core routine which I havent done in over 10 months. Omg it really is like starting over. This stuff I use to have no problems doing. In fact I use to say I needed to…
macro calculator and more..
My goodness. I have spent almost the entire day reading various things in the launch pad. I came across the macro calculator. It has confused the heck out of me. Not only do I not know what I am entering into it, I also do not understand what it is telling me. It doest help that my food scale does not measure in grams. SO…
your amazing
You all amaze me so much. I have only been lurking here for a short time but from everything I have ready I am amazed. People ask how my diet is going but none of them have much interest in it. What I say falls on deaf ears or comments like that is too restrictive for me. What I have seen first hand by cutting carbs as low…
newbie with questions
Hi there. I am new to this group. One of the members actually recommended that I join this group because I am trying to eat a low carb diet. I have been lurking for several days. SO far I am doing really good for the most part. I am working on increasing the amount of fat that I eat but it is challenging. I have only just…
Finally losing weight
I am so super stoked.. Finally I am starting to lose weight. I have been eating all protein which I think has definitely jump start my metabolism. I did have a tiny cheat yesterday when we went to the movies. My son and boyfriend bought a huge tub of popcorn. Instead of completely restricting myself I did have a small…
startig a new diet
So I have decided to start a new diet. Right now I am eating just pure protein and no carbs. This a pretty difficult change for me. Not that I ate a lot of carbs to begin with, I just do not eat a lot of meat. Yesterday I ate so much chicken and fish but I still did not consume a bunch of calories. I do not eat red meat so…
could it be the neurotin?? or the lamictal??
So I have been doing a little research on my medications. Neurotin is really the only one I have done quite a bit of reading about. A lot people that were prescribed this medication have put on weight. I was not aware that this was a possible side effect. Now I have been taking this medication for a really long time so I…
Hi all.. help!!
So I am trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds... I have learned this is not as easy as it was when I was younger. Not only do I want to lose the weight I also need an entire body restoration. I am only 150, so I am not overweight by a lot by most considerations. I do however consider it to be a lot. Regardless of that number I…
what to eat
I have very bad eating habits. On most days I only eat once a day. I am just not hungry. I know that this is one of the reasons I struggle when trying to lose weight. I try to buy little things that I can snack on throughout the day, but I cannot maintain it. Within a week I lose interest in force feeding myself.
I am really curious what cardio people have found works the best. I use to run on the treadmill. But 10 months ago I fractured my knee somehow which eventually lead to the doctor telling me I could not bare any weight on it. anyhow, long story short it has taken forever for it to heal. At my last appointment 2 months ago…
is this for real??
Once I entered all my cardio into the myfitness pal app my calorie goal went from 1200 to 1700. This seems like a large jump when I am trying to lose weight. What if I didnt add the cardio to the calorie counter?
Does it really matter when I drink the protein shake? Before or after the workout? I find it easier to do afterwards when I work out early in the morning because nothing sounds good to me early in the morning.
unsure where to go
I really need some motivation and support right now. In the course of 6 months I have changed so much. I dont know what happened. I need some realistic ideas before I turn to unhealthy behavior. I have so many things against me. Supposed to eat with my nighttime meds (which I stopped), have drifted away from the gym (which…
Hi all!! My name is Nicki.. I need help
Hi all!! I am new to the forum but have used the myfitness pal app on my phone. I will be honest it has been a little while since I have used it. I have found myself in a place I never expected to. There is a combination of factors that I believe have probably influenced my weight gain. I cannot say one way or another…