Beautiful Behaviors - March 2017

This thread will be for people who are focusing on creating a set of gorgeous habits that support a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss is a byproduct, and not the focus. We will practice self-care by eating healthy foods, moving our bodies, drinking enough water, and other activities that make us FEEL GOOD without harmful effects.

For example, taking an hour with your current book on your favorite lounge chair is a great way to take care of yourself. Get a massage or facial, spend time with a friend, crafting… all good ways to make us feel good without the harmful effects of immediate gratification activities like overeating or indulging in other unhealthy activities. It’s all about taking care of ourselves and loving ourselves and making ourselves happy EVEN IF we are not at a weight we love right now.

Yes, we want to lose weight, but there’s more to life than that. Sometimes giving yourself a foot massage will keep you from the donut. Sometimes it won’t but you will still feel better.

This is a judgment free zone. Let’s support each other and leave the negativity offline. I’m tired of beating myself up about my size. I want to plan to do the best I can and not feel guilty about life getting in the way.

I’m a big believer in baby steps, and setting realistic goals, and celebrating every little success! No reason we can’t enjoy the journey to a healthier lifestyle, no reason we have to feel “wrong” because we are where we are.

If you like the way this sounds, please introduce yourself in this thread. Share whatever you like and come back often! I look forward to meeting people with similar attitudes towards life.


  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    lea, I know what you mean. if it wasn't for this group and the chance to try to help others find their motivation, I just wouldn't keep coming back. I'm in a slump that's lasted for almost a week now. I start tracking my food in the morning and then drop it for the rest of the day, so I have no idea what I've been doing, but I feel like I've put on a couple of pounds. i'll get on the scale tomorrow and get that under control!

    hi, Kim! hi, Sheri!

    LIBBY, are you still out there? I think you started your new job... how is it going?

  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My youngest son (15) has a big swim meet this weekend so I have been packing all morning for our trip. I was able to get a 45 minute treadmill walk in. That felt great!

    State championship meets are long, long days for both the swimmers and the parents. I should be able to get some walking done during their warm-ups. There is usually a group of moms walking around the parking lot.

    My biggest concern is that we eat most of our meals at restaurants during this meet. I am bringing healthy breakfast items and snacks so fingers crossed that I can stay on track.

    I'll try to check in during the weekend but will probably post an update on Monday morning.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend on their exercise, eating and life goals!
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I found it!! Yea!! Thank you , Lea <3

    My Beautiful behavior focus for March is exersice!! Sticking with mostly Whole30 foods plan with non compliant foods sprinkled in as I feel strongly enough to handle.

    I love March and April- garden prepping time, good work out and fulfilling for me.

    I have a new motivation for this year..... end of summer VA Beach vacation!!! I'm not striving for perfection , but just to feel comfortable in my own skin at the beach. I have 5 months and would really like to be in onederland by that time!!!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hello, everyone. I weighed myself this morning and fluctuated down 1 lb. I had been at a plateau for over 3 weeks before last week (so now that's 2 lbs). However, I reviewed my food log and realized I have not been eating that many calories through the week, so I may up those just a little on exercise days. Trial and Error
    Tonight is a gym night, back and biceps and cardio after.

    Thought for the day: Stay positive, it could always be worse. Be happy and spread your smile.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Kim! You're right. It would not be a brilliant idea for me to eat a pound of chips. Self care is a good thing!

    Hi Sherri! You go! Yay! I giggled at your thought.

    Hi, @CT0526 ! State championships are a once in a lifetime event for most teens. Sounds like a great time for all. There might even be another parent there with a diet/exercise plan you can buddy with for encouragement.

    Hi, Jess!!!!! I love reading and re-reading your intro to the thread. Since you're being rebellious about tracking food, have you thought up a way to be rebellious and still stay on plan? There has to be a way. And I get rebellious too.

    Hi @fruitydelicious ! Gardening is so fun. And you can eat or just look at what happens as a result! It's a win! I'll be gardening too. It's an early spring here. Good luck on the whole30.

    Hi @tabletop_joe !! Good to see you here! Good attitude!

    It was a fabulous day for me. A friend brought her son to my house and I was favorably impressed. Nice guy. He climbed up on my roof and sealed a leak while I and his mother sat and talked. wow! Beautiful weather. I showed them our beehives and flowers. Friend's son wants to know more about beekeeping. Okay!

    I painted. I planted. I visited. I drank water. I ate wholesome foods!!!!

    Tomorrow, baby steps to self care:
    1. Visualize healthy lungs - I kind of took a nosedive here. I'm back on oxygen all day.
    2. Exercise - walk to store
    3. Spend time in prayer - Have to work on this one. My ability to focus is poor
    4. Eat wholesome food whether it's in calorie range or not! I'm currently more interested in health.
    5. Drink lots of water.

    Love to all.


  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey there, I'd like to join! I'm so bad at self care, I have been realizing that recently and really need to learn.
    Years over years of strict dieting, or better say throwing down all that was on my schedule that I liked it or not, were not that helpful on that side. Had sort of an epiphany last week where I sat in front of my big tupperware box of broccoli (which I love, normally) and thought like a little child that I don't want them! Or I wanted them, but way less. And way different. Like I can actually "cook"...well, I can cook - it's proven, so why do I just steam stuff and throw it in tupperware? And try my best to get done with meals asap...then end up binging because I got the calories for sure but not the satisfaction?

    My beautiful behaviour will be to learn to self-regulate, play with my calories with a little more freedom, allow myself to eat less if that's what I want, a little less stress, not obsess and not overeat.
    CT0526 wrote: »
    State championship meets are long, long days for both the swimmers and the parents.
    Kudos to you!! I admire all you parents and spouses who are out there for us on competition day.
    Best wishes for your son, hopefully this meet will be a blast! I can only imagine how excited he must be, I'm going for duathlon nationals in three weeks and I'm like...well, a teenage girl at a justin bieber's concert, if that makes any sense!

    It's a good day so far, I'm a little under with the calories but I'll eventually have a little more food tonight. I'm swimming tonight but it's going to be a quick in and out of the pool as I'm racing a 10k on Sunday and this is a mini-taper. Also stopping by the mechanic on the way home to pick up my nationals-ready bike.
    For dinner I'll have the last steamed veggie leftovers from my "tupperware period"...could we call it like that?...I thought I'll chop them, spice them up and wrap into nori sheets like sushi. Not perfect, I couldn't make a decent sushi roll to save my life, but tastier than I'd normally have.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Friday.

    Had the nightmare of dress shopping last night.

    Is there ANYTHING less forgiving than fitting room mirrors?????????

    Strengthened my resolve but STILL !!!!!! Man! My butt NEEDS the gym.

    Have a great one!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! hi, @mir1104 and welcome!

    i'm off to have my hair done, have lunch with a friend, and get some chores done. a busy morning, and that's all i have on the agenda for the weekend. it's important that i track my food this weekend, to try and break the habit of going off program. all i want for this weekend is to track my food. baby steps!

    have a beautiful day,
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @ Lea - Wow, you keep yourself busy! Nice way to set those goals.
    @mir1104 - being aware of calories and balancing with you're cravings/wants is a great observation. Whoa, 10K, goodluck, Wow!
    @ Kim - Haha - I laugh in the face of women's sizing on clothing! What about jeans?! I have jeans that fit from a size US 8 to a size 12 and they all seem to fit comfortably?! Makes no sense :smiley:
    @ Jess - Nice, hair do and lunch, enjoy! keep trying and doing what you can

    Update: I am down 2 pounds after more than 3 weeks at a plateau!!! -That being said, I do need to up my calories on training days.

    1. Up my calories a bit on training days (no matter how scary).
    2. Get out on the weekends a little more (even just a walk outside). Sometimes I get too comfortable in my pjs (other than the gym).
    3. Breathe! I get caught up in the everyday grind and forget to meditate or just breathe.
    4. Compliment myself once a day for the next week (less self negative talk).
    5. Spread positive thoughts and smiles (the world needs it more).

    Thought for the day: Happy Friyay!!! Yay, enjoy something or someone's company today!
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Wed and Thur increased steps dramatically: 14,000 and 10,000. My normal steps lately are under 5000. Big improvement for me!!

    Today I am helping my mom in her attic, so saving my energy for that. I wont have many steps, but a lot of lifting and rearranging.

    Still need to work on increasing water intake...... I sometimes forget to the point of extreme thirst.......
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello all - happy march! I have fluctuated for 6 months on the same 3 pounds. My behavior of course. Feb goal was to not give up & I did not! This month is to get 64oz of water. Never in my life have I drank water. I also gave up coffee last month after a lifetime because it made me feel bad so I listened to my body!

    Jess - I tend track even on the bad days. I just accept that is the day - no judgement. I have even started saying - ok I'm going to binge, it's over calories & I choose this or that. It really helps keep the binge days to a smaller process & I can get back on track with way less self destruction either by food or mentally.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good evening all! Wooo I had a busy day! 3 arguments with one cat. She has a bed, she sleeps on my chair! Painted 3 bee box lids, paint came off of one. Friend needs computer help. My brain isn't that good anymore to figure out problems over the phone. My clothes washer..... well something happened every minute of the day.

    I would buy two buckets and a clothes wringer... well maybe not.

    I'm just going to try to work in everything I didn't get to today!

    @fruitydelicious - Hey Deb! You are doing great!
    @mir1104 - hello! welcome! I just love this group. I hope you do too!
    oh shoot! I'm sitting here typing and my tupperware of okra is still in the microwave.
    @jessiquoi - That is a beautiful day!
    @happysherri - The plateau has moved on! Congrats!
    @trailgirl777 - Good goals! in fact, mine are similar. February is just a tough time.
    @KimF0715 - be glad them dressing room mirrors are IN the dressing room.... have fun shopping!
    Just don't give up!

    Love you all!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    So, I get my okra, now just a little cool, get back settled down. The cat was not in my chair, yay! Soon as I settled, there was a knock at the front door. The cat is at the front door, knocking to get in! sigh. Well, she wasn't in my chair.
  • mir1104
    mir1104 Posts: 101 Member
    Hello all - happy march! I have fluctuated for 6 months on the same 3 pounds.
    Hello there! Just the same here, time to break the habit. Those 3 pounds are getting a little too attached to me.
    aleahurst wrote: »
    So, I get my okra, now just a little cool, get back settled down.
    How do you make that okra? It's unusual here, hence I usually turn it into a slimy disaster.

    Well the neighbours had one of their parties overnight, which means I got just 3 hours sleep and had a late night snack because if you're're bound to get hungry. I considered that my breakfast though, even if it was at 1 am.
    For the rest of the day I won't be logging as my meals are all turned upside down for the race.

    Right now reviewing my diet for next week and doing my nails. There is no racing without decent nails, because race day is a celebration, not a test. This I have learned. The organizers, the volunteers, the public...they are all out there for you and it's a hell of a lot of people, so you wear your best smile and may it be contagious.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Wanted to pop in and say hello!! Hope you all have a fantastic March! I want to be back on here soon! Still straightening out a few things! Keep up the great work!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member

    Beautiful behavior: allowed myself some lazy time this morning. My bf was home, he works a lot, so spent coffee time with him. Started to think about all that needed done and stopped myself and lived in the moment.

    Update- I completed 62 minutes of Legs and Abs and now about 70 minutes of Volleyball. I really didn't feel like going to the gym, but I remembered that I have goals.

    Thought for the day: My game is tighter than my spandex! lol Meaning always have confidence and give it your all!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @mir1104 - Where are you racing? Okra is traditionally a slimy mess. It can be boiled or broiled for 5-10 minutes. Fresh or frozen, it still takes 5-10 minutes. Okra has been compared to various slimy substances. It is an acquired taste. When I have had too many sugars, I begin to crave okra! Weird.

    @woznube7 - Hi Libby!! Glad to see you! I keep you in prayer!

    @fangcat623 - Oh sugar is so good. It might be addictive. Someone recommended that I measure my sugar (I only use raw sugar at home) and come up with an average, then never go over that average. Do you also become depressed if you give up all forms of sugar? I do. So, I only give up sugar to a certain extent.

    @happysherri - I'm giggling again. I have to use that line someday, "My game is tighter than my spandex". heehee

    What a day today was! Went to help Mom. Got Mom's medicine. Got my medicine. Got a few groceries. Got a few flower seeds. Got a washing machine (yep).

    All that only took 909 steps. I am not going to go out walking at this late hour, just to get in a few steps! or maybe I will. hmmm. another 100 steps and I'll have 1,000!!!

    Love to all.
