How many calories is your breakfast, and how much fiber?

How many calories is your average breakfast, and how many grams of fiber do you consume on an average day?


  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    I am curious??
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    my breakfast is around 180 calories i tend to have the same every day 35g porridge oats, 100g frozen mixed berries and sweetner. In terms of fibre average over the week is 20g,
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my breakfast can range from 400-800 calories...

    today it will be probably close to 600...1 egg, 2 egg whites, ground sausage, cheese, 2 tortiallas, coffee with cream and sugar and maybe a glass of juice,


    Eggs, bacon, cheese on bread


    Fruit loops, with skim milk, toast with butter...yes real butter

    now that summer is hear probably more smoothies with almond milk, protien shake, frozen fruit, flax seeds etc...

    as for fibre I have no idea
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    About 10-20g fibre, idk calories because I don't track them, only macros
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Usually 400 - 600 cals, occasionally more on the weekend if I'm having a cooked brunch.

    Around 5 - 10 g fibre (for breakfast)

    20 - 30 g fibre per day total.
  • Siriku
    Siriku Posts: 22 Member
    Breakfast is usually porridge with six different types of seeds. 295 calories.Fibre for that is about 6g.

    Daily, I get anywhere from 20g to 50g per day (average is around 30g)
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    About 350 calories:
    I have Alpen, with whole milk, some turkey bacon on the side, and some green tea. No idea how much fibre. I honestly don't keep track. I do eat a lot of wholegrain, fruit and veg throughout the day so my fibre level is probably pretty high throughout.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    This morning I had my favorite cereal mixed with some all-bran, and a banana with peanut butter!
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    My breakfast is 180-200 calories, but I also have a morning snack about 2-3 hours later that's about the same size.

    I average about 40 g fiber a day.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Steel cut oatmeal, fresh fruit and coffee. Under 200 cals and I'm too lazy to look up the fiber.
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    I usually drink my breakfast and it consist of Barn Dads Ultra Fiber DX Chocolate, Isopure Low Carb Protein and a coffee. total calories is 280 and 15 grams of fiber.

    Why do you ask?
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    Generally between 180 - 250 calories. I'm really into my gluten free musli with full fat natural yogurt at the moment but I'm sure I'll get sick of it eventually (happened with porridge).
    Only about 2g of fiber.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    Although i vary my breakfast i always keep it between about 200-450 calories.
    200 on days off, 350-450 on busy work/college days.

    it usually includes either a small greek yogurt or some fruit like berries or grapes, porridge oats or shredded wheat and a scrambled egg.

    Today it was 5g of fiber but it goes up to about 10 sometimes
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Hannaford "Never Say Diet Maple Oatmeal" with four tablespoons of PB2 = 250 calories - 15 grams protein - 8 grams of fiber -- taste like a peanut butter no bake cookie!!
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    It depends but it's usually between 300-500calories. Fiber between 10-14g
  • Teksavvy
    Teksavvy Posts: 133 Member
    458 calories with 10 g of fiber. I also add a supplement to bring it to a total of 15 g for breakfast.
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    Breakfast usually runs about 400 calories consisting of beans, eggs, a berry smoothie and 2 cups of coffee w/ sugar. I average about 30 g of fiber per day, 15 of which is eaten at breakfast. It is 6 hours from my breakfast to my lunch because there is just no time, and this keeps me full through most of the morning.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Favorite breakfast is a fruit smoothie with blended frozen strawberries and blueberries plus Greek yogurt, water and no-calorie sweetener, totaling around 300 calories and 7g of fiber.
    For the day I usually meet or surpass my goal of 25g of fiber.
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    Brekkie is around 1000 to 1200 calories (dependent on length of morning cycle commute).
    Fibre, no idea.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Cals = 0, Fiber = 0, Caffeine = Heaps