Out of control eating
I spent years with a pretty severe eating disorder. I net about 1,000 calories a day, and ended up with a BMI of around 15. It was unhealthy and I don't want to go back, but now I feel like I've gone in the opposite direction for the last few years. I eat ALL THE TIME. I am not overweight, but I'd like to lose about 10-15…
Compulsive eating, so done.
Several years ago I had a very different sort of eating disorder, I restricted constantly and got time to a very low weight. From there, I somehow went the complete opposite route and now all I think about is food. I wake up and I ate. I'm constantly snacking throughout the day, and if left alone with anything snackable, I…
Compulsive eating, can't stop gaining
The title says it all. I used to be super thing (see my profile picture) but I've had problems with compulsive eating for years but they've gotten progressively worse. I eat in secret, every time I pass the kitchen I grab something, I have no self-control and when I try to stop myself I literally begin to panic. I've…
Any women 5'9"? Ideal weight?
Hi everyone! So I'm quite tall, and not sure what I should weigh. I've always been slim, but lately I've gotten a little too slim... I am working on bulking and building muscle, but I'm wondering what I should weigh. I know everyone is different, but I'd like to know from your experience. If anyone has pictures of…
Body Media Fit Link Vs. Advantage Vs. Core
I'm considering asking for one for a late birthday present, but they all very so much in price with the Link being almost twice the price of the BMF advantage. Does anyone have experience with these? Which? Are you satisfied with them? They're really expensive, so I want to be really sure before I invest. Thanks for any…
Worst binge ever?
The other night, I got back to my dorm and wasn't even hungry. I proceeded to eat a yogurt, pretzels, two granola bars, almost an entire bag of pop-chips, almost an entire bag of these baked fry chips, some pistachios... I think there was more, but I didn't log it all. It sucked, but you know what? It happens and you have…
Taking a break
Hi all, I can't tell you how honored I am to have all of you join me in my daily challenges. Unfortunately with school and life in general, I have been extremely busy lately and need to take an indefinite break from posting challenges. I apologize to everyone who has followed me thus far, and I urge you to continue to…
Day 84 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Add an extra serving of protein to your day! 15 grams of protein is considered a serving. Here are some sources to get you thinking about what to add: http://www.whattoexpect.com/index.aspx?puid=ea9abbfc-df94-4f14-819b-a51f04bbf8d Make a great day MFP!
Day 83 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Get in bed earlier tonight! Sleep is in my opinion one of the most important aspects of well being for both your body and your mind. Get more of it today! You will be glad you did. Make a great day MFP!
Day 82 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Think twice about spending money today! We often get pulled in by shiny new products and things at the checkout line at the store. Spending money on things you don't need, even small things, really adds up over time. Think twice about if you truly need something before buying it today. Save your money…
Day 79 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Focus on the positive! If you find yourself complaining or picking out things you dislike about yourself, STOP. Turn to the mirror and find things you like about yourself. Frustrated with things going on in life? It could be worse. Focus on the wonderful things going on in your life! You control your…
Day 81 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Jumping jacks part 3! Do as many jumping jacks in a row as you can. Write it down! Compare the results to part 4 to see how your fitness is progressing. Make a great day MFP!
Day 80 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Go meatless today! Animal protein has been associated with a host of problems including certain cancers. Additionally, all of the antibiotics animals are treated with are transported to you when you eat meat. So cut the meat today! Make a great day MFP!
Day 78 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Today, add 5 minutes to your exercise routine! If you don't have time to do a full workout, take a few spare minutes to do something like jumping jacks or jogging in place. Your body will thank you! Make a great day MFP!
Day 77 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Waste not want not! We live in such a disposable society, and it's quickly getting us into deep trouble. Instead of using plastic bags today, use fabric ones. Instead of tin foil for your sandwich, use a container. Get a reusable water bottle! I cannot emphasize this enough. Not only is it wasteful in…
Day 76 challenge!
Today's challenge: Cut one refined sugar from your diet today. Whether it's in your morning coffee, a muffin, pre-packaged snacks or sweet cereal, replace it with a more wholesome option. Spikes in your blood sugar mess with your body and leave you hungry soon after. Make a healthy swap today and feel more satisfied! Make…
Day 75 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Be efficient today; don't waste time! Used to watching an hour long show on TV? Watching online saves you 20 minutes of commercials. Spend 30 minutes deciding what to wear? Grab something and make it work! Being quick and decisive saves you massive amounts of time. Presented with a task? Do it NOW.…
Day 74 challenge!
Today's challenge: Nothing but water today! Although things like crystal light or tonic water don't add calories to the day, water is certainly a better choice. If you can't go a day without them, we may have bigger problems! So make water your only beverage choice today. Your body will thank you! Make a great day MFP!
Day 73 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Work on eating the rainbow (and no, that doesn't mean a bag of skittles. Nice try)! Fruits and vegetables of varying colors provide your body with different nutrients; all of which are essential to living a healthy life. So if you generally eat spinach, broccoli, green beans etc., switch it up today! Try…
Day 72 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Holding grudges and fighting with others is a major source of stress. Stress leads to excess cortisol release which inhibits weight loss. Today, work out issues you have with another person. Whether it's that annoying person at work who you have issues with or a family member, be the bigger person. Bring…
Day 70 Challenge!
Today's challenge: No artificial sweeteners today! The health hazards associated with this are still unclear, but real nonetheless. So ditch the artificial sweeteners today! It is very important to read labels; they may be hiding in things you wouldn't believe (pickles, for example!). Stevia is OK today, as it is extracted…
Day 71 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Try a new workout today! It doesn't have to be entirely new, but try to at least add something you have not done before. Doing the same thing every day gets boring, not to mention that working the same muscle groups all the time allows them to become more efficient making your workouts less effective. So…
Day 69 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Take time today to appreciate the beauty around you. Stop periodically and actually look at all of the beauty you're surrounded by; a world full of such beauty is nothing short of inspiring. Also, take today to appreciate the beauty in all of the people around you. It's easy to write off that annoying…
Day 68 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Get in bed earlier than usual. Sleep is arguably the single most important thing for your health. Make it a priority today! Make a great day MFP!
Day 67 Challenge!
Today's challenge: No take-out today! Although some restaurants list their nutritional information, every chef is different. You could be consuming hundreds of extra calories without even knowing it! Today, take control of your meals; make them yourself! You will end up with a less expensive, more nutritious and probably…
Day 66 Challenge!
Today's Challenge: No soda today! Diet, tonic water, regular, etc... don't touch it today! Carbonation in soda leeches calcium from your bones and weakens them. Say no to soda and strengthen your whole being today! Make a great day MFP!
Day 65 Challenge!
Today's Challenge: Make honesty a priority today. It may be easy to make up an excuse about why you didn't get something done or what your plans are etc., but seemingly small lies can add up and become a major stressor to you and those around you. So today, forget the little lies and make honesty your goal and priority!…
Day 64 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Sneak in exercises throughout the day! Park far so you have to walk. Standing still? Do caff raises. Have to bend down to get something? Get it; and do 10 squats. Doing this on a daily basis will improve your overall fitness without much of a time commitment! Feel free to post any additional sneaky…
Day 63 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Replace a normal fat with a healthy one! Usually have chips with cheese dip? Try hummus or guacamole! Use ranch on your salad? Try olive oil and vinegar. Monounsaturated fats are hugely important to your health, and they keep you full as well! Your body will thank you. Make a great day MFP!
Day 62 Challenge!
Today's challenge: Today, take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate. Silence your phone, turn off the lights, and put on some calming music if you so please. Don't think about anything that may stress you out. These ten minutes are for you and only you! Meditation reduces stress when has a plethora of negative effects on…