12 week challenge starting Sunday 7/9/17
Hi my name is Lory. I am all about meeting new people & supporting one & other. I am wanting to do a 12 week challenge. Starting this Sunday 7/9/17. I love doing 12 week challenges. They keep me motivated, moving, & Focused. I'm starting this Sunday 7/9/17 if anyone is interested in joining. I'll be weighing in every…
Day 34
day 34 Goals... Does everyone have goals set? Big or small... Mine is to change some habits during this 12 weeks. Find my groove when I'm stressed. ( which has been a lot lately) My original goal was to lose 30 pounds but ... I've come to relies I need to work on a few things before that's going to happen. Month of July…
Day 33
day 33 How is everyone feeling? After a month.... Is it getting any easier ? What's been the easiest change ? What do you struggle with ?
Day 43 & 44
I've been really sick this week. I am sorry for the constant posting delays.. I am still not feeling well I apologize ..
Day 40 & 41
Day 40 & 41 I'm still feeling yucky... Probably going to work a 1/2 day today.. we shall see how busy I am. Any home remedies for dizziness, headache, & just feeling off.. lol
Day 38 & 39
day 38 & 39 Sorry for not posting yesterday I was really sick. Last night I was feeling dizzy & I ran to the bathroom the throw up ( sorry TMI) I passed out in the hallway & threw up while passed out. I was on my back chocking & drowning. My boyfriend heard me fall & came running in. He picked me up & I had no idea what…
Day 37
day 37 Happy Friday.... I love Fridays even though I work weekends. The energy on the weekends is great! My goal today is to use the positive high energy to get things done. Stay positive & happy. Walk more... smile more... try to stay positive all day. We are what we think.... positive thoughts ... positive actions...…
Day 36
Day 36 Weight loss So for the month of July I lost and gained the same 5 pounds. Lol Stress was so bad at work. This week I'm -4 pounds since starting my Keto diet on Monday. Although weight loss is the plan. Feeling good , getting rid of water retention & inflammation is my reason for the diet. Eating chipotle for dinner…
Day 35
Day 32
day 32 Has anyone in the group tried the Keto diet? I've done it before to help with my memories loss & inflammation. Losing weight is a plus. I was just wondering what others think about it if they have done it .,
Day 31
day 31
Day 29 & 30
day 29 & 30 My work had me up at 5:30 yesterday morning ... all day meetings and again today. I apologize for the slow response. When you are just too tired to move ... how to motivate myself to get going? Lol I need a massage & sleep .. ha ha
Day 28
day 28 Happy Saturday
Day 27
Day 25/26
Day 25/26 My day yesterday was spent in the office working on schedules. I apologize for not posting. Today I think we need positive thoughts:)
Day 24
day 24 Spent the day with friends out at the pool.. while in the pool I tried to keep moving to burn calories.. I need to be better with drinking more water!!!!
Day 23
day 23
Day 22
day 22 So far my weight has gone up and down .. durning the last 3 weeks.. crazy life But... with that being said I have had people notice that I am looking trimmer. Yesterday my sweet friends at work said " you look thinner .. what are you doing" I think when others notice it puts a fire in us to do better... Have any of…
Post pics , memes, inspiration, food, exercise... whatever inspires you!
Day 19 & 20
Days 19 & 20 Sorry that I missed day 19 My day was hectic ... luckily I made it through it ... Are you guys stress eaters? Stress losers? What do you do when your stressed & trying to lose weight. I didn't get to workout.. that would have helped.
Day 21
Day 21
Day 17
Day 17
Day 18
day 18
Day 16
Day 16 Happy Monday :) I hope everyone had a great weekend. Make sure you take pictures of yourself during the 12 weeks... It's great to see changes in yourself. Pay attention to how clothes fit. How you feel. Sometimes it's not about the weight.. it's a combination of everything. Building a happy & heathy life
Day 15
Day 15 Happy Sunday
Day 14
Day 14 I live in Utah .. it's a holiday weekend for us. Days of 47... we celebrate it just like the 4 th of July. What kind of yummy light foods are your favorite to make or eat on the 4 th of July? I love watermelon
Day 13 How is everyone? I haven't been feeling well. My tummy is not happy the last couple of days & I can feel that I'm retaining water. So I jump on the scale & my weight is up 10 pounds. Lol Obviously I didn't gain 10 pounds but ... wow It's funny how your body freaks out when you're not feeling well. I'm ignoring the…
Day 11
day 11 Hello .. happy day 11
Day 12
Day 12 Ok ... it's been 12 days I can't believe it ! I seem to be sleep walking more then normal and have noticed I have eaten in my sleep a few times. I usually do this when I'm over tired. Sleep is so important!!!