What is keeping YOU from reaching your goal?
Is there something in particular that has stalled, or decreased the rate at which you lose weight? Snacking, lack of ambition, being lazy, overeating? What is it, and how are you going to fix it? You can wake up tomorrow and start a new day! Don't feel like it's too late because it is NEVER too late! Now share those…
What's for breakfast?
What are you having for breakfast this morning? And how many calories?
"I regret eating that"
Do you ever eat something, and then get mad at yourself for wasting calories on it? Or did you overeat something? If so, what?
Anxiety about going out for dinner
Tonight my family and I are going to a very nice steakhouse! My favorite dish is the Teryiaki Chicken(530 calories for total amount), and the vegetables and fried rice(close to 450 calories if eaten in it's entirety..The portion size is huge). I have close to 850 calories left and DO NOT want to go over). I saved the most…
HELP!! Calorie problem!
I have eaten a very limited amount today in an attempt to save calories for dinner. I found out that my family and I are going to a diner type restaraunt, and I am either going to get a Belgium waffle, or Pancakes(I think it comes with 2 or 3 pancakes), plus I will be putting syrup on them. I have 816 calories left. Will…
130 pounds 6'0. Should I continue with a deficit?
Should I be worried about tracking my food, and maintaining a deficit anymore? I started at around 150 and now I am around 128-130. I still see my legs to be disproportionate with my body. I just want them to look like my upper body(very thin). I am a teenager, and have been eating close to 1,500 calories a day. I don't…
Don't know what to do/scared and confused.... HELP ME!
For the past few months I have went from 150 pounds to 130 pounds. I am 6 feet tall, and believe that I have a bad body image. Even at 150, my BMI was just barely 20, and now it is close to 17(which is underweight). I am a teenage boy, and the more weight I loose, the worse I look at myself. My family has noticed how thin…
How to recover after a cheat day/overeating!
I had a cheat day yesterday, and it's the day after this morning, and my abdomen is huge, I can't work out or exercise, I haven't went to the bathroom(#2), but I already had breakfast(some all bran cereal, just because I'm trying to get back on track). I am also drinking lots of tea and water to try to flush some of the…
What is your eating schedule? How many cals per meal?
Do you have an eating schedule that you follow everyday, or do you eat at different times each day? How many calories is each meal? Mine is: Breakfast- 350-400 cals Lunch-300-350 cals Snack-250-300 cals Dinner- 300-350 Post dinner snack- 200-400(depending on dinner)
What food do you have to keep out of the house? For me it's birthday cake oreos. 1 chocolate or golden birthday cake oreo, and I can't stop. This sets me off on a binge!
How do you measure ice cream?
The serving size of most ice cream is 1/2 a cup, however, I can fit a ton of ice cream in a half a cup measuring cup... How do I measure this???
Do you limit your carb intake? If so, what is a good limit?
I feel like I may be eating too many carbs! Although I'm still 700 calories under my calorie goal so far, I've already eaten 180 carbs. I had cereal and banana for breakfast with skim milk. A turkey sandwich on whole wheat, and a banana with peanut butter, and when I got home I had some bran with skim milk. Is this a…
Is 10:30 too early for lunch?
I have to wake up at 6, and eat breakfast at 6:30ish every morning. My lunch break is at 10:30 and I'm usually pretty hungry, but is this a bad schedule to follow? I have a snack at around 2, and dinner around 6:30-7 and maybe a little snack after!
I ate slightly more than I planned to today, so I wanted to make dinner light. Let me know if this is healthy! An Omelette (2 Eggs) with fresh salsa and some chopped spinach, and a 100 calorie whole grain Thomas English muffin with some natural peanut butter? This totals out to around 300 calories! So what do you think?…
Have you ever went over your calorie goal? Cheat day? Over ate? Wasn't paying attention? What happened to cause you to go over, and how did you react? What did you do the next day to make sure it wouldn't happen again?
Quick question. When I wasn't using MFP, and I was out of shape, and had a lot of fat, was it because I was eating more calories then I was burning during the day? Or was it the type of food I was eating. If I spent the whole day eating unhealthy fatty foods, but burned MORE calories than I ate, would I gain, and store…
Am I eating too much peanut butter?
Today for breakfast I had a cup of raisin bran cereal with sliced banana, and I put about a tablespoon of peanut butter on the banana in the cereal. For lunch I have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, vanilla chobani 100, and a banana(and I brought about 2 tbs of peanut butter to dip the banana slices in. That's around 3…
How many calories is your breakfast, and how much fiber?
How many calories is your average breakfast, and how many grams of fiber do you consume on an average day?
Is 1,800 too little for an 18 year old boy?
I am 6 feet, 140 pounds, and I have been eating around 1,800 calories a day. Is this too little? Thanks!
How many calories for a moderately active 18 year old boy?
I am about 6 foot and weigh around 140 pounds. How many calories should I consume to maintain this weight?
How do you increase the frequency of bowel movements?
How often do you use the restroom (number 2)?
How many times per day/week do you go number 2. I haven't been going as often as I used to after changing my eating habits. I'm worried it's keeping me from reaching my goal!
Binge Days: Why they can be beneficial for your weight loss
They happen to all of us. We grab that one thing off of the shelf at the store that we know will not help us. For me it's oreos, and ice cream. And then, after a weeks hard work, we go into the pantry, and go way over our calorie limit. However, little did you know that these free days may actually be helping you. I used…
My breakfast usually consists of around 10-15 grams of fiber, as well as lunch with dinner around 5-10. Is this too much?
How much fiber do you eat at breakfast?
How much fiber do you eat at breakfast? Give me some sample meals!
What are some low calorie sweet treats I can try to incorporate into my day?
Constantly hungry!!!!
Our main problem when eating at a deficit is that we tend to get hungry easily. Please share some filling, low calorie meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Feel free to post pictures, and give tips! I know I am always hungry! So this should help me out a ton! Also, low calorie desserts are welcome as well. I have…
Am I sedentary, lightly active, or active?
I go to school everyday, and do walk a good amount in school(in between classes and stuff). I also walk around the house a lot after school, and outside in the evening. Occasional running as well. I do sit in class for 50 minutes, with 5 minutes of walking up and down stairs in between. And I do homework at home (2 hours…
Am I Sedentary or lightly active? Or active?
I go to school everyday, and do walk a good amount in school(in between classes and stuff). I also walk around the house a lot after school, and outside in the evening. Occasional running as well. I do sit in class for 50 minutes, with 5 minutes of walking up and down stairs in between. And I do homework at home (2 hours…
Am I sedentary, lightly active, or active?
I go to school everyday, and do walk a good amount in school(in between classes and stuff). I also walk around the house a lot after school, and outside in the evening. Occasional running as well. I do sit in class for 50 minutes, with 5 minutes of walking up and down stairs in between. And I do homework at home (2 hours…