Birth Control/Weight Gain



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    That happened to me with a couple different brands. I finally got a copper IUD and love it--no hormones, extremely effective, nothing to think about.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I have had a mirena for 6 years, and I put on over 28 pounds (2 stone) but I was also taking medication for high blood pressure so it may have been a combination of the two. I went to have mine removed this week but the strings have 'gone' and the doc couldn't get it out.
    I'm a bit upset about this.
    Anyone else had this problem?

    What are they going to do for you? Do an ultrasound to locate it? They can't just leave it in your body!
    I've had an ultra sound, it's still there! The doc tried to get it out, she spent one hour digging around (not comfortable) trying to retrieve the threads but couldn't, so I saw another dr Tuesday who used local anaesthetic and used some really long tweezer things but said it is 'embedded' because i have a fibroids.
    I can have key hole surgery, or be knocked out and they'll try to stretch the passage to get it out. Or they will just leave it.
    I wish I had never had it. It was recommended because I had very heavy bleeds.

    I had the Mirena for 2 years and that always was a fear of mine that i would get embedded. I heard some awful stories about it. I am praying for you and hope they can remove it ASAP!! I got rid of mine 3 months ago and am now on BeYaz (pill) and so much happier!!
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    That happened to me with a couple different brands. I finally got a copper IUD and love it--no hormones, extremely effective, nothing to think about.
    However, I had a copper IUD at 39 and my bleeds went so heavy I was hospitalised because I became so anaemic.
    Fortunately, there is a lot of choice, but it can take time to find the right one for you.
    I thought the Merina was fine until they couldn't get it out!!!
  • loztredders
    I've been on several different pills and the depo shot and the only times i've gained weight has bee n when my eating has gone crazy! If you really feel the pill you currently are on is the cause, then try a different one as all our bodies will respond differently to certain pills.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    I am on the shot and have been on/off for 9 years. During those 9 years I havent gained enough weight to say its the BC. Ive gained roughly 1-3 pounds when I RESTART the shot, I have been on it for the last 2.5 years and during that time ive lost a total of 75 pounds (before mfp). So you should talk to your DR and find out whats best for YOU, because the shot works great for me, the pill works great for some people. and each may not work for you. Talk to your DR.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    It depends from person to person.

    I was on the pill for a few years, then now I'm on thew Depo injection. I didn't gain weight because of either of those, I gained weight from not caring what I put in my mouth.

    I've lost 10", but my weight goes up and down, so being on any contraceptives hasn't made me gain weight. Don't pay so much attention to the scale.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You will hear a lot about birth control and weight gain. The only birth control form that has shown some documentated increase in weight is depo provera, because of the high level of progesterone.

    Um, not true.
  • mandy2128
    Most BC lists weight gain as a possibility. I ended up stopping mine. Now the weight is coming off pretty quickly. I also feel a whole lot better!
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    Drink plenty of water.. and wait.

    It takes about 3 months for your system to get used to something.. so I'd give it another month before you give it the boot.

    I've been taking Birthcontrol since 2008, and I lost weight pretty easily on it.. and I don't think I gained either.

    THAT let your body get used to it if your still having a problem talk to your doctor she/he may have options
  • Candy_monster
    I was told by the nurse that any weight gain would be due to increased appetite from the birth control, not that the control "makes you out on weight" as such :S

    Not sure if it's the same for all types, but some of my friends have experienced an increased appetite from going on birth control as well :D And if that's the case then I guess it's just a case of carrying on with resisting the hunger :)
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I just went back on BC (Orthonovum 7/7/7) and have noticed my appetite increase. I'm hoping that with regular workout and strict eating habits, I won't gain anything and will continue losing. I was on BC up until October of last year and was still able to lose weight, so it is possible. I think it comes down to what you are willing to work for.
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 67 Member
    Mee too! I am due to get it out next summer. Since I got it I have gained 20 lbs over the last 3 years eating the same if not better and working out a TON more. I am almost 40, but geez 20lbs! I am watching this to see how others have reacted to Mirena. Of course my DR. said absolutely no connection, but I think so.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    I also had several issues with the Mirena IUD and Depo.

    I do not use any hormonal birth control now. I use fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy. I have a regular cycle, so I track it and know when I ovulate. This has worked well for me for 6 years. For those interested, read the book Taking Charge of your Fertility.
  • AuntieGinge
    AuntieGinge Posts: 50 Member
    That happened to me with a couple different brands. I finally got a copper IUD and love it--no hormones, extremely effective, nothing to think about.

    Wholeheartedly agree - Best thing I ever did!! No weight gain issues (which I had with Implanon, Mirena & the pill) but more importantly no "Hormone Crazy"!!

    Some people are just a bit more sensitive to the hormones than others I think...?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    I do not use any hormonal birth control now. I use fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy. I have a regular cycle, so I track it and know when I ovulate. This has worked well for me for 6 years. For those interested, read the book Taking Charge of your Fertility.

    ^^ this. No side effects, no health risks, no environmental impact, and I like knowing that I'm not putting anything weird into my body that could mess things up in the long term.
  • Gna13
    Gna13 Posts: 19 Member
    I am going on month 4 right now. I eat really healthy and have been working out more. In the last week I gained 5 lbs. There is no way I am eating more. So that is why I am so worried. I dont need to gain weight!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I do not use any hormonal birth control now. I use fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy. I have a regular cycle, so I track it and know when I ovulate. This has worked well for me for 6 years. For those interested, read the book Taking Charge of your Fertility.

    ^^ this. No side effects, no health risks, no environmental impact, and I like knowing that I'm not putting anything weird into my body that could mess things up in the long term.

    Obviously, you are also one of those lucky people who have light, easy periods.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I was on the merina and lost weight but stalled out at 200 pounds and then I could lose more unless I was working out hours a day, I lost more weight and kept it off without birthcontrol. My doctor told me afterwards that unless you are at the weight that you want it is recommended to use other forms of he tells me..I got my tubes tied after I had my last kid.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    Obviously, you are also one of those lucky people who have light, easy periods.

    Nope. Although they did improve after I had kids. And not regular, either, lately... cycles from 23 days up to 35+. It still works.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Obviously, you are also one of those lucky people who have light, easy periods.

    Nope. Although they did improve after I had kids. And not regular, either, lately... cycles from 23 days up to 35+. It still works.

    Its not about light periods. Its being regular and knowing when you ovulate so you can nix the birth control. If your cycle is all over the place doesn't arrived when expected most of the time then wouldn't recommend no birth control.